Member Reviews

Thank you for allowing me to preview this title. Unfortunately I quit reading about 25% in as I just couldn't get into the story. I just couldn't connect with the story or the characters. Best wishes on this title and thank you again.

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This is another fabulously dark thriller by Theo Baxter. It’s a fast paced and engaging read, and one that I’d definitely recommend. The book comes with plenty of twists and an unexpected ending.

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With an intriguing synopsis, Theo Baxter presents the Dream Home as a domestic thriller, and he definitely delivers on that front.

Ashlyn feels like everything is perfect - until it isn't. Until paranoia stalks her. Until her own sister is taken in the same way despite her husband telling her she's overthinking. Ashlyn's perfect world turns out to be fabrication, and we are along for the ride.

The acknowledgement to domestic violence and how it was portrayed was interesting to see. I do feel like something more could have been added to make the plot a little cohesive. Overall though, this was a good, decent thriller that did the job. I had an inkling about where the plot was going, but I was mostly pleasantly surprised by the end.

Anyone who loves domestic thrillers will surely love this. Thank you to Inkubator books for the arc!

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Thanks to #NetGalley and #InkubatorBooks for the book #TheDreamHome by #TheoBaxter. Ashlyn and Mason have just moved into their dream home, one that her husband designed. Not long after moving in, women, who resemble herself and her sister Karina, start disappearing. Ashlyns dreams start making her suspicious. Then her sister turns up missing and she starts questioning what her husband is really up to. Could he be behind

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"The Dream Home" by Theo Baxter is a psychological thriller that disappoints on several fronts. The novel is bogged down by excessive monologues that make it an exhausting read.

The main character is unbelievably naive, and her relationship with her husband, Mason, is shallow and unconvincing. The characters are all one-dimensional, lacking the complexity needed to engage readers. While the writing style is decent, the pacing suffers, and shorter chapters would have been an improvement. There are several repetitions and unnecessary dream sequences which the MC takes way too seriously. She actually starts suspecting that her husband is kidnapping young girls because of some dreams that she had and justifies it as such to her mother in law.

Additionally, the sudden shift from a domestic thriller to a storyline involving kidnapped victims feels jarring and amateurish. In my opinion, the book should not be named "The dream house", as the story has very little to do with the house. It should rather be named "Monologues of a foolish housewife".

Thanks to Netgalley for providing an advanced free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Actual rating: 1.5/5

It always makes me sad when I don’t enjoy a book, especially if it’s from a genre I love. It was a page-turner from the start, but the story felt like playing connect the dots where the dots just wouldn’t connect.

✅ The characterization of a manipulative and gaslighting husband was on point. Mason, Ashlyn's husband, really got on my nerves.
✅ I couldn’t put it down, so I stayed up late to finish it—definitely a page-turner.
✅ There were plenty of misleading clues which I loved.

❎ The book title and the story were the biggest red herrings; they had no connection.
❎ Ashlyn, the female main character, was incredibly frustrating throughout the story. I felt like shaking her or giving her a slap to make her see sense.
❎ Unnecessary repetition of scenes
❎ The twist in the story was anticlimactic, and the ending felt rushed.

Thank you @netgalley and @inkubatorbooks for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I absolutely loved this book this was my first thriller by this author, and it didn’t disappoint it gripped me and I didn’t want to stop reading, plenty of twist and turns I definitely didn’t see coming! I really enjoyed this thriller.

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The Dream Home:
Ashlyn has the perfect husband and her dream home. Is it all a lie? Her perfect world is about to fall apart when women go missing who look very similar to Ashlyn and her sister, Karina. Then Karina goes missing & Ashlyn is starting to believe her husband is involved when she finds that the truth is more terrifying than she imagined!!
This gripping psychological thriller keeps you captivated until the end!
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this arc

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Thank you netgalley for the ARC of the book. I enjoyed the story and the character development. I was engaged from the very beginning. As a fan of horror/thrillers, I loved this story. The mystery and intrigue was there and I found myself staying up late to finish chapters. This is a book that's great for spooky season.

