Member Reviews

Swimming to Lundy is a poignant and life-affirming tale of dealing with grief and loss and personal growth and finding one’s footing. The story did lag a bit at times, but it was so beautifully written it was well worth continuing.

Amanda Prowse did a nice job narrating the audiobook.

Thank you Amanda Prowse, Brilliance Audio, and NetGalley for providing this ARC for review consideration. All opinions expressed are my own.

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The book moved way too slowly. I had trouble staying interested.

I like the characters but it felt like it took several chapters for the story to move forward and I even sped the book i hopes it would improve the pace but alas, it did not.

It was a real shame because the writing is beautiful and the story, pwerful.

3 stars

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this book.

Unfortunately I just couldn’t get in to the book. I tried. I DNFed it at about 30%. I really did want to like it but just couldn’t.

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Sadly I just couldn't get into this book by a new to me author. The cover was very intriguing and alluring but I found the story overall slow moving and hard to connect with the multi cast of characters. It was only okay on audio and just not one I felt compelled to finish. Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early digital and audio copy in exchange for my honest opinion.

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It was raw and beautiful and I cherish this feeling. With a satisfying sigh and a full heart I just want to tell everyone how much I loved this. It was a story about love, life and loss and it was so good. I listened to it as a audiobook and it was narrated by the author and she was brilliant! I think she should do more. She was perfect for it of course and I felt everything. The writing is touching and heartfelt with a beautiful ending. I highly recommend it and hope you pick it up.
Thanks Brilliance Audio via NetGalley.

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