Member Reviews

I enjoyed this story of Kazz who moves to Tanglewood after her life implodes and becomes part of this right community. And of course finds Saul who has shut himself off from love after a bad breakup. A quick but fun read.

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Kazz has just just had the worst day of her life. First her boss has been arested for fraud at the restaurant were she works so she has no job. Second she gets home to her shared flat to find out the owner wants them out so no home. Third after going to help her mum clear out her grandads house her tells her shes moving to spain.
She decides to go and see her friend in Tanglewood till she deicides what to do.
Her grandads left lots off books from his old shop and old fashioned furniture that no one wants anymore.
Betty an old lady who works at the tangelwood teashop were Kazz's freind works suggests opening a book in the empty shop near by to sell all the books while she decides what to do.
She need help moving everything from her grandads and her flat in London and betty ropes local lothario Saul to help.

This is the fourth tanglewood book in the series and is just as good as the rest. It can be read on its own.
i really enjoyed reading this one as well as the previous ones.

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It was over a year ago that Donals was mentioned in a newsletter. Lilac Mills being a cruel woman, making us wait for Donald that long!
But it was very well worth it as this Tanglewood romance was another one that made me laugh out loud. It was so nice bumping into Tia again, and Betty of course. Where would Tanglewood be without her?

'(..) a shop selling cosmetics. If you ask me, people spend far too much time preening as it is.'

So I suggest someone opens up a knitting store in the last space available in Tanglewood that used to be a pet store and let the merriment being :)

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of the book.

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The country. A bookshop. Winter time. This book was literally just the perfect one! I can not wait to reread this in the winter time with a snow storm. It was the cutest story! Highly recommend.

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