Member Reviews

What a fun idea Sarah Perry shares with us her love for candy mixed in with essays about her life.The Whitman Sampler with its map so you know exactly what piece you were getting brought back wonderful memories of me and my siblings digging into the box.The drawings add to the charm of this charming read.#netgalley #sweetnothings

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Thank you Netgalley for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

"Sweet Nothings" by Sarah Perry is a lovely collection of short essays themed with each popular and unpopular candy. The microessays are accompanied by adoring illustrations that evokes nostalgia as I read. It made me truly think about how the experience of wanting and purchasing candy is near to our hearts. Especially with Sarah Perry and her experience with candy and her relationship with her mother. Some moments were about evasive candy that may have never existed, or discontinued ones that leave us imagining for what could have been

I liked reading it, however, there were some instances where some of the essays of different candies were being repeated, almost as if there are too many candies and that Sarah never finished creating memories with all of it, despite her sweet tooth. There were some truly unique moments that stood out to me, especially when talking about Pop Rocks. A beautiful short memoir of holding on to what matters the most to you, even if that may be the candy in your pocket

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I love a candy, perhaps too much. But, like the author, a certain candy can take me back to childhood, trips I've taken, and more. Ms. Perry takes so many sweets that we all can remember and weaves them into essays about her life, stories in general, and about the candy. I loved this book. What a unique concept to come up with!
Thank you to Mariner Books and NetGalley for a digital ARC of this title in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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