Member Reviews

Once Smitten Twice Shy is the third and best book in the Wilmot Sisters series, though they were all a lot of fun! And you don’t need to read the first two to enjoy this one.

Juliet and Will meet in a Scottish pub and the chemistry is SO GOOD from the beginning! The writing in the opening scene (and throughout the book) really captures the emotions and pull of these characters! The instant chemistry strikes fear into Juliet, who’s been down a tough road. She recently escaped a massively toxic relationship and seriously questions her judgment in relationships. So she’s in no place to get close to a man.

Will is neurodivergent (autism) and has gotten accustomed to rejection from women in the sometimes sad world we live in. He’s given up on love and is willing to settle for a marriage of convenience with someone he likes and respects, but he can’t get past a third date.

So what a surprise when, months later, they run into each other again in the States and find out they have some pretty close ties. Juliet wants to be ready to open herself up to love again; Will wants to find a partner he can at least enjoy life with. So they decide to help each other out by “practicing” dating. And I’m sure you see where this is heading!

Once Smitten Twice Shy was an absolutely beautiful and touching story with tenderness, empathy, and passion. Juliet and Will exude warmth and sincerity are both such lovely people. You see and feel the relationship growing and the love they’re creating. I will say there was a span where I was like, “come on already, it’s soooooo obvious you guys are in love with each other, just recognize it and admit it,” which often happens in friends-to-lovers books. But I really can’t complain.

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Rating: 4.25/5
Warning: toxic relationship + emotional abuse (in past)
Representation: autism and living with a chronic condition (mixed connective tissue disease and celiac disease)

I had zero chill, I started this baby the minute I could because I was just so excited!

Do I have thoughts? Absolutely! This book was so soft, and I loved these characters. I won’t lie—it’s been harder for me to get into the Wilmot Sisters after being fully invested in the Bergman Family, but this story won me over.

Things I Loved: Every time he called her “baby.” I was rooting for these two so hard. I adored how their families ended up being connected. Will was so considerate of Jules and her food needs. The She’s the Man references. Family dynamics and shirtless basketball scenes.

Things I Didn’t Love: I wanted more individual growth and for them to actually talk through those issues. You could see glimpses of their healing, but it wasn’t fully explored.

Overall, I highly suggest Once Smitten, Twice Shy and can’t wait to see what Chloe gives us next!! I need another series on the horizon to look forward to!

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I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it. It was just meh to me. I almost dnf'd it, I'm happy that I didn't because it did get better, but it's still won't be added to my favorites.

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Will isn’t looking for love but he is searching for a woman he can marry that can help him run his family distillery and farm. A neurodiverse person, he needs someone adept at handling the social dynamics of the business.

Juliet, is taking a break from dating after getting out of a long term serious relationship. She doesn’t quite trust herself to get into another relationship but wants to sharpen her flirting skills for when she is ready to find love again.

After a couple of serendipitous meet-cutes, Will and Juliet make a mutually beneficial pact. They will help each other reach their goals by practicing romance with one other. But what begins as just practice evolves into something undeniably genuine in this steamy third novel in the Wilmot Sisters trilogy.

Like the previous books in the series, it reimagines a Shakespeare play—this time, it's the Twelfth Night.

Told from alternating points of view, with main characters that are autistic and living with a chronic illness, and featuring a large and supportive network of friends and family, this satisfying stand- alone romance is a celebration of love, family and inclusivity.

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Putting this one down at 40 percent. I am a Chloe Liese stan but the premise of this story is hard to accept.

Will and Juliet are helping each other with stepping back into romance, have obvious feelings for each other but have both accepted they’re “off limits.” This is stretching my suspension of disbelief to the max and affecting my enjoyment of the story.

Might try it again later

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This was simply wonderful. I fell in love with Chloe's writing in the first book of this series and each one has just gotten better and better. It's such a joy to look out for references to Shakespeare's work and see how she spins it into a modern take. She is so talented at writing witty banter, sizzling chemistry, and love interests (both the FMC and MMC) that you want to swoon over! Sad to see this series end, but so excited for what she has next.

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3.5 ⭐️

This was a cute & cozy romance! It definitely wasn’t anything special, but I thought it was still pretty enjoyable, especially if you’re looking for something easy and fun. I thought this touched on some really important & niche topics, and I related to Juliet in a ton of ways! I think that some aspects of the characters could have been expanded on more, and I did find myself getting a tad bored after the middle. We love a big softie MMC!!

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I really loved the concept at the beginning; it felt fresh and fun! The shy guy seeking dating help was particularly cute. However, things started to get mixed for me when the story introduced the dynamic of helping each other out romantically but as friends.

