Member Reviews

I was so ecstatic to be back in Tanglewood, this is the 4th book set in Tanglewood and I could happily read 40 more, I love Lilac Mills writing, her community and characters, everything just feels so inviting in her books. (Although the 4th these books can easily be read as stand-alones)

I was so happy to read this was about Kazz setting up a bookshop, as any avid reader I imagine dreams like I do of being able to set up a bookshop and just chat to other readers all day whilst trying to sell books to them obviously! I enjoyed watching her journey in her new life and her relationship.

I love how easily I fall into Lilac Mills worlds, within a few pages I’m right in the middle of the community, the tea room, having a chat with Kazz, it feels like returning to family or friends, just dropping in on them as if I’ve never left Tanglewood. This is how wonderful Lilac Mills writing is.
If your looking for a heartwarming, comforting read then look no further than The Tanglewood Bookshop.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I loved this delightful Christmas story written by Lilac Mills. It has a beautiful cover, and the location is perfect, with interesting characters. It is a great installment to the Tanglewood Village series. Overall, I enjoyed this romantic comedy and I would highly suggest it to anyone who is looking for a fun cozy romantic holiday read.

Thank you to Canelo and NetGalley for allowing me to read and review this book.

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The Tanglewood Bookshop by Lilac Mills

I received an advance review copy for free thanks to Rachel's Random Resources and I am leaving this review voluntarily.


A rural book shop. A chance to start over. But can she make her dream a reality? Kazz used to love the excitement of her London life, but lately her passion for expensive city living has begun to wane. So when she's given the opportunity to open a bookshop in picturesque Tanglewood, she jumps at the chance.

But village life is much quieter than she anticipated – is she actually suited for rural living? Resigned to a boring and uneventful Christmas, when she meets gorgeous Saul she is more than ready to have some fun and enjoy the festivities. If only Saul didn't have a reputation for being a player...

Will Kazz become the heroine in her own Christmas romance, or will he love her and leave her under the mistletoe?

My Opinion

It was lovely to be back with the residents of Tanglewood. Kazz is having a really bad day - she has lost her job, her accommodation and learned that her mother is leaving the country. For the start of a festive book it was a bit heavy but it was so nice seeing how Kazz overcame it all.

All of her friends have warned her to stay away from Saul but will she listen to them?

Filled with festivities, The Tanglewood Bookshop was a great read - I am instantly drawn to books that contain a bookshop. A heart-warming book that feels like a hug in book form.

Rating 4/5

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This was such a cute and heartwarming read. There’s a little bit of crossed wire type information that causes a ruckus, but nothing grave or sad. Loved all the villager characters and family members included. Donald was the best to read about, I’ll raise a Jaffa cake to him. Look forward to reading the next in the series.

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When I see a Lilac Mills book, I just can't resist. Having read many of them already I excitedly started this one and got exactly what I was expecting, a Hea, happy heartwarming vibes and the cutest love story ever. As I've read Tanglewood books before I was most excited to revisit here, this time with a bookshop. No true reader can resist a bookshop whether on the pages of a book or an actual shop.
A cook, Kazz has had it with busy high powered city life in London. It used to invigorate her, now it's just too much and a change would be welcome.
Tasked with cleaned out her grandfather's house after his passing she thinks she's done until she realizes it's stuffed full to the rafters with books. Books of every type imaginable, a booklovers dream, that is if you like old musty smelling books. After giving her friends suggestion of opening a bookshop to get rid of them she thinks, why not. A popup rental space in Tanglewood for two months to sell the books is perfect and it's not too much of a commitment.
Tanglewood is such a change from what she's used to, are there any pubs open late around here? One welcome change is handsome Saul, but he has a playboy reputation that precedes him.
Try telling her heart not to fall is like trying to tell flowers not to bloom in the spring, not going to happen.
The bookshop is doing well and so is her relationship with Saul until it's not. When several; misunderstandings threaten to topple the apple cart can the couple sort this in time? A warm, festive and fuzzy feeling book that leaves me wanting to read even more by the author.

I was given a complimentary copy of this book.
All opinions expressed are my own.
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Thanks to the Publisher and Netgalley for an early review copy.

I enjoyed this book.

Jazz loves living in London. Then, in one day, everything changes, her Mum informs her she’s moving abroad, she receives notice to vacate the place she’s living in, and the job she enjoyed doing and has worked hard to get to where she is, no longer exists.

