Member Reviews

I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I enjoyed this book a lot. It was a great book!

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I love sweet stories with real life issues, romance and lots of heartwarming moments. This was well written with a great plot and dialog and wonderful, relatable, down to earth characters that feel like your friends and family. Loved the small town charm and adorable cottage. This one was a satisfying, easy read and well worth the journey.

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This was such a good story! I really enjoyed the drama and romance, Ceci was a great heroine overall. The story was well paced and kept my interest. It was fun watching the couple fall for each other as they fixed up Hollyhock house.

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This is a perfect fit for readers who adore lighthearted, feel-good romance stories about finding love and a sense of belonging, with a dash of small-town charm and a strong, independent heroine.

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As you know I've been a lover of series romance for a while. I love getting to really know all the people in town or a whole family. The only bad part is that sometimes when you go a year or move between books you have to pause a second to remember who's who. When I started Home on Hollyhock Lane, I had no clue who the characters where. I only knew I like the author so added to my ARC list. It didn't take me more than a few pages to get up to speed and remember this wonderful group of sisters and friends.

I loved CeCe in the prior books and was really looking forward to hers. In the first two books I felt the CeCe lived in her sisters' shadows. If you haven't read the prior books, it's a bit hard to explain. Because of her illness she is heavily protected by her sisters. They worry to mush about her. Because of this they have lives and she kind of coasts through hers. Never taking chances or doing more than her family thinks she can handle.

Because of this her dream home is out of reach. You need to have a full-time job to bring money.

With the loss of her dream home in walks Dustin and her life changes forever. Dustin doesn't see a woman who has an illness, all he sees is a strong talented woman who knows how to take charge and handle anything that's in front of her.

I love these two together so much. They just work. Because he does see her as anything other than a strong capable woman, he counts on her to hold her own which makes he feel important and able to do what she loves. She gives him what he's been missing, a family and someone who really cares about him other than his brother.

Because these two work so well together you don't really have a ton of conflict between them which I have to say I liked. Somethings you just fall quicky in love with someone and for these two that's how it was. I also liked how her sisters finally saw her for the woman she is.

This is a wonderful fun story that you'll enjoy reading. I did leave me wanting more for this series and I hope we get more.

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Home on Hollyhock Lane by Heather McGovern was a sweet, charming book. I really enjoyed the story and it was sweet and heartwarming. The character's were easy to fall in love with. The ending was surreal. Perfect read for the romance fan.

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3⭐️ Thank you to NetGalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for an advanced copy of Home On Hollyhock Lane.

Cece and her sisters own an Inn and have other successful businesses. But Cece’s dream is to buy the cottage on Hollyhock Lane. When she hears it has been purchased she is devastated. She meets the new owner Dustin and she becomes even more furious that he is going to fix it up and flip it. He decides to ask her to help him fix it up and the more time they spend together they each start to have feelings for one another. But with Dustin always planning on leaving will he change his mind and finally settle down? Will Cece finally stand up and fight for what she wants?

I was not aware that this was the third book in a series but I do think this could be read as a stand alone book. It is a cute rom com book. It was the perfect length but it did also tackle some serious issues. Overall I enjoyed it.

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This is a charming story. There is so much more to it than a simple romance. Family, friends, backgrounds and personal growth all add to the tale. I did not want the book to end. Thanks to the publisher for providing a copy via NetGalley. My review is voluntary.

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Disclosure: I received an early edition of this book through Netgalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing). All thoughts and opinions are 110% my own.

Whenever I had a spare moment, I was engrossed in the book on my iPhone, eagerly turning each virtual page to dive deeper into Cece and Dustin's captivating story. The more I read, the more connected I felt to their world, and I also cherished the opportunity to learn about the rest of the clan. The writing was so immersive that it felt like I was a family member, privy to their secrets and shared experiences, gaining an intimate glimpse into their lives.

I could relate to these two lovebirds throughout the story. I know firsthand what it is like to have love completely change your life plans and what it's like to have so many busy bodies involved in your life.

There were so many parts of this book that warmed my heart. If you're seeking a book that will make you feel all the fuzzy love bugs, then you'll fully appreciate reading this book. If you have overprotective siblings and busybodies in your life, you'll certainly love the background bits of this book.

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CeCe ha vivido toda su vida de acuerdo a lo que su familia quiere ya que están preocupados por su salud, pero aunque lo hacen con buena intención la están encerrado y se siente cansada de no poder hacer lo que ella quiere y para colmo alguien compró la casa de su sueños.

Dustin está concentrado en ganar dinero para volverse socio de una empresa constructora para que nunca tenga que padecer carencias. Entonces compra una casa con la intención de renovarla y venderla. Cece se le acerca para ofrecerle su ayuda y así empiezan a pasar tiempo junto, se van conociendo, hacen autodescubrimientos y se van enamorando, ¿pero el amor será suficiente para que él renuncie a sus sueños?

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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No es necesario leer los libros anteriores.

CeCe tuvo un problema de niña y desde entonces es tratada como si fuera de cristal, ella está agradecida, pero no soporta que no pueda hacer lo que ella quiere porque su familia tiene miedo de que se lastime.
Siempre soñó con comprarse una casa en especifico y restaurarla, pero un extraño la compra, dejándola sin su motivación.

Dustin es un constructor que toda su vida a luchado por lo que quiere y cuando ve en oferta una casa que le dejará una buena ganancia, no duda en comprarla. Piensa que todo será fácil, restaurará la casa, la venderá y con ese dinero se volverá socio de una respetada empresa de construcción, y nunca pasará carecias.

Me gustó como se desarrollo toda la historia, tuvieron el tiempo para conocer y poco a poco irse enamorado. Me encantó el apoyo de la gente del pueblo.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I loved this book. Dustin and CeCe were fabulous right from the start. The sub characters added a lot too. Small towns can be so wonderful and it really made this story.

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