Member Reviews

Thank you #Netgalley for the advanced copy!

Hannah and Jasper recently moved to a small private beach community. Quickly Hannah becomes uneasy when her new neighbor is someone from her past. Little things begin to happen reminding her of her previous life that she keeps extremely private, was it all a coincidence? Who can she really trust? Is she being set up for something she didn't do? Finished this in one sitting!

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Your Little Lies is an exciting, page-turning thriller with excellent characters and plenty of twists. Hannah and Jasper move into their perfect new home in a swanky English neighborhood. Hannah believes all her troubles are behind her. She is truly starting afresh. Then, she meets her new neighbors whom she happens to know from her past life; a life that Jasper knows nothing about. Now, Hannah may be in more danger than she ever was before.

Your Little Lies is fast-paced and excellently written. The story is unique, and the main character is well-developed and extremely interesting. There are plenty of twists and surprises, and the end is quite satisfying. Overall, I found this to be a thoroughly enjoyable read and will be recommending to all my friends who love a good thriller!

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This was good, really, really good. You know those books you pick up intending to just read a few pages before you have something else planned and then next thing you know you are halfway through; well, this is one of them.

Hannah and Jasper are madly in love and thanks to an inheritance from Jasper’s grandmother they are able to by a beautiful property in a gated community. They have a nine-year-old daughter Pia and a gorgeous pup Luna; life seems like it could not get any better.

But Hannah has a past, one that not even Jasper is aware of and after meeting some of the new neighbours, one name mentioned is about to blow Hannah’s world apart, she cannot believe out of all the places they could have purchased her new neighbour is the one person she was hoping to never meet again.

The book alternates between Hannah’s past and present life and soon the action and suspense ramp up with the pace moving at an ever-increasing pace. Secrets and lies can take over our lives when we least expect it and is a daily struggle trying to keep up with things we are trying to hide. I became totally captivated by Hannah’s story, well written with characters you could identify with and relate to. Highly enjoyable.

Thank you to Netgalley the author and publisher for an ARC, all opinions are my own.

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Your Little Lies is a page-turner. The author does a good job building suspense and the authors story telling made me feel like I was right alongside the characters. Several twists throughout kept me guessing what the outcome would be. An enjoyable read for fans of psychological thrillers.

Hannah, Jasper, and their daughter Pia move into a new home in an affluent community when Hannah realizes someone from her past lives there too. When their home is vandalized, Hannah thinks her past is coming back to haunt her and worries her secrets will soon come out. Hannah will do anything to keep her past hidden, but do her new neighbors have secrets of their own?

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This book started off fast paced from the get go and had me hooked right from the first chapter. Every time I finished a chapter I found myself thinking ‘just one more and then I’ll put it down’, which I think is the sign of a very good book.

The plot followed the life of Hannah and Jasper who move to a new area to start a new life, however when Hannah meets someone who has ties to her old secret life, she realises that maybe the past can’t stay in the past. There were so many twists and turns which constantly left me eager to find out what was going to happen next. I really enjoyed the writing style that the author used, the book was written from Hannah’s POV, combined with switching between past and present. This writing style created mystery and added a lot of depth to the book and I think that the author using this approach really helped me to connect with the characters better and become more invested in their lives.

At no point did I feel underwhelmed reading this book, I felt it was an excellent read from start to finish and right until the end it managed to shock me. It was full of suspense and I would highly recommend, well deserving of 5* in my opinion! Thank you NetGalley and Storm Publishing for my ARC of this book.

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Two reasons it's 4 ⭐️ and not 5 from me;
There is one glaringly obvious overlooked relevant piece of information that in reality would have revealed a previous life and I felt that the ending didn't need an additional final twist.

Otherwise, I read this book in a day. Granted, circumstances meant I was able to pick up my phone and read it on several occasions but it is an intruiging read that leaves the reader wondering what it going to happen to next.

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This book will be purchased for my book shelf! I LOVED this book! This had all of it, thrills, gripping suspense, shocks, and surprises! This was a fast paced read and I did not put it down until I was finished! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!