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Edge of my seat! Twists, turns, and everything in between. Things I didn't see coming! I absolutely loved this book! I love a good thriller!

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Really loved this one! Ashlyn and Mason intrigued me, and I was taken by surprise many times throughout this gripping story. Underlying social themes elevated this tale. Overall a fantastic read! Highly recommend!

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Ashlyn and Mason are newlyweds, but things get complicated when they move into their dream house. Mason is never home or always in his man cave, but suddenly, the worst happens. Women who look like Ashlyn start disappearing. When Ashlyn's sister Karina disappears suddenly, Ashleyn must get to the bottom of it to save your marriage and, more importantly, her sister. Does Mason have something to hide? Will Ashlyn save her sister? Will truths be revealed? I have nothing but amazing things to say about this book, but my one criticism is that the beginning was a little slow. Once the plot hit, I could not turn away. I also felt like I connected with the characters.

My favorite quote- “you have nothing to worry about. Nothing will hurt you here.” By Mason

I want to thank NetGalley for giving me this to review this book

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Received my copy from NetGalley

A great read that had me at the end he of my seat with every page turn. At one point Ashlyn also had me thinking Mason was the kidnapper.

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The Dream Home is an engrossing and timely thriller that explores two common modern-day afflictions - preoccupation with social status and an insatiable desire for material possessions as part of an attempt to achieve said status. The central character's quest for the ideal home serves as a metaphor for more profound personal and emotional challenges. Baxter's writing is captivating, providing moments of insight and tension. In summary, The Dream Home is intriguing, right up my alley, and I will be exploring Baxter’s previous books!

Thank you to NetGalley and Inkubator Books for granting me access to this ARC for my review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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This was a slow burn and it did not always hold my attention. The writing is simple and did not always read brilliantly. When the plot got going, it was fast paced and thrilling, I just wish it had got going earlier. Sadly, not enough time was given to the exciting plot elements. I liked the characters of Ashlyn and Mason and it was interesting to see their relationship change.
Thank you to NetGalley and Inkubator Books for an advance copy.

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**The Dream Home** by Theo Baxter is a gripping novel that explores the complexities of ambition and personal aspiration. The story revolves around a central character whose pursuit of the perfect home becomes an allegory for deeper personal and emotional struggles.

While the premise is intriguing and the narrative holds potential, the execution fell a bit short for me. The plot occasionally meanders, and some character developments felt rushed or underexplored. However, Baxter's writing is engaging, and the book does offer moments of insight and suspense.

Overall, **The Dream Home** is an interesting read but might not fully satisfy those seeking a more tightly woven story. It’s worth a look for its thematic depth and engaging writing style.

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I really enjoyed the storyline of this book. However, the characters left a lot to be desired. First you have Ashlyn, who pretty much just fell off a turnip truck. She couldn't see the truth if it came up to her door and introduced itself. Then you have Mason, the misogynistic narcissist. Both characters left me cringing on more than one occasion.

We all have dreams of what we want our future to look like, but at what cost? When is too much too much? That is what Ashlyn must decide. Married to Mason for about five years they are moving into their dream house. It's a house that Mason, as an architect has designed, and Ashlyn, as an interior designer has put all together and made it a home. The euphoria is short lived and Ashlyn starts to see a side of Mason she didn't see before. When her sister and other women who resemble her disappear it's time for her to take the blinders off.

This is a fast paced thriller that held my attention and kept me guessing until the end.

Thanks to Netgalley and Inkubator Books for the advanced copy

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This was a quick suspenseful read. The characters were a little difficult to like and relate to mostly for making wildly frustrating decisions. The story did have a decent twist.

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Thanks to netgalley for this ebook arc

I really wanted to like this book- good twist good story line but it just draaagged on. Started off super slow and was unnecessarily descriptive of EVERYTHING.

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A always with Theo Baxter's books I was hooked right away and the twists / turns and fast pace kept me hooked.

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