Member Reviews

A beautifully written historical novel..
I found this book very enjoyable and thrilling. Although I discovered it was part of a series, it could have well been a stand alone book. It was a very enjoyable read, a story about trauma and redemption and coming back from one’s past. The realities of what Irish immigrants experienced after the potato famine when coming to the United States was realistically portrayed. Orla ,Anna and Joseph were characters that were thoughtfully depicted and as a whole,utterly unique and diverse characters.
I loved the original story aspect,I’ve not seen a book written about this before, and the opening scene really drew me in.
I did receive this book as an advanced copy and all opinions are my own.

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This is the 3rd book of a series, but can be read alone. I liked the histor icalsetying, a period of time I was unaware of, so it was educational. Each character, Orla, Anna and Joseph have experienced trauma of some sort and overcome or resolve it to get a happy end8ng. At times, this book was a little slow, but overall was a unique read.

#netgalley #DaughterOfStrangers

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Historical fiction and a thriller all wrapped up in one book. That’s exactly what Daughter of Strangers will give you!

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Thank you net-galley for this book!

Spoilers Ahead!

3.5 ⭐️

The book is set somewhat after the potato famine. It shows the struggle of various immigrant characters who deal with a gruesome and highly traumatic past. Orla, an orphan who has lost her whole family; William and Jane, her adoptive parents; Dr. Joseph Murphy, who carries a dark secret; Anna who has her regrets.

Anna and Joseph help Orla heal while a lot of things turn in place. Joseph investigates the murder of a certain Dr.Noonan who looks a lot like him.

What I liked:
- The writing style was great, there were certain times where characters thought what I would have in a similar situation.
- I liked Dr Joseph and Orla mostly, since to me their actions were most transparent
- The emotion-packed scenes such as when Jane was giving birth, or when Orla bit Alex.
- How disgusting Alex was and how Anna had some behaviours she couldn’t totally let go of in his presence. How she was always on the edge with him. It helped really villainise the character
- In the end when Orla held Alex at gunpoint, and she was serious. I loved Orla lmao.

What I disliked:
- The murder of Dr. Noonan was not as engaging as I would have wanted.
- I felt William and Jane to be a not as involved?
- Alex Royce dropped dead at the end out of nowhere? I felt it was an easy and rushed at the end.
- I liked how fluidly the tale of Finton the wise and story of the Famine was narrated

The book was great, with its focus on trauma recover and the need to face your traumas and move on from them.

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Orla is an orphan of the Irish famine, taken in by a couple now residing in New York. She has a beautiful singing voice, but past trauma surfaces and renders her mute. A teacher and a physician, both with secrets, seek to help her, but both are suffering from trauma as well.

This is the third book in a series, and reading the other two books would have been helpful. There was a lot about the adoptive couple that it would have been good to know. Parts of the book were rather slow, and it seemed overly coincidental that all the Irish immigrants involved in the traumatic situation should have 'found' each other in New York. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the story and the hopeful ending.

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The story is set during and after the potato famine in Ireland, depicting its devastating aftermath. It's a work of historical fiction set during a tumultuous period in Irish history when many people had to leave the country in search of better opportunities. However, the pacing issues made it difficult for me to stay engaged with the book or care about characters. The writing was okay, but the plot felt disjointed, and I sometimes found myself bored of it.
This one of my favorite genres but this was a miss for me.

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4.5 stars

It was an engaging read though it took me a bit to get into. This didn't help because I hadn't read the fist two books. Ftom them I would have understood more about Jane/William Anna/Joseph's back story. The author might want to link these books on Goodreads or Amazon. I think the first one I missed was Jane/William's story and their story continues in This story has dark memories of the famine and mass emigration in Eire. With disease and a murder thrown in for good measure. There's a good description of the effects of pre eclampsia and I worried for the mother and babe in those times. I was left wondering what happened next to the four characters.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own

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Firstly thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for the copy of this book in return for my honest opinion.

I did not realise this book was part of a series and now having finished it I did not feel like I missed anything in the previous books. I did enjoy this story of revenge grief and loss set in the Irish potato famine era. I finished the book in one day as I found the writing style really easy to read . My one criticism is I found the ending a little rushed but on the whole would recommend.

4.25 ⭐️

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3.5 stars

I had no expectations going into this, and it was rather enjoyable. I have the unique background of having Irish potato famine survivor ancestors as well as being married to a doctor myself, so this felt like a good fit.

Things I Enjoyed:
- The setting. The author did a good job of description without overdoing it. The subject matter and location were interesting and captivating. You can tell she did a lot of research.
- Descriptions of grief. I think this is where the author really shone
- Length. The book was a good length for the story it was telling.
- The opening scene with Orla. Powerful and a great hook!

Things I Struggled With:
- Some hyper-descriptive elements of medical procedures or bodily functions. Reading about newborn poop while drinking my coffee was... eh
- The stories were very disjointed until the end. While it was resolved, it felt like whiplash between chapters, especially after the strong emotional opening
- a personal pet peeve of mine is reading about signing. I have a hard time connecting words to my imagination when there are lyrics
- sex before marriage being on the same level as murder?
- the ending felt rushed. Alex just dies? Anna and Joseph agree to get married? Orla is an opera singer? It felt very sudden, though I don't dislike the ideas
- I wanted more intrigue around the murder! So much time spent on things that were objectively less exciting

Overall, I think this novel was good. I was really excited to read about a subject I care so much about - there doesn't seem to be much historical fiction about the Irish famine/genocide and I wish there were more authors trying to engage with the subject, as Wallis has done. I would read her other novels.

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I was looking forward to reading this book but I really struggled with it. I felt that it dragged on and on. I didn't care for any of the characters. The descriptions were very good just not enough to save the book for me.

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A very enjoyable read whether you’ve read the previous two in the series or not. It stands alone. Covers some similar themes to Rhys Bowen, but with better research and the medical knowledge and mortuary and medical treatment scenes in particular raise it above the romantic genre which is not generally my thing. The dastardly villan Alex is reminiscent of Georgette Heyer (a compliment) and you care about the characters. It’s fast paced and atmospheric and I I look forward to what Maybelle Wallis writes next.

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Enjoyed this but slight meandering in this novel when i wanted it to be more thrilling and exciting. Its also an interesting concept set in its historical sence. Overall good and i love the cover.

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This was not only really good but also interesting! Indeed, the plot was complex and original while being thrilling. I also found fascinating the information about electricity in medicine as well as its use regarding the cure of trauma. The story is also about redemption: is redemption actually a possibility? Can a criminal act be justified? A very good read!
I received a digital copy of this novel from NetGalley and I have voluntarily written an honest review.

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Daughter of Strangers is a detailed and engaging novel that offers a thoughtful exploration of the immigrant experience, trauma, and the pursuit of dreams. The characters are well-drawn and historically accurate, which makes it an engaging read. If you're into historical fiction and want a story that shows how people can be resilient and hopeful, this is a great read.

I found Daughter of Strangers by Maybelle Wallis to be engaging and well-written, but there were a few aspects that I felt could be improved. The pacing is a bit slow at times because of the detailed descriptions, which can affect the story's momentum. Some of the secondary characters, like William and Jane, don't get enough development, which makes their interactions with Orla less emotional.

The book is very focused on trauma and recovery, which can feel repetitive at times. Some parts, like Orla's journey as a singer, feel a bit predictable. Some unexpected twists could add more intrigue. On top of that, the overall emotional tone is pretty intense, and some moments of levity could help create a more balanced experience.

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