Member Reviews

It’s no secret that I’m a big fan of Chloe’s writing and the way she approaches creating characters who are neurodivergent and/or have disabilities. So when I saw the newest installment of The Wilmot Sisters, I crossed my fingers that I’d be able to read it before the pub date!

I really enjoyed the relationship in this one. Jules and Will were so careful with eachother- it made my heart happy. I especially loved that Will was very open minded and willing to participate in Jules’ life, even if it was a bit different than what he was used to.

Another thing that I love in Chloe’s books is how she ties them all together. In this one we get to revisit Bea & Jamie and Kate & Christopher. The chapters where they’re all involved is really bittersweet- as this in the last book in the series. 🤍

Big thanks to Berkley for the gifted e-arc! This one is out Jan 14th! 🧡

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I love the CLU (Chloe Liese universe) I want to be fully immersed into her books always. It’s the most, wholesome, welcoming, safe, kind fictional worlds I’ve been in, I want to live in it forever.

5 stars, I love my softie awkward highlander Will so much. And I loved Juliet, she was so optimistic and open hearted, a fellow romance lover learning to love again. And they were PERFECT. I mean perfect together. I loved all the small things that made them basically soul mates, while they stubbornly ignored them lol

This book doesn’t come out for a while so I’ll leave my review at this for now. But basically, if you give me a Chloe Liese book I will devour it!!

I loved seeing the sisters together and in their respective couples, amazing closure the series!!! I’m sad it’s done but happy so happy I got to experience them

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one of my most anticipated reads of 2025 and man oh man it didn’t disappoint. chloe has a way of creating the most loveable, but beautifully flawed characters that just feel so real and raw. i find myself feeling so seen and almost cherished while reading her novels. she is the author that i always recommend to others and i know i will continue to read all of her work. this series is such a special and honestly one of a kind romance. this was filled with the most precious and swoony moments that i was actually blushing and giddy the entire time!!!

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The family dynamics in "Once Smitten, Twice Shy" are captivating. Jules and Will's story stands out as a top book couple. Their relationship is depicted as both sweet and pure, yet it's also deeply relatable. They continually cross paths, each struggling with past relationship issues and the quest for the right partner. Sensing each other's challenges, they decide to 'practice' dating to re-enter the dating scene, which blossoms into a charming friends-to-lovers romance. However, the abundance of internal dialogue slightly slows the pace of the book.

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Wonderful story. I love the family dynamics in this story. Juliet & Will made up a lovely couple. As always Chloe does an amazing job with the chronic disease and mental health representation. I am sad this series has come to an end but I'm excited to see what Chloe has in store for us next!

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I’m a longtime Chloe Liese fan but this one didn’t hit.

I unfortunately didn’t finish it at 40%. It feels incredibly recycled. All of her characters are beginning to feel like a run on sentence.

At some point representation starts to feel more like ticking boxes. It doesn’t feel authentic.

One scene particularly frustrated me. I, like the main character, have a connective tissue disease. Her knee gave out and she romantically rumbled into the MMC’s arms. I can tell you right now that my arthritis is debilitating, not romantic.

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I can honestly say out of all the Wilmot siblings, Juliet’s story is by far my favorite. I love Chloe Liese’s books. But Jules and Wills story in “Once Smitten, Twice Shy” is truly her best work.

If you can’t already tell this book is going on my Top 10 Romcoms of 2024. And the wildest part about it making this years list is that it doesn’t even come out until January 2025. I guess that gives me an excuse to re-read on it’s release day in 2025 and also put it on that years list ;)

Anyway back to the actual review portion. I had a fabulous time reading this book! Jules and Will relationship was so sweet and pure. They felt relatable and you can’t help but root for these friends to become lovers. I also found a little of myself in Juliet. After being in a similar situation with a emotionally abusive ex. It’s hard to trust and put yourself out there again. But going through that journey with Jules was healing and reminds all of us to let love win.

This was such a perfect conclusion to the Wilmot siblings! I’m so sad for their story to be over but Chloe did a beautiful job wrapping up this series.

Thank you Berkley Publishing, Chloe Liese, and Netgalley for this eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This was definitely a very cute romance.
What I loved most about this one was how self aware Juliet was. There was definitely a lot of introspection and I liked reading about Bea & Jamie again.

But - there was A LOT of internal dialogues. Now I don’t mind them when they add to the story but (IMO), there were too many. I kept zoning out and it hindered my cutesy vibe reading a little.

This book focuses on the healing journey of 2 characters that had a few misfortunes in their love lives… so there’s no actual plot. Will & Juliet were adorable but I kept having the feeling that something was missing.
I also ended up skimming the sex scenes because I felt like they didn’t fit in with all the fluff.

Overall, I recommend this if you’re looking for a light cutesy read (and BTW - there’s no 3rd act breakup so yay!)

