Member Reviews

Thanks to Dragonblade Publishing and Net Galley for this ARC. Book 4 was good but the setting was getting a bit tedious to i'm so glad the very have moved to Scotland. The move has reinvigorated the characters. I'm really hoping they stay in Scotland for book 6 and then alternate. Was great meeting new characters.

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This book 5 in the Kier and Levett mystery series finds our couple in Scotland. The reason is twofold. Niall is finishing a commission forvLord Balstone. Also when Niall received the title of Duke of Sedwick, he was granted ownership of Tallenford Priory. As usual, Niall and Kara can not seem to o anywhere without a body showing up. Although they try not to get involved, the unfortunate procurator fiscal, Darrow, is injured and can not investigate from a bed. Thus the investigation falls on Kara and Niall. And it takes our couple on a merry chase, trying to find the who and why of the murder. In solving the murder and accompanying mystery leads them to Edinburgh into danger and even more intrigue. The author gives us many possible villains to chose from, along with several different possible motives. In true murder mystery fashion, the culprit is not revealed until close to the end. Of course, the unveiling puts our heroes into more jeopardy. As always the author gives us readers great characters, and a great story that only makes us want more of these two. There is a wonderful surprise at book's end but you will have to read the book to find out what it is.

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I have loved this Victorian murder mystery series with its romantic subplot from the beginning and this latest instalment (book 5) didn't disappoint. The mystery is twisty, intriguing, suspenseful but never mundane or unrealistic with the romance being but a small part of the story so the mystery could be read as a stand alone. However the characters are so interesting and endearing it is best to read them in order to get the full effect of the story. When I finish one book I cannot wait for the next to be released now back to waiting, I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Another chapter in the on-going saga....

Of Kara and Niall.
This one features Niall. This time, he appears to be cursed after payment comes in the form of cursed jewels. He wants more from Kara, but the pesky curse means he and Kara in peril while trying to find yet another killer and keep Niall alive as well.

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Excellent Victorian Historical Mystery

Kara and Niall are getting out of the business of investigating murder, or so they think. Then, a body shows up, and the man investigating the murder is staying at their house after a horrifying mishap. They might want to stay out of the quagmire, but circumstances make it impossible, especially since Niall is the killer’s next target.

It is a twisted tale of murder, deception, and greed. There is even a cursed crown. Just what exactly does this crown have to do with anything? For the answers, you must enter the web of danger that lies between the pages of this entertaining book. I thoroughly enjoyed the story and would recommend it to those who like historical mystery with suspense and a dash of romance.

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This is the 5th book in the series and what a series it is. I have enjoyed every book so far and this one is my favourite. The characters well written and the plot is well-thought out. How these authors come with the twists and turns I don’t know but I sure enjoy reading them. It has so many twists and turns that you just don’t know who the murderer is. It’s the start of their new life but as usual, trouble finds them. This one is set in Scottland giving it a nice change and a great pace. I found it hard to put down and look forward to the next in the series. I received this as an ARC and freely give my review.

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Book 5 and I’m still hooked on the characters and the storylines. One of the things I love about the characters of Kara & Niall is that their relationship is of equals and he doesn’t try to diminish her abilities but is proud of them. They are a team the whole way through solving the mysteries, planning their future, and combining their lives. I loved that he allowed her to hold her own and address rude characters instead of immediately jumping to her defense because he knew her well enough that she could. I find many similar series have the male protagonist constantly trying to protect the female and it only just ends up in more danger and less trust. I look forward to the next book and seeing what married life is like for them and more of my favorite side characters, Gyda & Harold. I also would love to see more of Beryl the witchy innkeeper.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for selecting me to read an advanced copy of this book.

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In this historical romance we have a murder/mystery. Our hero, who you will have met in previous books in the series, has been made a Duke. He and his fiancée are inspecting their new home. The pair don't seem to be able to avoid getting involved in police matters. That happened in the other books as well. They are very brave and intelligent people whose journey I have thoroughly enjoyed following.
You can read this book on its own , but you would understand the characters better if you read the previous books.
Great fun.

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The latest entry in this very enjoyable historical mystery series has a very different feel from its predecessors, but is still very true to the story and characters. It is one of my favorite of the series. Kara and Niall are in Scotland for most of this book as they deal with Niall’s new title and estate. Mysteries involving murder, ancient artifacts, and missing persons quickly ensue. The relationship between Kara and Niall is also at the core of the story, and series readers will appreciate the development at the ending. As always, the mystery is compelling and the characters are strong and engaging. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy in exchange for an honest opinion.