While I appreciated the concept, the shift to mutual attraction and the admission of feelings occurred too quickly for my taste. This early admission of attraction made me less interested. Although they didn't fully act on their feelings, the kiss and early confession felt too soon.

There was also too much description that didn't seem necessary. I enjoyed the beginning a lot, but I lost interest about halfway through, making it difficult to reconnect with the story.

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Let's practice romance! I love how they start off with practice and leads into an undeniable attraction. The characters were relatable and I just wanted to hug our shy Will. He's just so sweet in his endeavor to win over a wife to save his family's business. Juliet is a perfect balance for him and I adored these two together. Definitely a must read!

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what a lovely ending to this trio of sisters. i loved this world so much. thank you, again, chloe for such inclusive real characters to show that all people deserve whatever kind of love story they’re looking for. will was so sweet and lovely and of course getting more insight into juliet after all this time was really fun. i loved all of the nods to twelfth night and especially to she’s the man. that’s one of my favorite movies of all time and every time i read a twelfth night adaptation i love seeing them. this was so sweet and fun!

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Once Smitten, Twice Shy closes out Chloe Liese’s Wilmont Sister trilogy, a series where she entwines Shakespeare’s plays with modern-day romances. Reimagining Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night, Liese entangles two opposites in a practice romance that verges on something more real than they ever could have anticipated. Juliet Wilmont, once hopeless romantic turned cynic, and Will Orsino, a shy and reserved highlander lookalike chart an unexpected way out of their romantic blocks by agreeing to partake in a practical dating experiment together. From the moment I read the first book in this series, I knew Chloe Liese had created something special and that has not changed from book one to now. Chloe Liese has become one of my favorite romance novelists. Her surefire depiction of contemporary love meeting all aspects of life from mental health, to chronic illness and neurodivergence is both powerful as it is necessary. In her third and final book in this trilogy, Liese showcases her capacity for flawed characters driven to better themselves contained within an effortlessly swoony romance. Once Smitten Twice Shy is a resounding ode to romance readers and those still discovering exactly what they want out of life and love. My favorite love stories are the ones that celebrate love as discovery and Will and Juliet embody that in the sweetest possible way. Remember that it’s love if she wacks him with a giant shovel and he still has heart eyes only for her (it’s romantic okay). Once Smitten Twice Shy brings a bittersweet conclusion to the Wilmont sisters series. Getting to the end of this trilogy has been an emotional experience and one I am not quite yet ready to leave behind, but I do know that Chloe Liese will be there to deliver more exquisite romances now and forever.

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A fun read with a lot of heart and joy. Once Smitten, Twice Shy starts off with a (almost!) bang, and keeps growing the character interactions in an interesting way once they meet up again. The story went in a direction I didn’t expect, despite the familiar tropes, and I found myself happily surprised several times. I enjoyed the disability representation and think a lot of people will like the conclusion to this standalone series.

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Having read the first two books in the Wilmot Sisters series I was very excited to read Juliet's and I loved, truly loved it. I thought Juliet and Will were so well developed, so lovable and their relationship felt grounded, real and human. I also love the friendships in this series and how they have evolved over the course of the three books. Reading it I just want to be a part of it. There was disability representation, as there was in Bea's and Kate's books, and I thought it was handled really well, particularly with Juliet. It did not define her character, it was just a part of her in a way that is realistic and often not seen in romance books. Highly, highly recommend.

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I totally flew through this one! Chloe Liese writes some of the best disability rep out there. While I wasn't 100% sold on the plot (fake dating rarely makes sense to me) the characters more than make up for it.

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I received a free copy of this e-book from the publisher (via NetGalley) in exchange for an honest review.

I adored this book from beginning to end. Juliet lives with a chronic health condition and recently had her heart broken. Will is neurodivergent and struggles with relationships. Together, the pair hatch a plan to help Will become more comfortable with dating and relationships, while simultaneously helping Juliet re-enter the dating world. Big feelings ensue.

These two were adorable from beginning to end, and I'm very glad I was able to follow their journey.

I very much appreciate that there was no third act event that caused Juliet and Will to break up.

I would recommend this to any romance fans, even if you haven't read the rest of the series (you should).

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If you've enjoyed other books in this series, you'll probably like this one.

That being said, the first two books in this series were meh in my opinion and this one isn't any better. I adore Chloe Liese as both a person and an author (her Bergman series is in my personal romance hall of fame) so I figured I'd give this book a shot. Unfortunately I found it entirely too meta, based on discussions of discussions (if that sounds confusing... it is) and with too many side characters that add little to nothing to the plot.