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This was so so cute!
The last book in the ‚The Wilmot Sisters‘ series, and it did not disappoint!
We follow Juliet and Will, who both seem to keep running into each other and had past issues with building relationships and finding the right person. When they sense each others struggles, they form an alliance to ‚practice‘ dating and getting oneself out there again, which then turns into a sweet friends to lovers romance.

The thing I truly loved about this story was representation. Chronic illness and neurodivergent rep was done so well and made me feel so connected to these characters. I really enjoyed the way Juliet had such a deep understanding for Will and how Will cared with so much effort for Juliet. I would say the only thing that was not completely enjoyable was the pacing since the affection and their feelings towards each other formed pretty quickly in my opinion which made the story a little bit boring at some point. Other than that, this was such a quick cute read!

Thank you so much @NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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This is the cutest most perfect love story I've read in a long long time! After having her heart shattered, Juliet Wilmot had her ideas of Happily Ever After torn apart. Until she meets sweetheart of a giant Will Orsino. And yall. You'd have to essentially be just heartless to not fall in love with the guy!

Though socially awkward and neurospicy, Will truly hides a heart of gold. While he wants his own HEA, he's essentially resigned himself to the fact that due to his unique qualities, he's never going to find it. That is until he meets Juliet. Twice. Serendipity? Fate? Whatever it is, they both agree to help each other out. Juliet will help Will get comfortable with flirting and social interactions with women, and Will will help Juliet open her heart to someone again after a devastating breakup. Though we don't get much info on her breakup, it's possible it's included in prior books. This is the first book I've read in this series (though obviously not my last), and aside from the lack of filler on her past relationship, reading the others isn't necessary to enjoy this story. Aside from the fact he's literally perfect in every way. Will truly embodies every Highlander fantasy ever. There's a kilt yall. Seriously. 🔥

Juliet is strong and vulnerable and absolutely the best partner for Will. Instead of wondering why he can't be "normal", she asks what she can do to cater to him. She's sensitive to his sensory needs, and never once makes him feel bad for being at his social limit. On the flip side, Will is so in tune to Juliet's physical needs, and checks in with her on a routine basis to see where she is. Never once making her feel incapable, instead he trusts what she says and follows her lead. And yall. My absolute favorite thing ever....


Yall me and Ms. Liese may have had some words if she broke up this perfect union with an unnecessary breakup. 🤣 This story is perfection. Heavy on the love and trust and not so heavy on the smut, it's still beautiful in every way. I truly can't wait to dive into the rest of her catalog!


I received an advanced copy for free and am leaving this review voluntarily. Thank you to NetGalley, Berkley, and Chloe Liese. 🫶🏼

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I’ve said it multiple times, and I’ll say it again: Chloe Liese never misses. I will always read and buy and promote her books because they’re so beautiful and wholesome and give me so much hope in life. Reading the Wilmot trilogy has been such a delight and if you haven’t read them, I HIGHLY recommend doing so! The audiobooks are phenomenal as well.

One thing I love about Chloe’s books is that I can always find a way to relate to the character(s) and I find that so validating and heartwarming. I understood where Juliet was coming from when wanting to experience love and romance again after a toxic relationship, to the point where she felt rusty and unsure what to do in the beginning stages of a relationship. I also saw myself in Will with the way his panic and anxiety would arise when meeting new people or when his thoughts would freeze and not come out right. My heart ached anytime they each had a vulnerable moment and we must protect them at all costs!!

I’ve always loved how Chloe writes love stories for everyone (with chronic illness and neurodivergent representation in this final book) because she wants to show that everyone deserves a happily ever after.

All that being said and with the “fake dating / they teach other romance” tropes, I absolutely ate this one up! The growth and connection between Juliet and Will was so beautiful and I now want my own gentle giant in my life. I can’t believe this series has finally come to an end, but I am so excited to see what Chloe writes next! Thank you Berkley Publish and NetGalley for an arc in exchange for my honest review!

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📖📖 Book Review 📖📖 I admit that it has been far too long since I have read Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night but I dare say that Chloe Liese brings it into the modern world seamlessly (complete with her own version of Puck 💗). This dual point of view romance book is full of humor yet addresses some very real topics like daily life with chronic illness and neurodivergence. Adorable through and through, this brilliant and fun homage to the beloved romantic comedy is full of life’s funny little surprises and reminders that we all get our own unique love story that is captured and documented as a moment in time just for us like one of Shakespeare’s masterpieces.

Review is on Goodreads and will be posted on instagram closer to publication date and on Amazon when published!

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I really loved this book and it was a great addition to this series. All of Chloe Liese's books are amazing and so inclusive and I am definitely here for every single one.

