Member Reviews

I adore JLA and I am so excited for this next installment. Each books gives you little nibbles of answers and dozens more questions - which just leaves me ravenous for the next story. This one was a big one, and I am absolutely feral for where the story goes next.

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Thank you Brilliance Audio for the ALC!

I am a big Jennifer L Armentrout fan and this series has been nothing short of addicting. I absolutely loved Born of Blood and Ash! It was a great next installment in this world and I have just loved every bit of this story and these characters!

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Born of Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout brings us the exciting conclusion to the Flesh and Fire romantasy series narrated by Stina Nielsen. Battles, surprises and swoons await you.

Sera is free from Kolis, but her time as his captive haunt her. Reunited with Nyktos, she must accept her role as Queen of the Gods and convinced the courts to join forces with her and Ash.

Sera discovers much more is at stake and wonders how much the Fates and the prophecy have played a role in what is to come. Armentrout of course pulled me in with antics in the high court, unexpected surprises and the characters themselves.

The overall arc delivered answers and clarified some of the events that occured. The author is a masterful storyteller and hooked me. I was worried I wouldn’t remember details, but as soon as I began to listen I was once again beside Sera & Ash. I loved the court, the bickering and the shenanigans. Sera is clever and Ash ever supportive.

The battle scenes were fantastic and while I felt the ending fell a little flat for me, I was overall pleased with the outcome. If you love mythology, prophecy plots, and strong romances with plenty of steam and unexpected spice, you’ll want to dive into this series. I highly recommend listening.

Stina Nielsen narrates and has really become the voice of these characters. Listening enhanced my overall enjoyment of the series & romance. I loved the tone and playfulness Nielsen brought to the characters as much as the badass moments.

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I can hardly believe that one of my most anticipated releases of the year is finally in my hands! I feel incredibly fortunate to have received an early copy, and I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to Brilliance Publishing, Brilliance Audio, and Jennifer L. Armentrout for giving a small account like mine the chance to shine.

I don’t want to spoil anything because we’ve all been eagerly waiting for this incredible conclusion, and I’m terrified of revealing even the tiniest detail that could ruin it for anyone. Just know that this book is everything I hoped for and more, and it’s absolutely worth the wait!

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This series is everything and more! JLA is a mastermind in how she weaves her stories, and I’m not sure anyone can do it better. This book was an amazing series conclusion and I hate that it’s over. I love this author’s books and will continue to read any she releases. I love this series!

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Throughout these four books, Sera and Ash have captivated me like no other. I cried with them, laughed with them, mourned with them. And ached for all that’s yet to come, the loss they’ve yet to face. But I also felt so much joy experiencing their love for each other and their found family. Oh how every single moment featuring Jadis and Reaver warmed my heart so much 🥹.

So much comes together in this final book. The choices they make in the future make so much more sense. We see truly mortally grey characters and what the wrath of an incredibly powerful being looks like, no matter the intentions. The thought provoking exploration of the decision to go to war and the far reaching consequences featured heavily throughout the book as the characters decide how to handle Kolis after all the horror he’s already wrought. The story is action packed, keeping you on your toes with unexpected curveballs and heart pounding battles. I absolutely loved how Sera’s condition was handled and she fought no matter what. Themes of trauma and recovery are also explored with care and honesty.

Sacrifices were made, goodbyes had to be said, but these characters will stay with me for a long time. And I cannot wait to see them again in the next FBAA!

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Thank you Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to listen to this ALC it was perfect and the narrator of this series is awesome she did amazing job doing all these voices.

I think this would have been my favorite book in the whole series if it wasn’t dragged out a bit and repetitive in some places. I’m pretty sure it would have been a 5-star read, but it’s still a solid 4 stars, and I enjoyed every second. Ash and Sera are one of my favorite couples ever, and they will always have a special place in my heart. I can’t wait to see them again in the last book of the *B&A* series. I’m sure they’ll make an appearance.

Attes! He stole my heart in this book—he absolutely wrecked me, and I think he’s my favorite character in the entire series.

This series has so much information, prophecies, and interconnected details with the other series. I need to know how JLA’s mind works, how did she come up with these plots and connect them together like this?

I can’t wait for *The Primal of Blood and Bone*! Can we just release it right now?

<b> I rose, not as the true Primal of Life but as a Primal of devastating ruin and wrath.

“You are who I fell in love with, Sera. Every part of you. Not just the easy stuff but the complicated, messy aspects, too. I love each part of you equally. You will always be what I cherish most, liessa.” Clasping my cheeks, he kissed the top of my head. “Nothing will ever change that.”

