Member Reviews

Enjoyable story about an aspiring author looking for her next steps now that her kids have flown the nest.

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I just loved Everything You’ve Ever Known. It was such a sweet story about hope, friendship and finding your worth.

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I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I enjoyed this book a lot. It's so nice to get to read a book with an older female main character!

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An enjoyable, quick read that is well written. The plot line is slightly lacking but if you can overlook that one flaw this book is a great way to spend an afternoon.

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I thought that this was a very raw story about what it’s like to give up “everything you’ve ever known”. It was empowering to see that the female main character struggled with her identity and sought out to find it. I think this book screamed feminist in the best way.

Thank you to netgalley for the arc in exchange for an honest review!

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This was an incredibly heartfelt read about a woman who lost herself along the way, ended up divorced with adult children. Many women go through this on a daily basis so this was a powerful read.

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The beauty of change

Paige has been depressed since her last child left home for college, which followed her other child leaving and her husband declaring he no longer wanted to be married. She can barely get herself out of bed, finds no meaning in life and is seriously worrying her best friend of 45 years, Kari.

When the stars align, Paige has a chance to shake up her life by housesitting for her Uncle Mike, at the same time that Kari and her family need a place to live. So, Paige moves to Florida and Kari moves into her house for a while. Paige's move does more than just change her address, though, she finds a whole new lease on her life, new friends and a new mindset for opportunities. I loved that the women all support each other through everything, and that Paige was a strong woman. I think that any woman who has had to evaluate their life and make changes will enjoy this book,

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book, but my opinions are my own.

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It is always sad to see how some women determine their own worth related to others and see themselves as a wife and a mother, not an independent and valuable human being. So I was really pleased to see how Paige found her feet in the new situation, and decided to find her earlier self and also her self respect. She found kindred spirits in the three women on her first visit to the tennis ladies' league with whom they bonded at once and they helped her with her inner journey.
Unfortunately I found the book a little slow and too detailed at places, but other readers might like it, so I can recommend it to anyone who likes reading about empty nesters.

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This book was defiantly one of my top books read this year! It was just so good. I loved the main character. I adored the setting and the journey the book took the readers on. Well done!

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This is a unique story about an empty nester who has essentially lost herself along the way and then is slowly being reminded of her worth.

I feel that I am not the target market for this book, however, everyone likes a feel good story.

The story is touching but also powerful, and it reminds us that we all still have that spark, somewhere.

Thank you NetGalley and Halo Publishing Group for my E-ARC.

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This was such a cute novel.
I could relate wholeheartedly to Paige who is the main character.
I laughed at one scene that Kat's boys did. I tickled me pink! Actually made my day!
I also laughed at a few other scenes too.
These women quickly become my friends.
They've taught me a lot and made me stop to think as well.
Paige is my favorite character. I loved watching her "bloom" so to speak through these wonderful women.
They reminded me of the Boosom Buddies.
But anyways, this book was a fun read and I didn't want it to end.
I think the title is what made me want to read this cool book.
I'm going through everything thing that Paige is and was. Empty nesting isn't no fun at all!
I loved how it was told from Paige's POV too. She made it that much more fun to read.
I just really enjoyed it! I lost sleep but it was oh so worth it!
5 stars for life outside of empty nesting! I highly recommend.
My thanks for a copy of this wonderful adventure. I was NOT required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine.

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This was a great story for me to read as I approach empty nest! I thought it was an easy to read book. Loved it! Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC!

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