As she’s got some time to think about what she wants to do next, Jazz goes to see her best friend where she lives in Tanglewood.

She then makes a decision to use all the books that her grandad had, he used to run a bookshop and Jazz decides to open a bookshop in Tanglewood whilst she thinks about her future career.

Saul, all her friends have informed her that he is the guy that doesn’t stay in a relationship to long, only a few dates. But, when she asks him for help, she begins to see what her friends don’t, and after they go on some dates, she starts to think whether what she was told was wrong about Saul.

I recommend this book.

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As to be expected from this author, you will be pulled in straight away and not want to stop reading until the end.
We meet Kazz, whose comfortable, seemingly happy world, is suddenly turned upside down - how many things can go wrong and change for her in one day!!
Kazz decides to head of and visit best friend Stevie to try and put everything into perspective, but little does she know how this visit may well change her future!

The characters are well written and you will come to love most of them, especially Betty, who interferes with everything and everyone, but always has the best intentions.
Despite this being part of a series you could easily read it as a stand alone. Everything comes to life in this story, you will visualise the book store, the tea room, the farm, while becoming totally invested in Kazz’s future.
Yes you could argue that in places it is predictable, but everyone knows what to expect from this genre, and the difficulties faced by our characters are written well. Inevitability, our love interests have a little falling out let’s say, but what I really liked was that it wasn’t drawn out, everyone quickly saw what misunderstandings had happened and settled them! I do hate it when you can see what’s coming and it’s drawn out for ages, before the misunderstandings are found out.
I loved it, a lovely wintery read, but not just focusing on Christmas.
I wonder what will happen to the characters next.

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It is always such a warm and pleasant return to Tanglewood and its inhabitants. It's like at Christmas time when the house feels warm and cosy, with your favourite candle flickering away, a classic Christmas film on the tv and a big mug of steaming hot chocolate; that's how it feels to return to Tanglewood. For someone who has always dreamt of running her own bookshop, this was a great read for me. There was love and festive cheer and a whole lot of fun, what more could you want from a book? If you're looking for a book that you can easily get through and makes you feel cosy inside, this is the book for you.

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Didn’t reliase it was part of a series but it can be read as a stand alone book. Really enjoyed it and now looking to go back to read the other ones.

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It has been a while since the last Tanglewood book, but in no time at all I felt right back at home in the small Welsh town, amongst some familiar faces.

Don't worry though as this is definitely a standalone, and it's Kezz's story.

Kezz discovers her mum is moving abroad, that she needs to clear out her grandfathers old house which includes what appears to be most of the remaining stock of his old book shop, that she is temporarily at the very least out of work and that she is being evicted all on the same day.

It's enough to make anyone's head spin, hence her agreeing to take a short break and visit her bestie in Tanglewood.

And before long not only has she agreed to run a book shop, she also spends a long journey there and back to London in the company of Saul, who even his own sister, has told Kezz to be wary of.

Saul is wonderful and its clear early on there is some chemistry between the two but whether it will be acted on is up to you to find out

I loved Betty and her predictions, I loved the Christmas festival, the face painting, and a whole lot more besides.

Its' festive, its cosy, and its a whole lot of fun too. A fabulous new addition to the series and I hope this won't be the last we see of his village.

Thank you to Canelo and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

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It was such a treat to return to Tanglewood with The Tanglewood Bookshop by Lilac Mills. As always, it felt like a warm embrace being reunited with all the familiar characters from previous stories. This time, we had the added bonus of meeting Kazz, Stevie’s friend, who brought some fresh energy to the mix. The book had a lovely progression, and I enjoyed the build-up to the sweet romance at its core.
That said, I couldn’t help but feel the ending was a bit rushed. After investing in the characters and their journeys, I was hoping for a bit more depth in how things wrapped up. Some of the key moments, particularly the conversation between Kazz and Saul towards the end, felt glossed over. Yes, we could infer the outcome, but I still longed to witness that moment firsthand.
Additionally, a few plot points felt a bit unresolved—what happened with the cosmetics company? Did they move into the old pet shop? I was left with a few niggling questions, which isn’t something I usually expect from a Lilac Mills novel.
All in all, it was a good read, and it delivered on many fronts, but it just didn’t quite have that extra spark that I’ve come to associate with her work. Still, I’ll be eagerly awaiting the next one, because Tanglewood always has a special place in my heart!

