Member Reviews

Super atmospheric, creepy (in a GOOD way) and downright nail-biting, suspenseful, amazin page-turner. Loved the ending!!

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good plot
enjoyed the characters
good pace throughout the book
well written thriller which i enjoyed

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Thank you to NetGalley, Theo Baxter and Inkubator Books for an ARC of this novel. Unfortunately, this was a miss for me. I found it quite bland and repetitive for at least 60% of more of the book.

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This book had a great plot with intriguing characters. I’ll definitely be looking out for more from this author.

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I have mixed emotions on this book. It was a very easy and quick read, but I found some parts of the book to be lackluster. The main character was very wishy-washy, and parts of the book were predictable to me. Not a bad read, I just felt like it was a lot of buildup to be rushed in the end.

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2.5⭐️ Thank you to NetGalley and Inkubator Books for an advanced copy of The Dream Home.

This story follows Ashlyn and her husband Mason who have just finished building their dream home. They have been married for five years and Ashlyn thinks she has hit the jackpot with Mason. But once they move into there new home he starts to change-he becomes distant, spends his free time in his man cave that he always keeps locked, and they fight all of the time. Ashlyn becomes concerned that women that look like her keep getting abducted in her town. She starts to wonder if she knows her husband as well as she thinks she does?

This was a pretty quick read but I was disappointed with the ending and twist. It just seemed pretty anticlimactic.

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That's a twist and an ending I didn't expect. I can't decide if I like it, like, it's really recommendable or, I like it but it's somewhat a mid read.

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The Dream House for me was just an ok read. There is some slight twists in it. I did keep wanting to read it to figure out who the killer was, but the ending felt like it was rushed. This is my first book by Theo Baxter and will try another one of his books in the future. Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this ARC!

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The Dream Home by Theo Baxter is a suspenseful psychological/domestic thriller with some dramatic turns.
What was different that I loved was the recognition of domestic violence. And this was a refreshing way to show this topic. Some heartbreaking parts thankfully weren't so graphic so was easy to get through them with a great part of sadness.

It was a bit hard to understand, why Mason was changing so suddenly as they had been married for 5 years? Mason is a wealthy man who is happily married to Ashlyn.
Was nice to witness how Ashlyn makes a fantastic transformation throughout the book. You can't help but admire her!
Ashlyn comes from a hardworking, traditionally built family (women take care of the house and children but the man brings the bacon home) so she kind of accepts Mason's behaviour to the degree that she can see things are not healthy anymore.

This book felt like two separate storylines, one focusing on Mason and Ashlyn's marital issues and the other on missing women cases. The first felt more like a domestic thriller whereas the other was more a suspenseful psychological thriller.

Thank you, NetGalley and Inkubator Books for this copy!

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The Dream House was not my dream book. It wasn't bad. But it wasn't great. I wonder how others felt about this book because I can see where others would love this book. But this isn't for me.

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This was a thrilling creepy read! I literally had chill bumps and had to check my house while reading this alone. I really enjoyed this and I did not guess the twist!

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Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this eARC.

Theo Baxter’s The Dream Home is a gripping psychological thriller that masterfully blends suspense with a deep dive into the complexities of trust and deception. This novel is a testament to Baxter’s ability to explore the darker facets of human nature while keeping readers engaged.

Ashlyn believes she has found her dream life when she moves into a stunning new home designed by her architect husband, Mason. However, her idyllic existence begins to unravel as a series of unsettling events unfold. Several women who resemble Ashlyn and her sister, Karina, go missing, and Ashlyn becomes increasingly paranoid, convinced that a van is following her. Mason dismisses her fears as mere coincidences, but when Karina disappears, Ashlyn’s world is thrown into chaos.

Baxter excels in creating complex, multi-dimensional characters. Ashlyn’s transformation from a contented wife to a desperate woman seeking the truth is compelling and relatable.

Mason’s mysterious nature keeps us guessing about his true intentions, while Karina’s disappearance adds a layer of urgency and emotional depth to the narrative. The supporting characters, including the mysterious figures who Ashlyn encounters, enrich the story with their own secrets and motivations.

The author’s writing is taut and evocative, perfectly capturing the tension and unease that permeate the story. Baxter’s use of vivid descriptions and psychological insight creates an immersive reading experience. The pacing is well-balanced, with moments of intense suspense interspersed with quieter, reflective passages that allow readers to connect with the characters on a deeper level.

The Dream Home explores themes of trust, betrayal, and the facade of perfection. It delves into the idea that what appears to be a dream can quickly turn into a nightmare, and that the people we trust the most can sometimes be the ones most easily capable of deceiving us. The novel examines the psychological impact of fear and paranoia, and how they can distort our perception of reality.

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3/5. A woman moves into her dream home with her husband. All of a sudden, his behavior towards her changes and there are reports of kidnappings in the city. Could he be behind it? I was really hooked in the beginning and middle of this book. It did a great job creating the suspense. The ending felt a bit rushed, and the way Ashlyn was written isn’t super realistic.

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This was a little bit of a creepy read that drives home the point of if it's too good to be true, it probably is. The twists weren't super great and the climax was a bit of a letdown. I felt like I was reading a rip off of other psych thrillers.

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Thank you #Netgalley for the advanced copy!

Ashlyn is living her dream life, she has started her own business of interior decorating, married a man she loves who built her a dream home. But when women similar looking to Ashlyn begin to go missing in her town, she can't help but worry. Then when her husband begins disappearing she questions his whereabouts and if he may be involved. So many moving pieces bouncing back and forth between who to trust.

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Ashlyn and her husband move into their dream home, designed by her architect husband, mason, when women start disappearing, Ashlyn begins to question everything.

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On the fence if I really enjoyed this or if it was a let down. So this may not persuade you one way or another. Some parts I really enjoyed, while other parts seemed too much of a rip off of more notable writers.
I need to think about it more.

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The Dream Home by T. Baxter is the author's latest thriller. A masterpiece in human behavior, flaws.
Ashlyn and Mason are married for some time and are about to move into their dream home. Ashlyn Can't wait to expand their family, raise their children here. But some dreams just don't come true.
A twisty talethat gets Ashlyn inthe hands of a bad man, leaves one of them not alive, in general nothing is as it seems. Twisty and full of turns that had me in suspense till the last page, I loved reading this thriller.

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Sometimes things are too good to be true. The Dream Home describes this perfectly. It was a good read.

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The Dream Home was a quick read. Theo Baxter has a detective series now that I found to be very good. I am hit or miss with his stand alone books. This one felt so been there done that, that it was a chore for me to finish the book. Early on in the book, I figured out what was going on. I do like the writing style and character development. I cannot find this book anywhere on Goodreds so I'm only putting my review here. Thriller readers will like it and it deserves a fair shot. I had an issue liking the characters and the book seemed to drag on for me. However, others seem to enjoy it, so I do recommend it. Thank you to Inkubator books and Nergalley for the ARC.

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