Member Reviews

This is one of the best mother/daughter stories that I have ever read. The author drums up the family drama big time in this book!!!

Claudine and her daughter Wylie are not on good terms at all!! Claudine was one of the best skiers ever but had to retire due to injuries. Wylie becomes a skier too but suffers from anxiety. Claudine is her coach and does not know his to deal with not winning. Their relationship is very strained and they have not talked to each other in 2 years. Wylie is set to be in an athletic competition and needs a new partner. She contacts her mother and they are set to go to Switzerland before they go to Berlin. A lot will happen while they are in Switzerland as they will finally start being honest with each other. They are staying in a youth hostel and I loved the cast of characters there!!

This is a story of secrets that need to be revealed, listening to what your heart is telling you and that love can conquer all if given the opportunity. This one is out on 12/3/24 and I highly recommend that you preorder now!! This book will pull you in quickly and hold on to you until you get to the last page!!

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A wonderful story about a mother and daughter reconnecting and learning to see from each others perspective. Wylie and Claudette, her former Olympic champion mother, get snowed into a Swiss village after an avalanche, and a lifetime of secrets and resentments come out. Both Wylie and Claudette have to work through their own issues, their issues with each other, and also realize the cycle of emotional abuse started by Claudette’s father. The emotional victories are not easily won and steer clear of being too much of a quick fix or relying on tropes. The cast of characters snowed into the village, as well as the mountains themselves, round out the story.

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Bluebird Day: A Novel
By: Megan Tady
Pub date: December 3, 2024
Publisher: Zibby Books

This novel is the story about a mother-daughter relationship. Claudine Potts and her daughter, Wylie have been trained for medals. Claudine’s was forces into retirement and Wylie is dealing with her own issues along with her relationship with her mother.
Years go by and their relationship has been tested with a long period of silence. A competition leads them back to each other.
Can they work through their relationship as it is tested during a trying time? Tady has a way of drawing readers into a story which compels you to read to the last word. I enjoyed this story and the setting in a Swiss village is perfect for a winter getaway.

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Great premise, loved the Swiss backdrop and the examination of a strained mother-daughter relationship getting its due to right the wrongs of the past. While I was drawn to the themes of identity, family expectations, and legacy, I had a hard time connecting with the characters as the story progressed and the plot reveal was more predictable than I would have liked. But for those looking for a lighthearted story, this is a great wintry choice!

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this arc!

What a good book! I enjoyed this more than I thought I would. This is a first by this author but will not be my last! I read this in one sitting because I just couldn’t put it down.

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Having a ski champion mother who is driven to continue the family legacy by creating a champion out of her daughter is not easy, especially when Wylie doesn’t measure up. Why can’t her mother help her face her anxiety or support her love of art? Why does her mother keep secrets Wylie deserves to know the answer to? The dynamics of this once loving, now strained mother daughter relationship is relatable to the reader, as well as the regrets of a parent looking back.

The setting of a snowy mountain in Switzerland was unique and will make a great book to read by the fire this winter. Loved the quirky, unique characters who brought some humor to lighten the mood. Themes of mental health, global warming, and toxic achievement culture make Bluebird Day relevant to the world today. Don’t let the cute cover fool you!

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thought I couldn’t love Meg Tady’s writing more than when I read Super Bloom, but I was wrong. I adored this book and everything about it: the cast of quirky characters, the mother-daughter relationship, the transformation of them both, the beauty of the season and the location…all of it. Wylie is on a mission to win a European fitness contest so she can finally prove that she can win at something. But when she must pair up with the mother she hasn’t spoken to in years to compete as a duo, things get complicated. Grounded planes, stuck trains, dizzying snowy beauty, delicious food and family secrets make this an unputdownable book. It’s a must read and will publish just in time for the perfect season to read it in.

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Thank you NetGalley and Zibby Books for the ARC of Tady's new book, Bluebird Day. I was excited to get into this novel because I read Tady's first book and loved her witty writing style. Bluebird Day was even better! The setting and characters had me invested in the outcome immediately. I adore mother and daughter stories and Bluebird Day explores a complicated relationship between the two. At certain points I was rooting for the mom and at others for her daughter, but by the end for both. The pacing was delightful, and I finished early because I couldn;t put it down. This book will stay with me longer than a skiing season.

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