Long story short: like every other book in this series, I didn't like this one.

Will you like it? Maybe. Read books 1 + 2 then decide for yourself.
Will I read more by Chloe? Yes, absolutely. But I won't be rereading this one anytime soon.

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“You were a lightning strike, lighting up my heart.
I was once smitten, twice shy,
But you still gave me a chance, let me play a part,
Let me learn to love you, believed in me when I
And when the curtain came down,
roses at your feet,
All I could do was look at you and think,
That if you let me love you for as long as I live,
My life would be complete.”


my dear god how much I love juleswill, the wilmot sisters, and all chloe liese books.

the way she writes every emotion, the way I connect and feel with every single one of her characters, that I feel like they know me and represent me in small or big ways, we always share something in common and I always close her books knowing something new about myself, life, love, and so many more things.

the way she always emphasizes about how every single one of us deserves and it's meant to find a love that is worthy of them and it will be perfect and worthy of our full heart.

no matter who you are, how, where or why someone made you feel like you don't, you WILL be loved deeply and fully, just like your favorite stories, but in your own special way. you'll get your unique bookish love story.

I always say this, but it is not less true, since I opened the book I fell completely in love with juleswill. It's so obvious how they're perfect together, how meant to be they are, and as ones read more, it becomes more and more obvious everyone and the universe see it too.

but they must discover it at their own pace, since both are in a journey of self love and trust, of seeing themselves brave and open hearted again. and while they do it, we get to fall in love with juliet and will as individuals and together.

the found family is fantastic because this group of friends is one of the most special I've ever read, a bunch of weird loving fun funny wholehearted people. but the blood families are also fantastic. the wilmot's are already known and loved but this book makes them more special, and the orsino's are as fantastic as them and more.

I like to think the bergman's (my beloved family) are related to the orsino's in some way because will orsino is sooooo like my best boys the bergman brothers.

I'll miss these characters so much, I adore them with all my heart. I hope maybe one day we get an extended epilogue more into the future and find out how all of them are doing.

I also wouldn't be opposed to the chance of getting more on the single orsino's and possibly their neighbors... I felt there was something there idk we will see.

I could continue praising them and chloe endlessly because that's mother!!! but I'll let you go and enjoy it and all of her work. I'll leave some of my favorite quotes below for you to love them more.

beware of possible spoilers

“She bites her lip, her face drawn tight with worry as I try to get my bearings. But it’s damn near impossible when sunshine spills from the sky behind her. It casts another bronze halo around her head, just like it did when I first saw her this morning, like she’s an angel the light can’t help but love.”

““Why . . .” I clear my throat, which has suddenly gotten thick. “Why do you believe in me?” A smile breaks across her face. “Because I believe we all deserve the kind of happily ever after that we want. If we’re brave enough to put our true selves out there, we can find someone who wants us for all of that, who wants that same kind of happily ever after, too.” My heart feels like it’s made of sunlight, like it’s spilling, hot and hopeful, through every corner of me.”

““What is it?”“You just . . .” His gaze dances over my face. “You gave the best damn laugh.” My heart jolts and clatters, like it missed a step and went tumbling down the stairs. “I’ve been told it’s loud.”“Oh, it’s loud all right. But it’s . . . right, how it should be. Like . . . fireworks. When you’re staring up at the sky, watching them light up the night , all sparkle and glitter, there’s nothing else that should follow that beauty but an epic boom. That’s . . . what your laugh feels like, like it should be—as loud as it is pretty.””

““You kiss all your friends like that, Will Orsino?” He stares down at me and shakes his head. “Absolutely not.” I clasp his hand, stroking his palm softly. “Lucky me, then,” I whisper. “Juliet,” he mutters, shaking his head again. “That was . . .” I nod. “Yeah, it was.””

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This was just such a romantic and heartwarming read! Will and Juliet have amazing chemistry and I loved them as both people and together. They felt real and raw and relatable! I love Chloe Liese’s book because they just always make you smile and feel good! I would recommend this 100% and will be adding to our library!

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This was a very sweet romance, if a little on the boring side 🤷🏻‍♀️ Having read only one Liese book, I didn’t really know what to expect but I’m glad I took a chance.

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This might be the most romantic book by Chloe Liese yet! My marshmallow heart was swoooooning over Will and Juliet. Their connection felt cosmic and their story was adorable!

I love Chloe’s writing style: how she writes her characters, brings awareness and diversity into her stories and her romances are so sweet!!


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