Member Reviews

Second Time Around was such a fun read. It’s the newest PI vampire book by Avery Daniels. Don’t skip this one.

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I forgot this was a book two so I had to go to Amazon to get book one. "Second Time Around" is a great cozy paranormal read and I can't wait for more.

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Who would have thought the biggest problem when becoming a vampire is overbearing men with completely outdated attitudes? Misty, newly turned vampire, is still dealing with life’s little (LOL) changes in this book as well as trying to catch a murder but I imagine what really set her teeth on edge was being told to date another vampire. While I was personally outraged on her behalf, the author made Lief the character he was and that character was a man (vampire) out of time. Hopefully, in future books we see Misty and Rowen flaunt their relationship because the rules seemed as dated as Lief’s belief that every woman needs a man. I know I am harping on a small piece of the book but I think it demonstrates the author’s ability to make us connect with a character when we share their outrage.
Now to the meet of the story. Avery’s protection gig turns into a murder investigation. Avery is uniquely suited to help as she has before, and she has access to a small pool of most likely suspects. Now we get more weirdness that set this story apart. The murder does not begin with a murder but with death threats which the author spiced up nicely with a bit of relevant history. Our victim may have been vile, but she wasn’t the only victim. Misty and Rowen also encounter a ghostly pair who needs something, and they help them find some peace. We get plenty of action in the story but I think the heart of the book is the investigation. Rowen, being a male witch, pulled some neat stunts to aid in the investigation and make it fresh and fun. Who hasn’t at one point in their life wanted an enchanted cellphone that allows you to ease drop? And then there is the locket which was really an awesome communication device. The author did a nice job of making this story unique. Her vampire origin was also unique from the pervert guy who delivered her and others to the vampire rogue to the dietary changes to vampires not catching fire, it was all her own.
Very enjoyable book and as I have the habit of doing, I jumped into a story someplace other than book 1 but have added book 1 to my kindle for future reading. I truly hop we get more of this story because we have a great group of characters and sadly, I never mentioned Winston. I guess I will catch him next time around.
Thanks to NetGalley and Blazing Sword Publishing, LTD for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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