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🔸The Lie ➡️ If a person is overweight or obese they simply eat too much and don’t exercise.
🔸The Lie ➡️ Obesity is a disease of lazy people.
⁉️How many times have you either heard this or been told this … how many times have you looked at a morbidly obese person and immediately thought of them as “lesser” individuals? How many times have you been talked down to and shamed about your weight by the healthcare professionals who you are seeking help from? You are not alone.

“Outsmarting Obesity” by Dr. Stewart Lonky is a book that breaks down why some people continually struggle with their weight no matter how they change eating habits and/or exercise habits. Sometimes the battle with weight never ends and while healthcare is focused on treating disease obesity has forever been thought of as a “lazy slovenly person syndrome” only impacting those who “deserve” to be overweight because they “must eat everything in sight.” Those have been the thoughts of society and medicine for decades — now however there is finally a branch of medicine that focuses on obesity as the disease it is — bariatric medicine. Not only is obesity a disease it is also directly related to multiple chronic illnesses including Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, heart disease, high blood pressure, dyslipidemia, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and secondary liver cirrhosis, kidney disease, sleep apnea, Alzheimer’s Disease, neuropathy, stroke, vitamin D Deficiency, cancers, chronic pain, Lumbar Spine Stenosis, Herniated Spinal Disc’s, idiopathic intracranial hypertension, migraine disorder, fibromyalgia, and mental health disorders such as major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety. If this does not convince you that obesity is a serious medical condition then I am not sure what will … this book would be a great start to educating oneself and beginning to understand the multi faceted aspects of obesity.

Who is the author who is brave enough to challenge mainstream misconceptions and misinformation regarding obesity? Dr. Stewart Lonky is no stranger to challenging established beliefs about obesity. With his wealth of experience and expertise, he has dedicated years to unraveling obesity’s origins, causes, cures, and prevention. In “Outsmarting Obesity,” he peels back the layers of this epidemic to reveal the true drivers behind extreme weight gain. Despite countless solutions proposed over the past four decades, none have successfully reversed this alarming trend. Simply telling people to “eat less and exercise more” falls short of addressing a problem of obesity’s scope and scale.

I believe everyone should read this book. If you are not overweight or obese then it’s almost guaranteed that you will know one or more people who do have obesity. We as a society have a responsibility to stop shaming others, learn about obesity, and do what we can to work together in treating and preventing obesity.

📚Disclosure: I received a review copy of this #book from the author/publisher via #Netgalley. All thoughts, opinions, comments, and interpretations of the story are my own and bias free. I did not receive any money in exchange for this review. Thank you to the publisher/author for allowing me the opportunity to review. 🦄
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I found this book informative and interesting. Stories of people Dr. Lonky sees makes readers realize that they are not alone. It was a lot of information and overwhelming, and something I will have to re-read to keep remembering and learning. Overall, great information with steps to improve health.

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I was hoping to get a lot more out of this book than I did. Unfortunately, the narrative swerved a little too far into scientific text for my liking. I was also hoping to find that magic nugget that might help me finally lose the excess weight I've struggled with my whole life. Regardless, it was interesting to read - although the good news is that obesity is not your fault, we're left without knowing how to fix that.

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Outsmarting Obesity by Dr. Stewart Lonky takes a look at the history, the complex possible causes and the possible solution of obesity. He has done his research well from valid scientific sources. He also brings in expert information from a nutritionist. He offers a way of dealing with obesity that is doable. This book is written in a way that is accessible to both a general audience and experts. Strongly recommended for anyone dealing with obesity or interested the subject.

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I’m always interested in books pertaining to health & wellness, although this one was a bit of information overload for my taste. Because of that, it was a little tough to digest the info in a way that would stick with me. Thanks to NetGalley for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review – pub day is 9/10/24!

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Informative book, covers many different reasonings for why we suffer from obesity. A lot of medical studies are referenced. And the author lays out a step by step plan for readers to face obesity head on. Definitely worth reading.

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I found this book really interesting. I’ve struggled with my weight most of my adult life and this book suggests it may not always be due to overeating, calories in, calories out. Genetics, hormones etc can play a role. The author is a doctor with a wealth of knowledge and also refers to a nutritionist. I’m definitely going to keep this close at hand to refer to.

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A compelling look at.the obesity epidemic facing tje world through the eyes of science. It isn't just a matter of too many calories and not enough exercise. Could hormones, genetics, and toxins play a role. In tje growing amount of people struggling with extra weight. A compelling read.

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This is a really interesting book and I learned a lot. The author is a doctor and it's got contributions by a nutritionist as well. Lonky says that the obesity/overweight epidemic is a lot more complex than anyone recognizes. He points out that we have tens of thousands of unstudied chemicals that are now in our food, water, homes, etc. and many of them are proven "obesogens" -- meaning they have been shown to change our hormones, metabolism, etc. and cause us to gain weight. He also talks about the changes to our food over time, our added calories, the way some ultraprocessed foods hijack and fool our basic bodily messages like hunger, how our genetics influence our weight, how the government and food industry have betrayed us, and much more. Even what our mothers eat, drink, or are exposed to while they're pregnant with us helps wire our bodies.

One fact that I found fascinating is that our animals in captivity (not pets) like zoo animals and lab monkeys and rats are also heavier today than they were with the exact same diet and calories a few decades ago, which really points to fundamental changes in the grains we're growing and the chemicals in our environment. He points out that nobody is spoiling lab animals with extra treats. They're literally fatter on modern basic food that should be the exact same stuff that they would have eaten 30 years ago.

Lonky has a lot of advice for outsmarting obesity but it's not easy. He points out that we cannot completely avoid the many hazardous chemicals in our modern environment and that a lot of other things are working against us. He advises avoiding ultraprocessed foods (as everyone advises), sugar, alcohol, tobacco and chemical additives (not just in food but fire retardants on clothes and furniture, pesticides, fungicides, etc). He suggests eating real, whole foods (proteins, healthy fats, complex carbs like vegetables and quinoa), drinking lots of filtered water, getting healthy movement, and really being mindful when eating (not skipping meals, pausing between each bite, no mindless eating, etc.). He also advises looking at your patterns and working with them, like if you know that you can't eat just one tiny cookie then accept that cookies keep you from getting the goals that are more important and just not bringing any more cookies into the house, and to stop beating yourself up about your weight or what you perceive as a lack of willpower (he says there is no way willpower can do all we ask of it in this battle) and to accept yourself and just set yourself up for as much success as possible. Also, stop with yo-yo dieting and severe calorie restriction, because every time you're telling your body to make it harder for you to lose weight next time.

It's a really deep dive into all of this and he doesn't pull any punches about how harmful obesity is, but he also doesn't pretend it's the person's fault. I wish there were a magic elixir but this is more a very thorough look at the issue and all the ways we can work to help ourselves.

I read a digital ARC of this book via NetGalley.

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This book touches a lot on the complexity of the obesity epidemic. Many of it consists of genetics, environment, nutrition, exercise, and even multigenerational choices that end up with a hard to beat disease.

The author is knowledgeable and tries to be thorough in his approaches. Some approaches seem practical and some are overwhelmingly not practical. It makes you rethink your lifestyle and environmental choices nonetheless. As complicated as this issue can be it may not be user friendly if you’re looking for a quick suggestion to weight loss.

Overall, worth the read if you want to think about obesity and our exposures in a deeper way.

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Very interesting, especially for someone who spent half their life reading diet books. Good medical information and good advice.

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An intriguing look at what causes obesity and how to combat it. Uses a four-step program which addresses and treats the condition. Highly recommended!

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