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I have loved this series from the beginning and this book only made me love it even more. I have loved how the author has allowed the characters to grow over time without losing what we love so much about them. This book was especially interesting as we got further insight into Kara's more insecure side. She is such a strong, independent woman that you tend to forget about how poorly society has treated her. And it was nice to see Niall finally more at peace with who he is. Of course it is always a pleasure to see these characters work together on their "adventures". My only complaint here is that I would have liked a little more Gyda. The murder mystery is interesting as always and I was invested in finding out who the killer was because I had really liked the victim - and the more I found out about how poorly he had been treated by others I just felt even worse for him. The identity of the killers didn't come fully out of nowhere, but the motive behind it kept my interest. The last chapter did come as something as a surprise and in the best way possible - it is probably the sweetest/most romantic scene I've read in a while. The ending has a feeling of a final book for the series, but also leaves it open for more books. I'm hoping for the latter as I have come to really look forward to each book and to getting to find out what case Kara and Niall will tangled up in next.

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Oh! My Goodness, this was the best book of the series so far. Kara Levett and her betrothed Niall Kier (newly minted Duke of Sedwick) are in East Lothian, Scotland to inspect his new estate, Tallenford Priory. The estate has been closed and in the care of the Crown for many years, so they have no idea whether it is habitable or not. In the meantime, they will be staying with the Earl of Balstone on his neighboring estate until they can examine the priory and make it habitable. Except, their hostess is very unwelcoming and condescending and their host, well, he appears a bit off his rocker.

Niall and Kara are both determined not to get involved in the investigation when their neighbor’s archaeological assistant is murdered. It seems the murderer has other plans and draws them not only into murder investigation but the investigation of other crimes as well. It seems to be a domino effect with clues in one investigation leading to clues in many other crimes. They know they must follow the clues to the end and solve all of the crimes because multiple attempts have been made on Niall’s life – and that just won’t do.

One of the outstanding things about reading this series is the absolute trust and belief Niall and Kara have in each other. Their love for each other never wavers and their belief in the other’s intelligence and abilities is absolute. I thoroughly enjoyed watching them dissect the clues and follow them to the end where villains get their just desserts and the heroes get the loveliest, most heartwarming final chapter I think I have ever read.

If you are looking for an excellent mystery, with lots of clues and lots of mysteries, along with a bit of romance, this book would be an outstanding choice. The characters are interesting and the mysteries are compelling. This author has done an excellent job of providing the perfect mix of romance and mystery and I am so glad to have read it.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Another Gripping Story

I am a huge fan of this Victorian murder mystery series with its romantic subplot. This installment also captivated me from the beginning. It is twisted, intriguing, suspenseful, romantic and heartwarming. Niall and Kara are wonderful characters and I love their relationship, which feels so natural and loving and which develops further in this story. Above all, Kara with her strength, independence, intelligence and her warm, open way of dealing with people, regardless of age and social status, is absolutely adorable.
The already known supporting characters are also lovable and fun to read.

Theoretically, this book could be read on its own, but I don’t recommended it because the reader would miss the characters' backstory and the development of their relationship.

Niall Kier has recently been granted a dukedom in Scotland by the Crown and is looking forward to a more peaceful life with his fiancée Kara Levett, their unconventional family and his new duties as lord of the manor. He is also happy to take on a project from his new neighbor, the Earl of Balstone, an archaeologist specialising in early British history.

Kara travels to the unveiling ceremony of Niall's new sculpture, but receives a very different reception from those present.
When the Earl's assistant is found murdered shortly afterwards at the excavation site, Niall and Kara are determined not to get involved in the investigation this time, but then a murder attempt is made on Niall’s life in which the investigating officer of the case is injured and who asks them to investigate in his place...

If you like a good mix of murder mystery and sweet romance with endearing characters in a Victorian era setting, you are sure to enjoy this book!

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Carnage from the Cursed Crown by Deb Marlowe
The Kier and Levett Mystery series #5. Historical mystery with a small amount of romance. Closed door, slow burn. Can be read as a stand-alone, but better as part of the series in order.
Niall Kier’s life is changing in unexpected ways. Along with his new title, Duke of Sedgwick, he has also inherited an estate at Tallenford Priory in East Lothian, Scotland. The property has been empty for a long time, but he’s confident that he and his fiancee, Miss Kara Levett, will make it into a home in no time. In the meantime, he has created a piece of art for his neighbor, Lord Balstone, a local archeologist. Unfortunately, temporary payment for the art comes in the form of an ancient cursed crown and a body at the site of the excavation. Kara and Niall have declared themselves out of the business of investigating crimes, yet when the procurator fiscal is hurt and unable to travel or take statements from witnesses, they are back at it. They follow clues and ask questions with the danger mounting as they find thieves, lies and schemes, all in trying to find a killer.

A wonderful mystery and unraveling. Poor Harold, getting stuck in the middle of the power struggle. But never fear. Kara and Niall are not amateurs any longer.
Loved then ending and the hints of more to come from the witchy inn keeper.
I always learn new, or rather, old vocabulary from these books.
Costermonger: a person who sells goods, especially fruit and vegetables from a handcart in the street.

I received a copy of this from NetGalley.

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I'm amazed that Deb Marlowe is able to pack so much into the books in this wonderful series! Once again, we get a story with a great mystery, great relationship development between the main characters, and charming moments with the secondary characters who make up a found family.

