Member Reviews

Two Doors Down by Mary Hargreaves is a heartwarming and uplifting romance that will captivate fans of feel-good, opposites-attract stories.

Eve is struggle to root for but you keep waiting for her to get her redemption arc while Adam deserves so much more! Reading their two stories before they collide into one gives so much insight to their future relationship, and I love how Old Sausage brings them together. Zero spice, slow burner for the MCs, but a story that felt like real people dealing with real issues with a great found family.
Thanks Joffe Books and Netgalley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review!

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I thought this book was going to be a normal romance but I was wrong. Personally, I felt like there were two stories happening simultaneously for most of the book as the love interests didn’t start interacting until almost 2/3's of the way into the book. There was a lot more about self-improvement and personal growth than romance in this book. Eve and Adam were mostly living their lives separately even though they were neighbours and there were a few moments when they would almost meet but they didn’t. I think that the author wrote the characters really well I felt exactly how I should’ve felt about the characters and I think that they are good for each other. I did not love Eve for the majority of the book I just really wanted her to slow down and think for a second and I think that's what the author intended to do with the character which is why I think this book was written well. Plus Adam is just a nice guy who cares about people's feelings and is a good balance to Eve's problem-solving personality

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3.5 stars! What truly intrigued me about this book was the brother of the MMC having Cerebral Palsy, it was really nice to see representation in mainstream books. My sister actually has the same condition as a result of the same way.

This book is very heavy in the dual POV, and sometimes you can feel that it is almost two different stories. I thought it was a very cute book! It had the dorky loveable, naive friend, stubborn overworked perfectionist FMC, and adorable, sweet, kind hearted MMC who can do no wrong! I enjoyed the story, it was a nice easy read, it was very British and reminded me of so many things back home. I do wonder how non Brits will cope with some of the terms/ wording and swearing, but overall I enjoyed the book and think it’s a cute little Rom Com. Thank you to Netgalley And the publisher for the e-arc of this book!

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Finally, after searching for a lighthearted beach read and slogging through some major duds, Two Doors Down was exactly what I needed.

A FMC that you have a love hate relationship with, who makes colossal mistakes but learns from them in the end.

A lovable MMC who is just a good guy. A guy to root for. A guy you want to see triumph in the end. And triumph he does.

Lovely read!

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC!

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thank you netgalley for the e-arc. i think this is an overdone trope but the book was fine. the characters felt fresh enough that the neighbors to lovers thing didn't bother me as much. protect the cat at all costs.

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This was a cute neighbor romance with a lot of self-growth and improvement.

Eve is very career minded and as her work life becomes shambles, she is even more frustrated by her neighbor's cat that keeps showing up at her door.

Adam is loyal to a fault and as his love life falls apart, he is surprised by a cat that keeps showing up. He tracks it to his neighbor.

These two finally meet only to discover that it is not either of their cat. The decide to work together to find the owner.

This is a cute book. I thought the "Adam and Eve" jokes were a cute addition. I did not like Eve at all during most of this book. I always love an author that can make me dislike a character but still root for a redemption. This author delivered perfectly. Eve did some really not nice things, however in the end she owned up to everything pulled up her proverbial big girl panties and got that redemption she deserved.

I loved Adam through the entire book. I was rooting for him to get his HEA. He was such a sweet guy who did not deserve the things that happened to him.

The only thing I did not like was how quick this book ended. I would have loved to see more of them together.

Thank you NetGalley and Joffe books for this title. This is my very honest review.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced digital copy of this book.
4 stars book from me. Loved the plot and the storytelling in Two Doors Down and the relatable, likable characters,. Loved every single second reading it.

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What happens when a selfish, driven, unethical woman and an extremely caring and somewhat naive man end up getting visited by the same cat? A clash of opposites that they don't see coming - and a lot of self realization, eventually. Good for a vacation or weekend. (No spice, for those looking)

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This was an unexpected read. From the blurb, I expected a sweet, standard rivals-to-lovers romance, but it turned out to be anything but.
I would say this is lighter on romance than it is being marketed, as the focal point appears to be more the development of the characters. Adam and Eve don't even know of each other until about 40% through the book. Overall, I loved their developments, and Adam's group of friends was especially a highlight for me. I wished Will and Jess were more fleshed out!

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No hay romance, nada, cero. Trata sobre las consecuencias de tus actos y el de seguir adelante ante las adversidades.

Eve trabaja en una empresa de marketing y está por recibir un ascenso o eso es lo que cree hasta que se entera que su mejor amiga sin decirle se postuló como candidata y lo que es peor, le mintió a su jefe diciendo que Eve estaba de acuerdo.

Con la competencia por el ascenso, tanto Eve como Kristen y sacan su peor lado, no les importa hacerse daño.

Adam es profesor, está en una relación de seis años, pero descubre que su novia le es infiel. El pobre tendrá que ver como seguir adelante y conseguir dinero para comprarle la mitad de la su departamento a su ex.

Honestamente no tengo idea porque me gustó, tiene muchas cosas que no me agradan, sin embargo, se me hizo entretenido y quería saber como acabaría lo de Eve y Kristen.

Spoilers ⚠️ ⚠️

- Eve y Adam se conocen hasta la mitad del libro y después de eso sus interacciones son mínimas. Se vuelven novios en el último capítulo y no hay ni un beso.

- Ambos están con otras personas.

-No hay epílogo.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Unfortunately, I had to DNF this one. I just couldn’t connect with the MC and the amount of explicit language was just too much for me. I was expecting a sweeter romcom.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Joffe Books for the ARC

Such a cute romance novel. I loved it and had a great time reading it! What started out as an sort of enemies-to-lovers neighbourship developed to an adorable romance. I really liked the couple together and loved, loved the cat! Give me a cat and a romance and I'm sold. A fantastic summer read.

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