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The Tanglewood Bookshop by Lilac Mills has Kazz opening a bookshop in a small village hoping to escape the heretic life of London. She wanted a slower, quieter lifestyle but hopes it won’t be boring one either. Christmas is a time to test that theory especially after she meets Saul. He definitely livens life up for Kazz. However, she is not sure if it is a temporary or a lasting kind.

A lovely romance with a few reservations, some angst, and all the feels making it an entertaining read. Getting you in the mood to not only enjoy the holiday season but it also put visiting a bookshop on your must do list.

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Kazz, a London chef, loses her job and home just before Christmas and seeks refuge in the small town of Tanglewood with her best friend, Stevie. She unexpectedly opens a bookshop, embracing new possibilities and adapting to a slower pace of life. As she navigates the town's warm atmosphere, she finds herself drawn to Saul, a local Lothario, despite their contrasting priorities and external meddling. The novel captures the charm of small-town life, with standout characters like Betty, a no-nonsense helper, and Donald, who adds warmth and humor to the story.

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Here’s a revised version:


**Read if you enjoy:**
- Small Town Settings
- Strangers to Lovers Romance
- Cozy, Christmasy Vibes

As a book lover, this story truly resonated with me. I adored watching Kazz’s dream of owning a bookshop come to life. The cozy atmosphere Lilac describes was easy to imagine, making the setting feel almost tangible. Betty was a standout character for me, adding a delightful touch of humor to the story. However, I wish the author had embraced a more "show, don't tell" approach in her storytelling. At times, the narrative felt repetitive, and I struggled to fully connect with the characters, partly due to the third-person POV and the writing style.

Thank you to NetGalley and Canelo Digital Publishing for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.


Let me know if you'd like any further adjustments!

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Loooooove This- can’t wait to have it in physical form!
The vibe this book exudes is pure holiday and I love it! Not only that but (to me) it’s a cozy read in the sense that it doesn’t try too hard to be good. It just is cozy. Def a great holiday read!! To set the mood or enjoy the festivities

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this arc!

I really enjoyed this book. It was a light quick and easy read. I loved that it was cozy. This was my first my this author but will not be my last. Can’t wait to read more by this author!

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📚Delightful: strong female bonds + lovely, sweet romance🐑

Kazz & Saul: a couple that made me smile. Without a load of upset to Kazz's London life they never would have met and that really would have been a shame. Although they have their everyday troubles and triumphs after Kazz's initial flight to the Welsh countryside, the story is easy, upbeat and a great, cozy romantic read. And it's also steeped in plenty of female bonding and support from Kazz's BFF and her village cohort of friends to the more mature ladies like Betty, who was feisty and commanding: a real character! And the surprise bits of humor brought by Saul's cheeky sheep Donald: chuckle worthy.

If you love the idea of a common love of reading being a big part of the couple's connection, look no further than this cute story.

Thanks to Canelo Books and NetGalley for sharing a complimentary advance copy of the book; this is my voluntary and honest opinion.

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Thank you Netgalley for this fun ARC. What a cute, cozy book! I loved Kazz and Saul! I felt like I was reading a Hallmark Movie, and it was truly wonderful. I took my time to read this book. It was the perfect read to pick up during a reading slump. I felt like the characters Lilac Mills created were relatable and loveable. I love Tanglewood, and wish I could go there and visit Kazz's bookshop, the tea shop, and pick up some flowers at the local flower shop. I had no idea it was part of a series until I read the author notes. I immediately hopped on Amazon and bought the other three books in this series. I don't think I missed out on anything, by not reading the other three books first. I'm actually excited to jump back and get to know Kazz's friends better and hear their stories. This book could be a standalone, but I have a feeling you will want to read the whole series.

I gave this book 4 stars because there were a few typos I found while reading, and instances where a word was used incorrectly. I loved the characters, but there were no scenes in it that made me squeal, kick my feet, gasp, or laugh out loud. Still a wonderful book, but it wasn't a five start read for me.

Thank you Lilac Mills for this adorable, truly relaxing novel.

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There are already so many good holiday books.The Tanglewood Bookshop was the latest of many that I’ve read. It’s a winner!

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A New Start Novel

A story about going with the flow of life and accepting opportunities as they arise. Kazz almost ends up running a bookshop by accident, or was it fate? Saul has a reputation to live down. An easy to read cosy romance.

Love the secondary character of Betty.

I’ve not read any other Lilac Mills books set in Tanglewood, but I’m off to look them up now.

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