Member Reviews

[arc review]
Thank you to NetGalley and Catapult/Counterpoint Press/Soft Skull for providing an arc in exchange for an honest review.
An Earthquake is A Shaking of the Surface of the Earth releases November 19, 2024

A seismic event leaves the world shattered, with a ground that is in constant motion.

Our unnamed narrator, plagued with self-doubt and desire, wants what her roommate has, and the only reasonable way to get what she wants is to kill her. So when her roommate disappears, she’s forced to leave the confines of their home and put all her hours of planning to use.

<i>“I’ve long understood I’m not perfect. That the only answer to an imperfect life would be a perfect death. […] I could wish to wish to die, but I could not wish to die. But what if the perfect death doesn’t have to be mine?”</I>

The narrative wasn’t very streamlined, especially not towards the dark desires of actually finding Tara, and I fear I was unable to grasp the underlying message that was being conveyed.

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