Member Reviews

I loved this breathtaking jaw dropping thriller! Thank you so much to netgalley and the publisher for the copy of this arc. It was amazing and enjoyed listening to the book being read as audiobooks.

Highly recommend this book!

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Having read and enjoyed previous books by Caroline Mitchell I had high expectations and boy I was not disappointed.

I was totally engrossed in this book it had enough keep me wanting more. Thanks for the opportunity to review

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I received this ebook from the publisher on NetGalley - thank you!

It was a very good read. I didn’t find any of the characters particularly likeable, but I was still unable to put the book down, which is quite unusual - in most cases I can’t get fully invested in a story if I’m not rooting for the characters. This was more like reading true crime. The ending was really tense with all the plot twists and while it wasn’t completely surprising for me, I still enjoyed it.

Maura is such an fascinating character - complex and portrayed in a believable way. It makes me think that the author must have a very good understanding of human nature. I don’t want to say too much, but it was interesting to see how Maura’s past experiences influenced her actions.

I’m not the biggest fan of multiple POVs and time jumps, but here they were executed perfectly and it was interesting to perceive the events from different perspectives.

I also enjoyed the setting - the rugged coast, dangerous roads, Maura’s house symbolically detached from the village. All these elements added to the tense and mysterious atmosphere.

I would recommend this book to fans of mystery novels, true crime and stories about complicated family relations.

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On a remote Irish windswept landscape two cars collide. Two single mothers driving the cars are injured but only one of the two babies survives.
The two women are getting better and Finn is recovering in her aunts old rundown cottage with her daughter but she soon finds that things aren’t as they seem with her estranged aunt who was her mothers twin.
Kathryn believes her daughter didn’t die and starts a journey to find her daughter but Aunt Maura isn’t willing to let anyone come between her new family.
Gripping thriller that keeps you guessing from the start.

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Absolutely brillant. A turner and so many twists. You think you have worked it out and then another twist. Great read. First one from this author I have read but won't be the last.

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This book will capture your attention and drag you along for the ride. This is a fantastic narrative, full of twists and well-developed characters with a great ending.

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What a great read this was from the very beginning you find yourself engrossed.The authors ability to describe both the setting and characters actions is perfection in fact so good you feel you are actually there watching things unfold.Told from the different POV of the main characters with Mauras told from then and now.
Yet again Caroline Mitchell has given us a book we can totally lose ourselves into and come out the other side wanting more,the more I'd love to explore is the Toibin family there's definitely a lot more to tell the reader I'm sure.
A strong woman lead book that ticks all the boxes.
The revelations at the end are both surprising and perfect.
Thanks to Netgalley and Thomas Mercer for the ARC.

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Two vehicles collide on a treacherous mountain road. The women driving each car are travelling alone, but are accompanied by an infant in each case. Only one baby survives the accident. But whose baby is it?

Finn is reeling from the death of her mother, and when she is taken in by her aunt Maura Claffey, her mother's estranged twin - who she was on the way to visit when the accident occurred - she is grateful to have some support for both herself and her baby. Maura's mountaintop refuge is isolated and fairly basic, but Finn is desperate to find family ties for herself and her baby.

But is the surviving baby actually hers? Kathryn, the woman in the other car, who belongs to an infamous Dublin crime family, thinks otherwise. And she is determined to retrieve her child.

Meanwhile, the more time Finn spends with Maura, the most she realises that her aunt is unstable. Plus, Maura clearly has many secrets - and some of them could be dangerous...

As usual, Caroline Mitchell has delivered a fast paced and suspenseful story, with plenty of twists and turns. This is deeply satisfying story telling with a complex plot, and will be enjoyed by thriller readers who are looking for something a little different.

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I had previously read The Islanders by this author, and it wasn't for me. I truly think this author is not for me. Maybe it's the writing style or the pacing that I truly find off. I see why theres so many positive reviews though !

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Two young single women crash their cars on a quiet road, each have a young baby with them. Tragically only one baby is found alive and each of the women believe that it’s their child that has survived.
A twisty physiological thriller.
Thank you to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for my e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Talk about a book that starts off one way and leaves you gasping!

Following a horrific car crash in rural Ireland, leaving one dead passenger, Finn has to stay with her estranged and isolated Aunt Maura. Kathryn, the driver of the other car, can’t believe what has happened in the aftermath of the accident. Both women have to adjust to their new normal - but who’s to say what is normal for their families?

Told mainly about Finn and Maura, with Kathryn’s story a sub plot, this book literally kept me guessing and second guessing throughout. A really engrossing read.

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If you need a definition of unhinged, you need look no further than Maura from this story. She is a victim in so many ways, wronged by so many people in her life. Sprinkle in some obvious mental illness, and you have yourself a special kind of crazy!! There are so many little twists that you can do nothing more than hang on for dear life as you gobble up the pages and watch it all play out. Just when you think you've reached the end and have it figured out, something new is thrown at you. This is one of those stories that you are almost embarrassed to say you enjoyed, because what does that say about you...but I'll be brave and say I really enjoyed it.

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DNF. Within 8 chapters (out of 60), I figured out the central twist and then didn’t want to spend time with these characters any more. Yes, I did flip to the back and realized that there were some other twists, but I just didn’t care about any of these people. Also belatedly realized that I had read one of her previous novels, the Islanders, which I had to force myself to finish. She is clearly just not my cup of tea. 2/5 stars.

Thanks to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for letting me read an ARC of this book.

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I would put this book in the category of Physiological Thriller. There are lots of twists and turns before the mind blowing conclusion.

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It’s hard to have any empathy for Maura. She has built up a wall around her and is determined to keep everyone out. Having her niece and her baby come to stay you think it might soften her but it seems to do the opposite. The story flicks between past and present as we see Maura and the life she had to endure but it doesn’t make her anymore likeable.

I really liked Finn and the accident affects her and Kathryn differently. I felt sorry for both women but more for Finn especially as she tries to get to know and understand the aunt she has never met before as well as recovering from her injuries. It’s very much a story about family ties and the lengths you would go to for the ones you love.

The Survivors is packed full of secrets and lies with some truly shocking twists. The whole setting with the isolated house, the darkened rooms and the constant mist and fog really adds to the atmosphere of the story. It has you wanting to snuggle up under a thick duvet from the eeriness and the chilling vibes you get from reading this book. There are non stop twists that made it impossible to stop at any time as I had to keep reading. A truly gripping psychological thriller with some hair raising twists!

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I did really like this book and there were a few twists I didn't see coming. That said, the ending didn't work for me. It all felt a bit unfinished.

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The Survivors was the latest thriller on my tbr list. This was a very enjoyable read that kept me guessing the whole way through.

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Absolutely loved this book. I couldn’t not stop reading it!! I’ve never read anything by Caroline Mitchell before, but now I’m a dedicated fan. Definitely recommend and loved it!!

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Two women, Finn and Kathryn, each with a baby, are in a horrific car crash. Both mothers survive, but tragically one baby is lost. Finn was on the way to see her aunt Maura. From our first interaction with Maura, she just does not seem quite right.
That sentence was an understatement. Maura’s house was full of so many secrets and lies, I’m surprised she had room for a recovering Finn. I won’t say which mother is grieving, since that would ruin part of the mystery. I do understand why the book ended how it did, but I might have screamed at my Kindle in disbelief. Some people never learn that secrets never stay secret forever. This was an enjoyable read for me on a hot summer day.

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This book was gripping and hard to put down. It didn't feel like everything else you see out there, it felt very fresh. I really enjoyed this book!

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