Member Reviews

Travis Devine, our latest DHS hero from David Baldacci, returns for a thrilling assignment in the Pacific Northwest. Hoping to lay low for a while to avoid The Girl On The Train and remain alive, instead he finds himself in the midst of murder, kidnapping and overthrowing the government.

David Baldacci has given us another page-turner in "To Die For", the third book in the 6:20Man series. This is a must read for anyone who enjoys thrillers.

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Travis Devine is back in this third book of this series. The girl on the train is also back and we learn more about her. He’s asked to go find out about why he has to guard this 12 year old girl. The story has so many twists and turns you don’t see it coming when it ends. Great series and I hope it keeps going!

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Fans of Travis Devine, in David Baldacci’s 6:20 Man Series will want to immediately pick up the third installment of the series, To Die For, where Travis is sent to escort a 12 year old girl to see his uncle, who is an international criminal and who wants to take custody of his niece, Betsy Odom after her parents are murdered. Travis had served in the military with Betsy's uncle, but it had been years, and he is under federal indictment for several crimes. Betsy is being guarded by a seemingly bumbling, uncaring FBI agent, and Betsy doesn’t like her much; neither does Travis. However, escorting Betsy turns into a long-term investigation that is dangerous for all involved. In addition, The Girl on the Train, from a previous novel in the series, comes back to kill Travis, so he must watch from all sides.

Anyone who has read Baldacci knows why he is an international bestselling author. He is a master storyteller, and this excellent novel is no exception. He has a way of keeping readers on the edge, and is responsible for keeping readers up late at night. Travis Devine is a good protagonist, and is upstanding and likeable even though he is subjected to plenty of danger. The supporting characters are well developed, and readers will be able to see them in their mind’s eye as real people. Baldacci has a way of building suspense and the twists and turns are believable and surprising. The dénouement is also a surprise.

As usual, Baldacci gets five stars for an excellent novel.

Special thanks to NetGalley for supplying a review copy of this book.

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This 3rd installment is part of an explosive series, and right from the start this book
seems to specialize in actual explosions.. To get right down to it, this book is about
personal integrity, loyalty and dedication to mission that we have come to know in
Travis Divine. His latest mission is complicated and pulls both good and bad folks
in to a complicated story involving an orphan who is still on the radar for the bad
people who killed her parents, and the ‘uncle’ who wants desperately to adopt
her~which may not be the best idea, even given what we will learn about him…
This story will see Travis come face to face with former comrades from his past,
and we will also briefly see him in contact with ‘The Girl on the Train.’
This is a complicated, exciting, well written book. I look forward to the 2025
My thanks to Grand Central Publishing via NetGalley for the download
of the book for review purposes.

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This fast paced title kept me up way past my bedtime. I love seeing what Travis gets into at any given moment. I didn't figure all of it out, but I did some! (That always makes me happy.) I enjoyed Betsy and Kor and Nate. Supporting characters make the best stories. I can't wait for the next in this series!

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Glad I found this series. Its fast-paced and enjoyable reading. The addition of the girl on the train was fun and interesting.

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You just about can't go wrong with Baldacci. I was surprised to see a second 6:20 man book and more surprised by the third. Pleasantly, surprised. I've read and enjoyed nearly all of this his books. Great read. Well written. None of the sloppy mistakes we so often see now. I definitely recommend this book, this whole series. If you haven't read one and two, I suggest reading those first. We encountered a character in this book from the first book and I expect we'll be seeing more of this person.

If you haven't read Baldacci, especially his series (John Puller, Amos Decker, 6:20 Man), definitely grab some and get started.

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Travis is back in the latest installment of the 6:20 man. At the same time Travis is trying to stay alive he is tasked with protecting a 13 year old girl. This is definitely a page turner. The action starts from the first page and there are quite a few twists in the story that will keep you guessing. Thank you to net galley for an advanced readers copy.

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This entire book is owned by one little girl. Her name is Betsy and she is EVERYTHING.

In fact, she’s such an awesome character that the parts of the book without her in it pale.

I loved her growing relationship with Travis and her incorrigible spirit. I loved that she tried so hard to be brave and tough, even as she was hurting.

There were other characters in the book, but I barely remember them because it’s all Betsy lol.

I want more of her.

• ARC via Publisher

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There’s a lot going on in To Die For, David Baldacci’s 6:20 Man Thriller. Travis Devine is a welcome returning character. He is assigned to a case involving a 12 year old girl whose uncle is seeking guardianship. But, the uncle is under federal investigation. And, as expected, there’s a tug and pull between characters and agencies including the girl on the train, an enemy of Devine. A gripping and excellent read!

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Once again,David Baldacci delivers a tight thriller with twists and turns. A plot that is all too real - domestic terrorists - offers a chilling backdrop to a high-octane tale of espionage and patriotism. A fun read. Scary, too.

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To Die For by David Baldacci is a classic David Baldacci thriller, with fast-paced action, suspense, mystery and a whole lots of twists. This was such an engaging read and I loved how it ended. Thank you, Netgalley and Grand Central Publishing for giving me the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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If you read Baldacci--and you should--you will be pleased with his latest book. He doesn't fail to deliver and I found the storyline and characters particularly engaging in this one. What is there to say, really? I sincerely hope he's working on his next book!