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Oh my, ''an addictive and gripping domestic thriller'' indeed. This is the second book that I read by this author, and boy, she just knows how to keep you hooked from the beginning to the end. Each piece of the story is so well connected that, at the story moves forward, it all clicks. It has all the ingredients you want in a thriller, plus a beautiful English setting and a very moving ending. Thank you so much to Storm Publishing and NetGalley for this wonderful ARC, and Big Congratulations to Sue Fortin. Can't wait for her next book!

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Wow, this was one hell of a thriller. Couldn't put it down so I read it in almost one day. Good thing it was too warm to do anything else ;-)

We meet Hanna and her husband Jasper when they are moving into their new house at Silverbanks, a gated community where the rich live in luxury. Their new home comes complete with a local neighbourhood watch, an activity commission that organises swimathons and off-course the local busybody Elizabeth. The day after they moved Hannah and Jasper meet their neighbours at the annual BBQ and to her horror Hannah sees a flicker of recognition in her next door neighbour's eyes. Pretty soon we discover that Hannah has a lot to hide, even from her husband.
Her life seems to improve when she meets a new friend in Annabel but pretty soon things start to unravel and the luxury gated community is plagued by violent deaths.
Slowly we discover Hannah's past live and the things she has kept a secret.

It's easy to identify with Hannah and the things she had gone through and the plot is great. Interesting characters too and a couple of very clever plot twists.

Full 5 stars for this great thriller and many thanks too Storm Publishing and Netgalley for providing this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Hannah has a secret that her husband doesn’t know about. They have just moved into an exclusive area where she starts to let her guard down a little and make a friend. One murder later and her secret is exposed. But who is the murderer?
This book grabbed me from the beginning and kept me hooked until the last page. Very well written with a nice twist. Excellent storyline.

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book review 📖 Your little lies by Sue Fortin
Genres: thriller, psychological thriller, fiction, mystery thriller, suspense
Goodreads rating: -
My rating: 3,5 ☆ ☆ ☆
Read in: 3 days & 🇬🇧

check my instagram @whatsjoanareading 📖
* link in bio

🇬🇧 Thank you to NetGalley and Sue Fortin for granting me early access to this book in exchange for an honest review.

"Your Little Lies" by Sue Fortin was the first book I read from this author, and I had a very good experience! The story was very addictive and captivating. I really liked the short and intense chapters, which kept me hooked throughout the book.

But even though I enjoyed the book, I can’t give it more than 3.5 stars because I felt that the whole setting of the story was too unrealistic. The story is built on too many coincidental reunions, which undermines its credibility. I never thought I would say this about a thriller, but sometimes, I wished some chapters had more explanation or development instead of always jumping straight to major twists. That said, despite these less positive points, I highly recommend reading this book if you’re in the mood for a fast-paced thriller with lots of excitement.

I can't wait to read more books by Sue Fortin!

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I just finished reading "Your Little Lies" by Sue Fortin. Thanks to Net Galley and Storm Publishing for the Advanced Copy in exchange for an honest review. This book I would consider to be a psychological or mystery thriller revolving around a young woman who moves with her husband and daughter to a posh neighbourhood in what I can only describe as a gated community.
From the beginning we know that the main character Hannah is hiding something from everyone, including Jasper her husband, and the story switches narratives from Hannah to another woman named Laurel. Laurel is also married with a baby and she and her husband and trying to secure an investment from a somewhat shady man who has the hots for Laurel. What could possible go wrong? Well it turns out that Laurel has to make a sacriifice and restart her life as Hannah.
The problem is once whe moves into her new neighbourhood, her past meets her present...and secrets and lies are exposed in an explosive and deathly way.
What I liked about this book was the way the story unfolded step by step. I loved learning about Hannah's past and how it was impacting her future. She was a very interesting character although sometimes I wanted to strangle her. The secrets were juicy and the author did a great job of maintaing my interest.
What I didn't like was some of the over-the-top lines and actions of the characters. There were some characters that were written in a strange way. To further explain would mean giving away the plot so I won't. There were also some questions that I had that went unanswered. I felt like I missed a page in some parts, especially at the end.
Nevertheless, a good read, that is entertaining and easy to follow. A recommendation from me for the lovers of this genre.

Happy Reading

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3.5 stars!

