Member Reviews

What happens when you realize that what you want from a relationship differs from everyone around you? We live in a world that leaves us feeling as though if we don't have the same expectations for relationships than those around us that we are somehow lacking. This is the scenario that Amanda finds herself in.

Dominic finds himself essentially redefining himself and his life when his career as a professional athlete ends suddenly. He's faced with uncertainties about what his future will look like now that he's no longer able to play baseball.

Together Amanda and Dominic build a friendship that begins with each of them discovering who they are as individuals and realizing that maybe they have something to offer each other.

This was a romance novel that didn't quite fit into the mold of other romance novels that I have read, and yet it is very much a novel that the world needs. It includes characters that go beyond the cisgender heterosexual characters and creates a place in the literary world for us to challenge our own conceptions of what makes relationships work. The storyline is well-developed and the characters are easy to connect with. This is a book that I will absolutely be recommending to friends and family.

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This book was a story about relationships, It started out with Amanda Riverswood meeting her new neighbor, Dominic Gage. Some of the things going on made me laugh, and then we meet, Dominic's ex, which has been sort of secretive. As the story is being told, it seemed different. The book slowly began giving us more details, and when Amanda had to explain about herself, there was a reason for that. This book was well written, and shows us there are many kinds of love. When I finished the book, I thought the author should have let the reader know, that it is a book that some older people wouldn't understand, It felt to me, like it is for the younger generation, and the relationships that are happening today. I think if there is a little more about what the story is about, they would have a lot more people interested in reading it. Some, it will help them understand they aren't alone, it will help people understand what the younger generation is dealing with.
The book was well written, and I enjoyed a lot of the book, but part of the book wasn't for me. I received an ARC from Forever through NetGalley.

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A quick and easy read; something light for those moments when you just want to turn your brain off and dive into a book effortlessly. However…

This book taught me a great lesson in doing better due diligence before starting a book. After doing a little digging into the author and her past works (when I was already 75% in), I quickly discovered I was most certainly not the target audience for this author.

This book also reinforced the age old sentiment of never to judge a book by its cover. After analyzing the cover and reading the book description, I didn’t get some things I was expecting and got a whole lot of things I was not.

This book contained instalove. This book was unbelievable. This book had misplaced drama, repetitiveness, agenda, and too much language.

This book was just not for me.

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I found The Sunflower Cottage on Heart Lake and enjoyable read with a unique plotline. The characters were diverse and likeable with several LOL moments.
As a spoiler alert - there is use of "swear words" that some may find objectionable but in my opinion, the use of the words fit with the story and were not just used as shock factor.

Four stars from me with thanks to #NetGalley for the opportunity to early read this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Se me hizo un libro ligero, tierno y rápido de leer.

Me encantó la representación de las personas asexuales, es la primera vez que recuerde leer una protagonista que sea asexual y me pareció maravilloso.

Tanto Amanda como Dominc luchan con demonios internos que no los dejan ser felices, deberán a confiar el uno al otro y comunicarse si quieren que su relación sea buena.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Es la primera vez que leo a una protagonista asexual.

Amanda es exitosa profesionalmente, ve a sus amigas enamoradas y le da ganas de tener pareja, pero todas sus relaciones han terminado porque es asexual y duda poder encontrar a alguien que la ame, la entienda y respete el no querer tener relaciones sexuales.

Dominic era un famoso beisbolista hasta que tuvo un accidente que le afecto la vista y toda su vida empezó a derrumbarse, empezando por su matrimonio y luego su trabajo. Sabe que es cuestión de tiempo para quedarse ciego y decide tomarse unas pequeñas vacaciones, ahí conoce a Amanda y las chispas saltan, el problema es que el se irá en unas semanas y además después del fracaso de su matrimonio, no quiere enamorarse.

Me gustó que su relación se centrara en ellos, en disfrutar de la compañía del otro, en apoyarse y echarse porras.

Lo único que no me gustó fue la platica sobre la asexualidad fue muy corta y rapida.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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