Member Reviews

In "Mirror Me," we are introduced to Eddie, who is in a psychiatric hospital. Neither Eddie or the reader knows what happened. Eddie has what he refers to as an "other," named Par. In this book, we are taken down the path of learning who or what exactly Par is. This was a very unique story and I could not stop reading until I knew what was going to happen to these characters. Lisa Williamson Rosenberg did an excellent job fleshing out the characters. I definitely recommend for anyone who is a fan of truly "psychological" mysteries!~

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This one started out well enough. It’s an intriguing storyline, a person seemingly does something unthinkable as a result of multiple personalities. It was easy enough to read and keep track of the different perspectives. But it kind of fell apart for me during the middle and I found myself rushing through to finish. I also didn’t feel any connection to the characters. It does have a few little twists though. Not horrible, but also not one of my favorites.

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What a great book! I absolutely loved how twisty and clever this one was! I was totally engrossed from beginning to end and would definitely read from this author again,

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Unfortunately I was unable to download this book before the archive date, but I look forward to reading and reviewing other books by this author in the future.

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Very well written, interesting, unique. The author’s note is a must read. I could not fathom where the novel would end and was heartbroken by the last chapter (I was not expecting that!).

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I have never been this divided over a book I have recently read. Rosenberg's efforts to bring to light the lack of awareness and knowledge about DID in connection to race and family dynamics is commendable, but her approach seems to be lacking in parts of the narrative and especially in moving the plot forward.
Dual POV of Eddie and Par serves the plot well, offering the unreliable narrator trope on a platter to create suspense about the truth of the events in the novel — did Eddie murder his future sister-in-law or was it Par?
Mirror Me offers what is expected of the genre of crime and mystery — red herrings, twists and turns, which sometimes feel far-fetched, but suspension of belief in fiction is a necessity, so we have to wave that off,
The book is extremely well-plotted, though it falters a little at times, but the exploration of DID with a murder is something I have seen only in movies and to read about it in a book was a first hand experience for me.

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DID NOT FINISH. This was a kindle first reads. This was also on NetGalley and I’d like to return both free books. It was not what i expected and I’d like my hour back.

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This was weird and confusing, i honestly don’t know if I liked it or not. But it kept me my attention so obviously I liked it a little bit??

The ending wasn’t surprising but I didn’t enjoy how the author went about it. Overall, this was entertaining but not something I would highly recommend.

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This was most definitely intriguing, suspenseful, and thought provoking. A unique and original read.

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I received an ARC of this novel from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

A man surrenders himself to a psychiatric hospital where a doctor specializes in multiple personality disorder. Once there, complicated truths about his birth and life are revealed.

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I was so excited when I saw this book available for review - and the premise of someone struggling with DID while simultaneously trying to piece together their recent life events - sounded fantastic.
Unfortunately, the dual timeline, slow pacing, and poorly executed "unreliable narrator" left me feeling like I was forcing myself through the entire bulk of the story. It's a story that tried to take itself too seriously but ended up missing the mark.
It feels like the author prioritized trying to sound poetic/edgy/artsy over providing the reader with any semblance of clarity. It fell super flat for me.

Thank you to NetGalley & Little A Publishing for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.

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Thank you to Lisa Williamson Rosenburg, Little A publishing and NetGalley for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

I was SO looking forward to this book especially after seeing that it was picked up as an Amazon First Reads for January. Unfortunately, this book was a DNF at 50%.

I was so intrigued by the idea of a character with DID and seeing how it would play out in this thriller. Sadly, the thriller aspect felt very minimal in the book. I would have loved to have seen more of the actual incident that took place be a main plot point in this story.

This story is from two points of view -Eddie (the presenting personality) and Pär (his alter personality). The bulk of this book seemed to be a rehashing of the past and Eddies interactions with Lucy (his now deceased sister in law). I would have loved to have seen more of Eddie and Pär's current life and how they deal with the fall out of their time in the mental health facility they find themselves in.

While this book had all the right ingredients for an incredible thriller it was just missing the "je ne sais quoi" factor that makes a book shine.

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I love the cover. Sad to say that I did not enjoy the book as much. It's all over the place and it never settles. It's hard to read because there is nothing keeping it together as a whole. Thanks to NetGalley, the author and the publisher for the chance to read this book.

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Mirror Me is undeniably unique, with an unusual storyline and an avant-garde approach that sets it apart. However, the slow start and style may make it difficult for some readers to get invested. While the story becomes more engaging as it progresses, the offbeat nature and unreliable narration might feel disjointed rather than compelling to those who prefer a more grounded storytelling. The perplexing conclusion leaves something to be desired, making the overall experience feel a little puzzling. While it offers a fresh perspective, it may not be for everyone, particularly readers who prefer a clearer payoff.

I would like to thank NetGalley, the publisher, and the offer for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This was...weird. I started really invested and into the story, but my interest started waning as things got odd. It felt unnecessarily complicated and convoluted. The characterizations were unusual and I could not figure out what was going on or what the story was supposed to be moving toward - and instead of finding that intriguing, I just find it confusing. This one was not a good fit for me - it was too all over the place...

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I have mixed feelings on the story, at times it was a little difficult to follow. I thought it was an interesting concept but sometimes the bouncing from character to character was slightly confusing, in the end was also confusing. I liked this book and I also didn't like this book.

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Unfortunatley, this just did not work for me. It was a convoluted mess of a plot, with multiple plot-holes and an overall need for editing. I was interested in the synopsis but overall it just did not work for me.

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I did not know what to expect when starting this book. If you enjoy psychological thrillers with unreliable narrators, you will enjoy this one. My favorite characteristic of this book was first person narration and learning things as the main character learned them. I will be looking for more from this author.

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Lisa Williamson Rosenberg does a fantastic job in writing this book, it had that elmeent that I was looking for and enjoyed the overall concept of this and how everything that I was looking for. I was engaged with what was happening and thought the characters worked with this storyline.

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This was a great read. I greatly enjoyed it. The writing kept my engaged and the development of characters kept me wanting to read. This book was well crafted and constructed and I greatly enjoyed it

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