Member Reviews

this was a cute book! I enjoyed the characters and the plot, but the writing style was probably the strongest for me. also the cover is super cute. def gonna add this to my collection

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First of all thank you for approving my request!

I thoroughly enjoyed this book! The authors writing style had me hooked throughout this book.

I didn't want it to end, a book I really couldn't put down.

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First I’d like to thank NetGalley and the author for allowing me to have an ARC of this story. This book is fantastic! It shares the story of three women who have gone through some rough times in their lives and in the end found that the best way to heal was actually the simplest way. I can’t really get into it without giving the story away, but it’s a very good book and I highly recommend it!!

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Aww, what a sweet read. Fans of women’s fiction and romance will appreciate the writing of Unchartered Yherapy.

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I haven’t been able to read and review this book as of yet as I only received this arc on the 15th - I will post my full review of it once I have finished reading it on my Goodreads account. I am looking forward to reading this book.

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This is a poignant and addictive novel about redemption and friendship and is a perfect fit for readers who appreciate heartwarming stories of female friendship, self-discovery, and the transformative power of love, particularly those who enjoy authors like Amanda Prowse, Colleen Hoover, and Faith Hogan.

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Unchartered Therapy by Tiffany Killoren was a wonderful story on self-discovery and friendship.
The story is well-paced and wonderfully written.
I truly enjoyed reading this book.

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Don’t let the title fool you—this was an uplifting read. The plot was a little predictable, but that didn’t take away from Julia’s healing journey. It’s a great book that really puts people’s personal suffering into perspective.
When certain events happen in one’s life, we can’t guarantee the kind of reaction we will have and the effect those events will have on us. It’s how we choose to process it, that defines us. Healing can take many forms, sometimes in traditional therapy but sometimes we find the power to heal ourselves. As a side note, the fictional town of Friendly was painted so beautifully. We could all use a little Friendly in our lives.

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Has any little minor inconvenience
sent you over the edge? Well Julie's minor inconvenience was her groceries falling through the paper bag in the rain! After standing in the parking lot screaming she felt much better however the ambulance the staff had called for thought otherwise as did her family who arranged for her to go to rehab!
Julies rehab journey didn't work out for her but it did help her see that she needed something else!
This journey was lovely, self healing and beautiful! Based around strong females who make you feel like it's ok to not be ok sometimes!

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This was an emotionally raw look at journeys of self discovery as well as how friendships are formed. Cate is the lead voice inthe book and her fear of failure underpins the reason that she is in therapy and the book is tender about how she grows and the impact of friends and family on this. The author is astute and shows how some relationships hamper Cate and her next steps and how some help her flourish, the book is an honest look about the expectations that society places on women and now this can help us thrive but also be the pressure that breaks people and puts them at their lowest. The book is uplifting as it helps see that there are other paths to take and other routes that are less well trodden and get less society praise and plaudits, but that can gift happiness.

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Uncharted Therapy is an absorbing story about friendship and finding oneself. During my read I felt like this was a modern day girl interrupted (which I loved). It was also more than that bringing in a cozy small town self-discovery vibe. Initially we don’t have much background and things are slowly revealed through the therapy sessions. I felt the FMC was avoiding her trauma and we got to re-experience it with her. The story is all about healing and connection. What I really liked was that there was no preaching about how to heal. The overall message about openness and honesty was nice. Read this for a lovely story about found family and finding the self.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC. This is a voluntary review of my own thoughts.

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The first character we are introduced to is Julia. Julia’s start in the book is not ideal, she is having what can only be described as an awful day where everything that can go wrong does. I automatically had a lot of sympathy for Julia and that feeling was only strengthened when her family is introduced to the story. Julia’s mother, Evelyn, is an overbearing, judgemental character, and to make matters worse, her sister Liv, is a carbon copy of her mother. There is some reprieve in the family for Julia in the form of her sister Georgia, who provides a welcome relief to the rest of the family and seems to have Julia’s back.

The setting for the book is the deep South in America in a very reserved community where Evelyn seems to be more concerned about the town’s perception of her daughter than her own daughter’s mental health. Julia doesn’t prescribe to this reserved way of living though and thinks that ‘some situations called for chewing out the universe and she wasn’t about to apologise for it’.

It's clear from the start that there was a lot more behind the scenes to Julia’s ‘bad day’ that had caused her family to stage an intervention and set her up to spend a month at the Southern Sunset Centre, which was essentially a rehab centre.