Thank you to NetGalley for an advance copy of this book. As usual, I could not put it down!

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Well, well, well, look who's back – it's Travis Devine, and he's not messing around this time!

Baldacci's third installment in the 6:20 Man series hits the ground running and doesn't let up. You know those books that have you stealing moments throughout the day just to read one more page? This is one of those. I haven't been this engrossed in a thriller for ages, and let me tell you, it was time well spent.

Now, a word to the wise – while you can enjoy this as a standalone, do yourself a favor and start from the beginning if you can. The character development, especially for Travis, is the chef's kiss. It's like getting to know a complex friend over time – each book adds another layer.

This time around, Travis is off to Seattle on what seems like a straightforward FBI gig. But come on, when has anything ever been straightforward for our guy? What starts as a simple escort mission for a young orphan becomes a web of conspiracy. And let's not forget about that mysterious "girl on the train" – it looks like that particular plot thread is about to come to a head!

Baldacci's writing is as sharp as ever, keeping you guessing and flipping pages late into the night (sorry, not sorry, sleep schedule). The pacing is spot-on, the twists are clever, and the characters continue to evolve in ways that keep you invested.

All in all, this is a solid 4.5 stars from me. You can't go wrong here if you're a fan of thrillers that keep you on your toes and characters that feel like old friends (albeit very dangerous ones). I can't wait to see what Travis Devine gets up to next!

Big thanks to Netgalley and Grand Central Publishing for the early copy. It's always a treat to get a sneak peek!

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Devine is back in another heart pounding thriller. This series never fails to deliver on action and suspense. This one pulled on my heart with the deeply moving situation a young girl has been thrust into. The ambiguous death of both her parents is devastating to twelve year old Betsy. Devine had tangentially known her father during a military op. Devine now must protect her from an uncle she’s never known and those who took her parents. They had a mysterious windfall to purchase land, a new place to call home and pricey new car, where did it come from? Some unexpected friends step up to assist Devine keep Betsy from harm. Meanwhile the woman from the train is still in pursuit, closer than Devine knows. She enjoys the hunt almost as much as planning his demise. The plot is tight and unpredictable. Devine continues to dazzle with his ability to analyze situations and outcomes. I particularly enjoyed learning more background on reappearing characters and the legal guardianship aspect was intriguing. I hope there is more of Devine to come.
An Advance Reader Copy was provided by Hachette Book Group, Grand Central Publishing (via NetGalley). “To Die For” (The 6:20 Man Series #3) by David Baldacci is to be published 11/12/2024. These honest, personal thoughts and opinions are mine given voluntarily without compensation.

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This is the third novel in this series and takes place in the Pacific Northwest. Travis Devine and the Girl On the Train end up working together instead of hunting each other after discovering some hard truths. Devine is assigned to guard an orphan whose uncle is crucial to the government's case involving terrorist groups. It is engaging and a fast read.

I received a free Kindle copy of this book courtesy of  publisher with the understanding that I would post a review on Goodreads, Net Galley, Amazon, Facebook and my fiction book review blog.

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I was given the opportunity of reviewing the next in the 6:20 Series by the publisher. I was hoping for it to be as suspenseful as the first two, but it became too confusing with too many complex characters. It is still a great book, but I was able to put it down, the Last one, I read in one day.

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This latest Travis Devine thriller takes our hero through another adventure. Called upon to protect a young girl others would like to kill, Travis is also avoiding others trying to kill him. Non-stop action and subtle mysteries blend into an adventure filled with subtle mysteries, resulting in a story you can't stop reading. Can't wait to see how the next book in this series can top this one!

I received an ARC for free and gave my honest opinion voluntarily.

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This is the third novel in the 6:20 man series. In To Die For we find Travis Devine called in to help protect a 12 yr old girl whose parents have died under mysterious circumstances. When her uncle, who is under a RICO investigation, petition the courts for custody, things begin to get complicated. DHS, FBI, CIA and local cops all get involved in various aspects of the situation.

This mystery thriller has non-stop action and plot twists that keep you turning the page. With a whole cast of realistic characters, some you love to hate and some you just love, it’s easy to get invested in what happens to them. To Die For is well written and can serve as a stand alone if you haven’t read the other two. A great read for a cool fall weekend.

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Thank you Netgalley,author,David Baldacci,publisher,Grand Central for the opportunity to read the arc ebook,To Die For.This is the third novel in a series featuring Travis Devine,ex military now working for Homeland Security.He is a tough character looking to serve and protect his country,USA,even when facing death.This story is about a large conspiracy known as 12/24 who want to take over the government and use,by all means necessary,to rule with an iron fist.TD needs to travel to Seattle,WA to solve a murder and protect the young daughter,Betsy Odom,a twelve year old,of the murdered couple. He stumbles upon the secret plans of 12/24 and who its’ members are which is a big surprise.
. The story seems to repeat itself very often,as though the reader is forgetting the premise. The very best part of the book was the last 25%,very exciting. I will look forward to future novels with Travis Devine.
Book goes on sale,January 21,2025

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