Member Reviews

I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I enjoyed this book a lot. It was wonderful!

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I thought this book was witty and interesting and full of nitty gritty facts that I like. I did find myself zoning out a bit but I thought her story of starting over after failure was really well written. I was drawn in with the cover, I think it is really unique and I hope others enjoy it as well.
Thank you NetGalley for letting me read and review this book.

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Thank you @victoryeditingngc for this ARC in return for an honest review.

This isn’t not normal go to genre when it comes to reading. The biography follows Alison and her husband “BB lookalike” during their journey of following BB lookalikes career across the continents, from UK to New Zealand to Australia, back to the UK, to USA back to the UK… you get the gist of it. Whilst it was interesting reading about the trials and tribulations of upping sticks and moving her entire life to follow BB lookalikes career, there wasn’t much in the book that kept me intrigued and wanting more. I did find the constant use of 'BB lookalike' in reference to her husband rather than an actual name quite grating

I did feel for Alison as she basically put her own life and career on hold to follow her husband’s dreams. I think this left Alison very unsettled in every destination they moved to, she never seemed content. I do not envy the upheaval of the amount of times they’ve had to buy and sell houses or find rentals to suit their needs.

The Trailing Spouse is not the most flattering of titles for spouses making the decision to follow their partners career rather than pursuing their own, I think Alison’s ‘The accidental Plus One” has a far better ring to it.

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The Accidntal Plus One is a heartwarming true story about what happens when love takes us an unexpected places. Pick this one up.

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