Kara is joining Niall in Scotland, where they are to see the estate he has been awarded with his new title. Niall came ahead of her to work on a commission and they reunite at the unveiling a sculpture he created for a client, who lives near his new home. Of course, there's a murder at the gathering and despite promising themselves that they won't get involved, Kara and Niall are dragged into the mystery when the local investigator is injured and stays with them to recover. Though someone has been brutally murdered, it's funny to see our sleuthing couple try to stay away from trouble, but get dragged into it.

Harold, the street urchin who is now their ward, stands out as the secondary character who gets the sweetest scenes in this one. He's a scene-stealer, for sure!

While the mystery in this story stands alone, the romantic subplots and character development is more satisfying when you have read the prior books. They are as fast paced and fun to read as this one!

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This is a fun series mixing a bit of Victorian romance with a mystery. The plots and characters are rather unbelievable with the hero being the grandson of George IV’s illegitimate marriage. That secret had been set up in earlier books and I’m glad that it’s all been revealed and resolved by this book. Now he’s been made a duke and given an estate in Scotland. His fiance, the heroine of the book, is fabulously wealthy and so had been the target of several kidnapping attempts as a child. Her father responded by arranging for lessons for her to learn to defend herself. She’s also an artist designing automatons.

As Kara and Niall are in Scotland to visit their new estate, they get involved trying to solve the murder of a young man on their neighbor’s property.There are lots of twists and turns and various suspects until the mystery is satisfactorily solved.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book that I received from Netgalley; however, the opinions are my own and I did not receive any compensation for my review.

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I absolutely love this series! Mystery and romance together in one place, plus two main characters who continue throughout the series and are truly entertaining. Kara is a strong, smart lady who doesn't need to be saved and has Niall as the perfect foil for her investigations and mischief. They can both work together or separately and still be effective. The clues are well written yet not so obvious that you have figured it out to early. I'm thrilled to review these because I truly enjoy every minute of time with these characters from page one until the final period.

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Tropes: MC's team up to solve a murder mystery
Steam level: 1
Part of a series, works OK as a standalone, but highly recommend reading the other books first (they're excellent).

This has been one of my favorite HR/mystery series, and while this isn't the best entry (the previous one is hard to beat), it's a satisfying read. As usual, the world building is solid and the mystery is well constructed. Also, Kara is a great example in this genre of a MFC who isn't perfect but is strong and doesn't need saving multiple times per book. She is able to investigate on her own without Niall rescuing her, and while her temper gets the better of her at times, it's refreshing when a heroine is that well fleshed out. Plotwise, even if you think you've determined the culprit(s) and motive, you might not have the full scenario figured out. A character who is rather villainous to start ends up not so much toward the end. Meanwhile, a likable character at the beginning is killed off fairly quickly (this seems to be a current HR/mystery trend).

My caveats: at times the dialog is wordy, notably toward the end, which slows down the action (I get why the author chose not to leave exposition until after the mystery was solved, though) and I felt that Gyda took a backseat in this one. I keep hoping that she gets a love life, but nothing much has proceeded along those lines. Also, the procurator starts off as an interesting character, but doesn't end up playing as much of a role in the case as expected. I have to add that the ending was a bit abrupt. However, if you're a fan of Kara and Niall's relationship, you must read the last several pages for some closure.

Overall: although not my favorite, a solid entry in the series.

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Niall Kier’s life is changing now a Duke, but he still works on his forge art & the latest installation for the Earl of Balstone is a triumph. He’s thrilled with the result, until his patron sends payment in the form of an ancient crown, dripping in emeralds and rubies and bringing along an ancient curse. Niall just wants to get on with the new phase of his life and his relationship with Kara Levett. The couple along with Gyda are happy to inspect Niall’s new estate, which just happens to border the Balstone estate Then a body is found & accidents start to happen to Niall – it looks like he might be the next victim.
The fifth book in the series & whilst it could be read on its own I’d recommend reading in order to fully appreciate it plus the series is brilliant. I love both Niall & Kara & adore how their relationship has deepened & changed. Another well written page turner which I devoured in two sittings. There are twists & turns & it took me nearly until the denouement to work out who the villain really was. The ending is also lovely & brought a tear to my eye. I hope there are many more adventures to come
I voluntarily read and reviewed a special copy of this book; all thoughts and opinions are my own

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"Carnage from the Cursed Crown" is the fifth installment in Deb Marlowe's Kier and Levett Mystery series.

I have eagerly read all the books and found them most diverting.

Once again I could not discover the culprit at first as several different ideas kept forming into my head.

This time we get to know some new well-likable characters and some from the past turn out, so chance is you will not miss your favorite one!

Thanks to the author and the publisher for providing me with an ARC.

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When Niall is granted land, he cannot wait to show it to Kara. However murder and intrigue surrounds them as they must solve another mystery of who and why someone is trying to kill Niall. I received an ARC from NetGalley and Dragonblade Publishing for my honest review.

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