Member Reviews

I read the first book in this series and I loved Ysella. In the former book she was spirited and a breath of fresh air. In this book she's spoiled and immature. And of course, Oliver is the complete villain. That leaves Sam. Steady Sam- the guy who always been there and has a true heart. Thankfully, Morvoren and Kit were featured heavily in this one and were lovable as always.
Thank you to netgalley for the ARC. Opinions are my own.

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This book was very good! The story line was very unique and the plot was well thought out. I really loved the main male character and the I was rooting for him the whole time.

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The Cornish Bride by Fil Reid was an enticing romance with many twists and turns until the two finally acknowledged their love for one another. Ysella was young and very naive and fell in love with the first handsome man who looked her way. Needless to say, he was a rake and a fortune hunter and she didn’t discover it until it was far too late. Her brother, Kit (Christopher) was Viscount Ormonde and was presently in Cornwall with his wife and Ysella’s best friend, Morvoren, who had had a small accident but it had induced her labor with their first child, and was now abed with a fever, hopefully not dying. Ysella and her mother were recalled to the family home to lend support, but not before Ysella invited Captain Featherstone to come visit them there. Everyone but her knew he was bad news. She may have been immature but she was clever and after he was banned from the family home, she contrived to meet him in town and arranged an elopement. That did not turn out as she might have wished. Sam, her brother’s land steward and Kit didn’t manage to catch up with them until the next morning, after the deed had been done and she was ruined. There was a duel. Kit and Sam took Ysella home where Morvoren helped them think through the situation and arrive at a conclusion.

Yesella would marry Sam. He had always loved her but knew nothing would come of it. She was convinced and they moved to his cottage, but she spent more time at the manor than she did at home, until Kit and Morvoren decided to send them to another family estate on the coast. There began the best parts of the story where Sam learned to be the lord and Ysella learned to be a wife. It was an intriguing tale of storms, and ships crashing to the shore where eager folks were waiting to liberate whatever goods floated up fro, the deep. This was a really well-thought-out story with interesting people and a wonderful plot. The characters were sympathetic, although different. The reader knew who Captain Featherstone was as did every character in the book, but it was fun to watch it all play out. Clever and creative. Thanks, Fil Reid, for another immanently readable book!

I was invited to read this book by Dragonblade. All thoughts and opinions are mine. #Netgalley #Dragonblade #FilReid #TheCornishBride

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A bit of a different plot. Ysella is a lively young woman who has a mind of her own and is determined to find her way to love. She gets herself into a situation with a horrible rake, who you will hate.
Sam on the other hand is a wonderful man who loves Ysella from a distance. He is patient, loyal and understand her more than anyone. A lovely story that is engaging and full of adventure. A joy to read as part of a series.

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I wish I had enjoyed this story more than I did but it was a bit slow for my tastes and the overall story didn’t keep my interest as I had hoped

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review

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There were times reading this romance that I felt a certain sympathy for Ysella's family and Sam as they attempted to rein in the lively young lady. She is certainly a handful and as often happens, it becomes her family's responsibility to clean up after her. Nevertheless, my heart went out to Ysella as although she kicked against the goads, she did not deserve to experience the treatment she received at the hands of an unscrupulous rake. Sam has suffered unrequited love for years as he watched Ysella grow up into a beautiful young woman, never thinking he ever had a chance to win her heart. Yet when disaster struck, he took up the challenge, promising to respect her wishes and give her what she most needed, namely time and space. It takes another potential disaster for Ysella to realize how blessed she is, resolving to take charge of her life and become the woman Sam deserves, bringing this love story to a lovely conclusion. I received a copy of this book as a gift through Dragonblade Publishing and NetGalley and this is my honest and voluntary review.

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