“Sotoria could’ve killed two Primals if she had the chance.”


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One helluva ride!!

The fourth books starts where the previous book left us and OMG. Sera and Ash have been through so much in the previous books. It was nice to see how the couple work on things in this book.
The author did a very good job with revealing some important things and ending this series on a high note. This series is epic. I absolutely loved it!!
I ended up listening to the audiobook and it’s fantastic! Stina Nielsen does a wonderful job portraying Sera, Ash and many of the other characters. Stina has a wide range of emotions and tones as well.

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Sera and Nyktos’ story has been so captivating that the finale for them had to be just as riveting. And WOW, JLA delivered. From the absolute devastating ending of the last book, there were so many loose ends to tie. How is Sera post-ascension? What happened with Nyktos? What about the (imaginary, at this point…) babies?!? This book was an absolute powerhouse, navigating the trauma that Sera faced over the last few books while also FACING A WAR. I mean, we’ve all met Kolis, we know what is coming. This book was absolutely engaging and captivating and EVERYTHING from page one all the way to the end. I loved every second. It was such a perfect tie up to Nyktos and Sera until we see them again in the Blood and Ash world. I am counting down the days till Poppy and Sera meet. I cannot wait. Sera was such a dimensional character in this book and I was blown away by it. She was a primal god. She was a friend. She was a partner. She was a person overcoming trauma. She was a person struggling with identity. It was so refreshing to read a heroine that was so strong and amazing but who also had weak moments and really embodied that it’s okay to not be okay sometimes. She’s fantastic. And everything that she is, Nyktos was the same and more. It was so great to read a character that has always been strong and powerful and dynamic but who struggled at times and didn’t know how to assist or how to support. Watching him and Sera build their relationship through this book was just perfect to see play out. These two were really just a masterclass in relationship goals.

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Jennifer L Armentrout has done it again!!!

In this thrilling conclusion to the Flesh and Fire series, Sera and Nyktos face a battle between gods, love, and vengeance. As the realms hang in the balance, Sera’s bloodline holds the key to their fate. Prepare for an epic finale! 🔥📚

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CW/TW DISCLAIMER: I think it’s very important to read her trigger warnings fully and thoroughly prior to reading this book. I found them thorough, and was very glad that they were provided both in print and audio format.

I will spoiler free be reviewing both the book and audiobook narration itself.

I can’t believe it’s time to type my review for the final book in Flesh and Fire. As I sit here beginning it, I am still not ready to let the series go. However I will say with utmost confidence and gratitude that Jen truly left it all on the page. I can’t imagine what more she could have given us, truly I see why she said it needed this length because she gave her all. We finally see more of the nesting, loving deepening by the second romance between Sera and Nyktos come to a full and stunningly beautiful fruition. We are given so many answers to many a theory and we weren’t rushed through how the journey got us there. As always I keep it spoiler free so I can’t say much but I will say that it is a JLANDERS mega fans delight. There’s easter eggs, and tied up strings, and breadcrumbs we’ve followed finally taking us to our destination. It’s plot galore without feeling heavy or dragging. The pacing was exactly what felt right with a story of this magnitude. There’s revenge, and valor, and pain and triumph. BOBAA is full and beautiful, and worthy of its predecessors. This is a careful readers dream and I cannot wait to watch the excitement unfold when this book hits the fandom like a freight train. It will still all your sleep, and secure Nyktos’s place forever in your heart if he didn’t live there already. Get ready readers, this will be the explosive heart stopping ride you’ve been waiting for!

Audiobook Narration: Stina Nielson is BACK and she’s just as powerful as ever. I personally love her narration for both Flesh and Fire and Blood & Ash and it’s wholeheartedly because she has truly mastered the art of being able to narrate any gender, and any accent. She’s got incredible range and emotion and she brought it back yet again. For anyone who struggles to keep all the many characters deciphered I cannot recommend the audiobooks more because she has distinct voices for absolutely everyone no matter how small their role is. It’s also really helpful with pronunciation of course. I cannot recommend this series with audiobook enough it truly brings these already vibrant characters even more to life and allows you to lean into the story with her keeping clear who is speaking with such strong distinction.

Thank you so much to Jennifer L Armentrout and Brilliance Audio for giving me the Advanced Listening Copy through NetGalley in exchange for my honest thoughts. It’s been an absolute pleasure ARC reading this entire series with you! Thank you Kendyl for the opportunities you have given me!

Thank you to Jennifer L Armentrout and Blue Box Press for giving me the physical ARC and PR box, my views are entirely my own. It’s been such an honor to contribute to support and ARC read these worlds thanks to you all, and especially Jillian Stein.

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