Member Reviews

This book is the third entry in the author's "6:20 Man" series featuring Travis Devine. I disliked the first but really liked the second, so I was curious how this one would turn out. Sadly, it is more in the first book's court than the second book. Here, Travis is helping to protect a young girl whose parents mysteriously died. Now her uncle wants custody of her, but he has some questionable issues with the FBI that Travis also gets pulled into. The "girl on the train" appears in this story, too, just as she did in the other two, but here their relationship takes an interesting turn. What I did not like about the book is that it was too long and too repetitive, and therefore boring in places. Too many times Travis asks the same questions over and over and getting no answers, over and over. I much prefer the author's "Atlee Pine" series. Thanks to NetGalley and Grand Central Publishing for providing an ARC.

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Travis Divine is back in the latest installment of the 6:20 Man from David Baldacci. This is legitimately, the best one yet with Travis being assigned to watch over Betsy Odom, a 12 year-old girl who recently lost her parents. Travis must face an old military acquaintance turned crime boss, a possible mole in the FBI or CIA, and his former nemesis, the girl on the train. The relationship with Betsy was well thought out, but it was Pru Jackson (the girl on the train) who really carried the story. There were no down times, just pure action and psychological drama. I was sad when the book was finished, but felt supremely satisfied with the ending. I cannot wait for the next one! Thank you to NetGalley and Rand Central Publishing for the advance copy in return for my honest opinion.

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Travis Devine has just returned to the US and is asked by his boss to assist the FBI in watching over 12 year old Betsy whose parents have just died and her uncle who is under RICO investigation wants custody.
What happened to her parents because the official story and Betsy story don’t match up and why does her criminal uncle want her?
Travis begins to search for these answers only to become someone’s target. Every corner he turns bullets are flying at him and the body count is mounting.
This is quite the thriller with non stop action.
This did contain more military and several of the government alphabets references then I was expecting which is not something I usually read.

Thank you #netgalley #centralpublishing #todiefor for this ARC.

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The 6:20 Man returns, this time sent to the Pacific Northwest to aid the in a complicated FBI case and he’s about to come face-to-face with his nemesis, the girl on the train! Good book! This book had great suspense , action packed, murder, mystery, and a great storyline! I definitely recommend reading this book! Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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A two evening book once again

Fantastic pacing and plot

Devin’s body count gets a little ridiculous and DB’s politics threaten to indirectly derail story but it doesn’t

This is truly a great series with all the authors skills on display


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