Hannah, Jasper and their darling daughter Pia move in to their new home in an exclusive area in Silverbanks.
High glass windows and direct access to the beach, they couldn't believe their luck.
Everything seemed too good to be true until, during a neighborhood gathering, Hannah locks eyes with a familiar face. Did he recognise her? How could he not?
Suddenly Hannah worries that her past, the thing she tried so hard to put behind her, might just be around the corner.
What will she do about it?

Gripping ? Check!
Fast paced? Check!
Complex? Check!
Stressful? Check! (In a good way! But I could swear I stopped breathing while reading certain scenes 😬)

I enjoyed this book, it was such a quick read and I was not bored for one second, I just kept being curious, wanting to find out what on earth was going to happen next.
Sue Fortin knows how to keep her readers entertained and I am curious to read more of her work.

My criticism of this book is that I wish the ending hadn't been so rushed. I feel like a lot of things were happening throughout the book and not everything had the closure it deserved.
I also would have appreciated if things could have been a bit more believable, I understand that some "coincidences" are needed for the sake of the stories, but I think there was one coincidence too many.

Nonetheless, I still enjoyed it and I was lucky enough to read it as a buddy read, which makes everything even more entertaining!

Pub date: September 6th
Thank you Netgalley and Storm Publishing for providing this eArc in exchange for an honest review.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book! The writing was good and the characters believable. It was well paced and I loved that we were hearing from the same character all the way through, just at different times of her life.
I guessed done of the twists, but not all and actually, I just really enjoyed the way the story was told and revealed. I‘d definitely read more by this author! Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for my copy of this book.

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Your Little Lies

My first Sue Fortin and NetGalley read did NOT disappoint!

A rapid read that alternately builds both present day and the past, resulting in an ending that I didn’t see coming!

This read is fueled simultaneously by love and fear, creating a page turner as I needed to know more!


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Very good! This was fast paced and full of criminal underworlds, witness protection and above all secrets from the past coming home to roost. There are plenty of very hard tugs on the heartstrings too as the relationships between mother and child are explored upon their forced separations. There is also a dash of cozy crime loitering beneath the surface, as the story starts with a family moving into a new street with a very overbearing neighbourhood watch committee going on beneath the leafy middle class exterior. I loved the action and the guessing, even though it was bit of a stretch at times to believe some of the plot. I guess the ending in good time but it didn’t spoil the story for me. I liked the style of writing and would definitely read more by this author.

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This was a good story, though I do think it dragged a bit. It centers on Hannah, who moves to a new house with her partner Jasper and young daughter Pia. She makes immediate friends with a neighbor named Annabelle and also runs into another neighbor with ties to her secret past. The book is told entirely from Hannah’s POV but alternates between current time and 10 years ago.

I thought the mystery of this story was sound but there were so many coincidences that I felt it wasn’t super realistic, even if it was interesting. The pacing of the book was a little slow, with repetitive internal narratives and some discussion of mundane tasks. I think it would have been more engaging with some of that cut out so the action really pops. The ending was satisfying, albeit a bit predictable, and I thought it worked for the story.

Overall, great concept but the overuse of internal narrative and need to suspend my disbelief makes it a “like” versus a “love” for me. Thanks to Netgalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I was lucky enough to receive an arc copy of this book and I was hooked from the start. I loved the little drops of information we got about Hannah’s past and how it eventually began to make sense with plot twist after plot twist! A great and unpredictable thriller and a real page turner.

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this arc!

What a great book!! Such a good thriller/mystery! Perfect writing style and that plot twist!! PERFECT!!

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Hannah and Jasper move to the luxurious gated community of Silverbanks. They are super excited to have a house with direct access to the beach, especially for their young daughter, Pia. As Hannah is settling into the neighbourhood, she quickly recognizes her next door neighbour. And she can see that he clearly recognizes her, too. Now Hannah is worried. Maybe this move was not a good idea. Maybe Silverbanks won't be her safe haven...

This was my first read by Sue Fortin and I really enjoyed it!

This is a super easy and fast-paced read! I raced to finish it. I was hooked from the very first page. This is an emotionally driven, high suspense read. The entire story was filled with action, with not a dull moment in sight. I really felt for the main character, Hannah. As the story evolved and we learn more about Hannah's past, my emotions skyrocketed. Sue did a great job at combining many different elements in order to create a unique read. Well done!

Thank you Storm Publishing and NetGalley for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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