Member Reviews

The starting novel, by Triana, was my absolute favorite. It had it all: the scary technology that don't benefit humanity in any way but very aftersought anyway, the stalker plot and the horror elements that I love dearly. The theme of this collection is technology, cyber punk and all the novels represent this very well. I didn't like them all but overall the short stories hold a very high level both plotwise and writing style wise.

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An engaging exploration of the intersection between technology and human experience. The anthology features a diverse range of stories that delve into the implications of our increasingly digital lives, showcasing both imaginative narratives and thought-provoking themes. One of the standout aspects is the quality of the writing; each contributor brings a unique voice that keeps the reader invested.
However, I did notice that some stories felt a bit rushed, leaving me wanting more depth in character development and plot resolution. Despite this, the overall pacing of the collection kept me turning pages, and the insightful commentary on modern society was a highlight.
While not every story hit the mark for me, the anthology as a whole is a worthwhile read for anyone interested in the future of technology and its impact on our lives.

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This was a collection of amazing stories! I loved all of them, but my favorite was the one where they were trapped in a VR game. These stories reminded me a lot of black mirror.

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I love anthologies that pull together stories from great authors around a theme. I know not everyone does, but it's so much fun to see how differently they tackle the subject. This was especially fun because there was so much imagination in this collection of horror/science fi/cyberpunk stories. Sometimes the horror was physical, sometimes it was emotional, and sometimes it was both. It was always at least interesting. Thanks to NetGalley for letting me read this

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Contained within these pages are a nullified of fascinating stories written by talented authors. You’ll find scifi thrillers, postmodern and futuristic horror, as well as speculative fiction.

I couldn’t get enough of this collection, and while I was familiar with some of the authors already, I was so pleased to find a number of new ones as well.

Pick up this anthology and you won’t be disappointed, within, you’ll attend auctions for the rights to known words- want to be the only person who remembers the word “book”? Well you’d better have the money to buy it!
You’ll chase after strange alien creatures in a world terraformed with living buildings and humans living as bottoms dwellers.
Get trapped in a VR game as it starts to leak into the real world and causes chaos.
Witness human evolution as implants and genetic tampering in children change the future of our race.
See the results of body modifications that turn people into killing machines or allow others to live through them and commit terrible crimes.
Flip through pages of rogue AI, feral robots, tortured lab grown brains, and so much more. Honestly if this was Book 1 in a Cyberpunk series of anthologies I would grab the next books in a heartbeat! If you enjoy the Black Mirror tv series you’ll definitely like this book!

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4.5 stars.

Crash Code by various authors is a science-fiction thriller horror book of short stories that has a fantastic linking theme of artificial intelligence and the advancement of humanity and how and why it can go wrong. Out of the 27 stories I enjoyed at least 23 of them. A couple I couldn't even finish. But 23 out of 27 is pretty good. When I listen to a whole album from a music artist I usually only enjoy 2 to 3 songs out of at least 12.

The range of stories and levels of goriness was vast and I found myself really looking forward to picking it up again; I was reading a story everytime I put another book down and it was really refreshing There was a story where a guy had an a.i. ball sack, a game that bleeds into reality once you use it, a gauntlet that steals pain from it's patient, and a guy who comes back in time to kill himself. Those were the my favourites and all stories had great twists and characters.

Even though I didn't give it five stars (simply for the stories I didn't like or finish), I would recommend this group of stories to my friends and followers.

Great writing with very little editing issues which is amazing and doesn't happen often with ARCs. Either way, I would read this book of stories again.

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Interesting collection of stories with the view of how each writer is looking toward the future. Or how they interpret it to be.
Kinda scary at times and makes you think about our modern needs.

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There were some really interesting and imaginative stories in this anthology. It's described as cyber punk and it fits the high tech low life scenarios. The first story, Cold Calculation was a brilliant opener. Putting you in an ethical dilemma, regarding organic brains navigating ships. Whether such a concept is plausible, is for the reader to decide; however, I enjoyed the location the author threw me into. Would you sacrifice yourself for the rest of your crew? If so why? Why would you do it if they were not prepared to do it for you? These questions were what drew me into the story. Other stories within the anthology also captured my attention, The Deepest Fake showed some really interesting ideas, much like the Gillian Flynn style the author references. I think there will be something for a lot of readers in this anthology. Of course, some are better than others and it's for you to decide which ones deserve your attention.

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Another fun piece of literature that has a multitude of stories to choose from. The common thread between each tale is technology, and how despite the endless options or benefits, there exists a horror lurking within, and by giving in, it very well could be too good to be true. It also discusses how tech. may improve one's life, but how you choose to use beyond its capability may surface consequences beyond imagination or understanding.

Per usual, a few stories for review:

A.U.T.O., by Hannah Trusty

Don't think I can get online these days without seeing some new ad for a cyber truck, with all it's fancy new gadgets and options, and let's not forget the self-driving capability, which is what the story of A.U.TO. is centered around. Instead of a synopsis, ask yourself instead: how would you react if the self driving vehicle you're sitting in just malfunctioned, and cannot be slowed down or stopped? A runaway metal object with four wheels; a pinball by another name traveling down the 66.

Bleed Over, by Rachel Nussbaum, is another with a fascinating concept. What happens in the video game happens to you in real life. How much would you be willing to sacrifice to beat your favorite game?

The Children's Crusade, by T. Fox Dunham is a dystopian tale that asks us what kind of world we would like to leave for those that will come after us. It also discusses the impediment of the existing generation, or those currently in power - in all their hubris, to think they've kept up with the changing times and should stay in power.

Besides the few above, the rest of the stories captured the creativity of each author, vis-a-vis the social commentary that was woven into each tale as a result of the technology present. For example, The Deepest Fake by Kristopher Triana is essentially about digital plastic surgery. If one could borrow someone else's face through technology, and wear it even briefly, what impact would that have on one's mental health?

Great collection here, and amazing work again by each writer. Many thanks to NetGalley, Blood Bound Books, and all the authors, for this opportunity to read and review a free ARC.

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When I first saw this title, I kept thinking of codes used in hospitals and ER's, like Code Blue and so forth. So I had to slightly adjust my perception, to consider programming code instead. This is a Cyberpunk Anthology of 27 stories. Some of these stories are EYE-OPENERS, you know that "Wow" emoticon feeling; some made me despair for the future of Humanity; others reminded me of the perception of malecentric Science Fiction which I've always had while reading "Classic SF" of the 1940's and 1950's. [You know, That Era in History when Women SF writers had to publish under masculine pseudonyms; before Anticolonial Science Fiction by authors of
Color was even acknowledged.] Don't worry, readers will find a wide variety here, and impetus to seek out further work by these authors. In conclusion, I want to give a shoutout to my favorite tale [although my second favorite two were "Mr. Companion" (take THAT, arrogant Humanity) and the eye-opener "Deepest Fake"] is "Cold Calculation," which I thought "had it all" and resulted in a stunning and unforgettable conclusion.

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