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I have dreaded writing this review because it means I would have to acknowledge that this series has come to an end and I really did not want to do that. This book was just the perfect ending to a perfect series. Now I have never been a huge friends to lovers reader, but Twelve Night re-imagining is always an exception to my rule. Sweet, shy, but devilish handsome Will is such an authentically written character, that I sometimes wondered if Chloe was watching scenes from my own life while writing. The basketball scene definitely will have you giggling and swinging your feet like a teenager.

10/10 great book. Cannot wait to see what Chloe writes next.

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*Thank you to Berkley and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for my honest review*

I was overjoyed that this was going to be a Twelfth Night retelling and not Romeo & Juliet, just fabulous. Give me even MORE obscure Shakespeare retellings please!

This is the sweetest hug of a book. Between the big softie that is Will and the reticent romantic Juliet, there's so much to love. And then we add in the romance lessons? MY HEART. As always, Chloe Liese also delivers on the neurodivergence and disability representation with such love and care- Will has ASD and Juliet has a connective tissue disorder. This is a cinnamon roll x cinnamon roll, best friend's sister, friends to lovers romance that will make you swoon and scream.

And of course it culminates in the BEST epilogue to wrap up The Wilmot Sisters series. I cannot *wait* to see what Chloe writes next - I'll be there with bells on.

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this probably finishes at the 4 ⭐️ mark

i loved the first book of this little trio which was also my first chloe liese book. i loved how soft and sweet the characters were and knew this one would deliver the same!

will and juliet were such a great couple. will, our cinnamon roll, socially awkward, cute and sexy asf scottish redhead, was perfect. not only did i find myself in him, but chloe really delivered on the highlander fantasies which had me panting!!!! give me jamie fraser or give me death! or in this case, will orsino... which is not a bad deal. he's calm, patient, supportive, a gentle giant, and will research restaurants he brings you to to make sure they're gluten free for your celiac disease.

juliet was sweet but she didn't shine to me. i loved how gentle she was with will, but wish that we had gotten more information about her toxic past relationship. while i did read the first book where it technically goes down, do you expect me to remember? also, if it's to work as a standalone, there needs to be enough meat in this book for readers who haven't read the others to understand the scope of the situation. unfortunately, with my poor memory and time simply deteriorating the situation, i dont remember what happened with her and her ex and probably now never will!

together, they were so sweet. they communicated well and often, they were vulnerable and soft and brave. it was so wholesome and so beautiful to read.

we also got some amazing cameos of my babes jamie and bea, and kate and christopher. i didnt read the second book BUT we see jamie and bea get married and y'all!!!!!! MY BABIES!!!!


i did have some problems with the book but i realize that they are more personal preferences. there was not a lot of plot, for instance, and the internal monologue of both the characters were near identical for majority of the book which hindered my ability to see them as separate entities. it got a little blurry and repetitive and muddy in the middle with both of them and wish there was just *something* in the plot to distinguish their day-to-day aside from just being together 24/7 and talking or thinking about each other 24/7. it also felt to me that every side character was there to serve as a buffer for their relationship moving forward and i personally am not a fan of that.

overall, it's a cute fluffy book, and if you are a diehard fan of liese's other work, you will love this! it definitely delivers on all of her promises of a sweet romance

thank you netgalley and berkley for the arc!!!

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Chloe Liese knocks it out of the park with One Smitten, Twice Shy. Absolutely my favorite of the Wilmot Sisters, I found Juliet to be the most relatable of the three! Struggling with trust and love post abusive relationship, Jules Wilmot stumbles upon the handsome redhead and gentle giant, Will, while visiting Scotland. After massive leaps of faith and several comical coincidences, Will and Jules learn that keeping feelings at bay is easier said than done. I love the way these two over come so many deep rooted and universal fears to get to the point where they could be open and honest in their love for one another. I love that Will is neurodivergent, and he displays these qualities with a quiet pride from chapter one. And I love how Jules and Will accept and support each other so beautifully. No angst here guys, just pure relationship goals and a steamy slow burn!

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At this point, just assume Chloe gets 5 stars from me at all times. What a fucking masterpiece, truly. This was probably my favorite from Chloe besides Ziggy's book. This was just beautiful, romantic, passionate, DID I SAY BEAUTIFUL?

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ugh y’all this book :) i’m so sad that this series is over but i’m so happy that we got will orsino! i love him so much guys like this is the definition of a gentle GIANT my goodness what a soft lover boy. and y’all know i love miss juliet and just getting to be in her head this book was a treat within itself! i had fun reading this book, a perfect end to this trilogy!

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I have read all of the Chloe Liese books and they fall into two categories for me- some I REALLY love, but some cross over the line into cheesier territory than I am really into. This is unfortunately the latter. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the majority of it, but the end especially was over the top for me. I do think if you are a true blue fan of hers, you will enjoy this one too as it is very on brand. Thanks to the publisher and netgalley for the e-arc.

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