Julia’s character from the start was a character I felt I wanted to root for, I wanted to like her, and I wanted her to succeed. Although at times there are sections in the book which are a bit uncomfortable to read, by that point, I was so invested in Julia and her story that I couldn’t help but read on through the uncomfortableness because I needed to know what happens.

It's not often that I’m shocked when reading a book, I’ve read so many genres and plot lines I sometimes feel like I’ve read it all, however, about halfway through this book there is a moment that I really didn’t see coming and even though I’d told myself I was only going to read to the end of the chapter there was no way I could leave myself hanging on that bombshell and I raced through the next few chapters.

I finished this book feeling completely heart-warmed and hopeful. I felt like I had gone on a journey with Julia, and it was a journey I thoroughly enjoyed.

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Thank you to netgalley for the book in exchange for an honest review.

Uncharted therapy is a captivating, beautifully written novel about the trials and error of friendship. Sprinkled in is a little romance. This book is a quick peak into the mind of someone who has mental health issues. It’s honestly a very relatable story if you’ve ever struggled with that. The author did a wonderful job with character development. The southern sunset center felt like such a safe place.

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Cute book about friendship between females, and supporting one another through hard times. A woman named Julia has a meltdown in a grocery store parking lot, which leads her family to have an intervention for her. They want to send Julia to a therapeutic center to help deal with her emotions and distress in life. Julia agrees and when she gets to this center she becomes good friends with two females, creating a bond. Julia then decides to leave after hearing one of the stories of a woman in her therapy group. Unsure what to do, and not wanting to go home she runs away to a small town called Friendly. In this town she meets new people, who she creates strong bonds with also.

I found this book to be repetitive especially the ending “not that I know of” and multiple woman showing up right at the end. I found at times there was information missing. It does have a cute ending though.

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Uncharted Therapy is a story about love, friendship, life and all its triumphs and tribulations.

Such a beautifully written story, with descriptive chapters allowing the imagery to infiltrate the mind. From the Southern Sunset Centre & its residents, to the sleepy town of Friendly & the farmhouse; it was so refreshing to envision what each of these locations would look like.

A truly unique and wonderful story; one that many will appreciate for years to come.

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Uncharted Therapy by Tiffany Killoren

Coming August 15, 2024

This is a story of a woman healing and finding herself through new found friendships, and the town of Friendly, with a tasty side-bit of romance. This is a perfect summer book for a heart warming story about friendship and finding meaning in unique spaces! This is well written and very engaging. You feel connected to Julia and her growing circle of friends. I would love to have a character like Opal in my life.

Julia has had a rough year, although what’s happened isn’t immediately shared. She has a melt down in a grocery store parking lot that I think we would all like to have had at some point. This results in her overbearing Southern mother, and the rest of the family holding an intervention to send her to a therapeutic centre for a month to deal with their perception of her inability to manage her emotional distress. The “I’m fine” is no longer working.

Julia is a reluctant participant and describes group as “the dysfunctional version of show and tell”. She is closed off and not willing to participate in group or individual therapy. She forms a friendship with Gwen and Cate while there. They support each other in the the weird, vulnerable and reluctant feelings they have about being in treatment.

Julia’s suspicion of therapy and its ability to help her I think many people can relate to. The theme of trying to suppress our pain and just keep moving forward I think is super relatable. Her journey is heartfelt and really resonated with me.

I don’t want to include any spoilers as there are a couple of twists you will not see coming.

Julia abruptly leaves the treatment centre and feels directionless. She doesn’t feel able to go home but doesn’t know what to do. So she just drives and stumbles upon the town of Friendly. It’s like a town out of history where the present hasn’t quite caught up yet. She impulsively decides to stay.

The characters of Friendly are awesome, old fashioned, traditional and kind. I really loved that the Blackwell family despite being dead become characters shaping her feeling of safety in their home. This is a great story of female friendship and found community.

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Es un libro sobre sanación.

Algo le paso a Julia, no se sabe que fue y no lo contaré, pero esta en un mal momento y su familia hace una intervención mandándola a un centro de rehabilitación por estrés, agotamiento y ansiedad, en ese lugar conocerá a tres mujeres que se volverán sus amigas, se ayudaran y apoyaran a salir adelante.

Gwen tuvo un colapso en su trabajo luego se que su jefe la humillara.

Vivian perdió a su hija y vio como murió.

Cate tiene trastornos alimenticios.

Quede impactada con lo que paso en terapia, no vi venir que la vida de esa persona y la Julia estuvieran conectadas, fue un shock.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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