Member Reviews

I loved the subtle tension hanging over the story from the start of Silver and Smoke by Van Hoang. Just enough to leave you feeling unsettled the entire time you're reading.

We follow two best friends, Issa and Olivia, in their journey to become movie stars in Hollywood's Golden Era. Given their Vietnamese background, they have a hard time breaking into the business until they seek help from Issa's gang leader grandmother. Who happens to be dead. But Issa comes from a long line of shamans who can easily summon spirits, and grandma has met a fellow spirit in the afterlife who was a famous actress and agrees to help the girls. For a price.

There's just enough 'is this a good idea?' suspense hanging over the characters as the story progresses to keep you turning pages. I enjoyed the dynamics between the two girls as they figure out their changing relationship amid the differences in their success levels. Along with the poignant commentary on not only being women in Hollywood but also immediately labelled as 'exotic.' I only wish we had more time with the climax of the plot and the ending. It felt too rushed after all the buildup, and I wanted to see more of how the characters' stories played out in the future.

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Ok - this was another five star read from this author! I absolutely loved this book. The plot was fascinating and from an era that I have always been very interested in. I loved the supernatural aspect that blended perfectly with the struggles of the real world.

I also loved that this was a struggle between two friends and their relationship more than anything. It would have been so easy to just write another romance where the struggle is between the couple - but by making it the two best friends, it was so much more interesting!

Overall, a great stand alone read that I feel like anyone would enjoy - and you don’t have to commit to a 8-9 book series to get your fantasy and action!

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It's a great book. Unique and captivating story. Kudos to the author, Van Hoang. I want to read more of her books. I wish I could get an ARC Physical book copy,'cause I just read it on Epub online.

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The novel skillfully explores the price of fame and the lengths one will go to achieve their dreams, all while maintaining an enchanting and immersive narrative. A truly spellbinding read that’s as imaginative as it is poignant.

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