Member Reviews

1/5⭐ 1/5🌶️

I was super excited to read this book. I walked into it based on the cover and the synopsis, it looked interesting enough. I love a good enemies-lovers/miscommunication trope. However, this book was not for me, at all.

The ex-boyfriend/boss and the mistress read as caricatures of villains. I could not stop thinking of Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale from Rocky and Bullwinkle when they showed up in the novel.

The family dynamics with the Dad and the Brother. Atrocious. I was not anticipating domestic assault and then her helping her abuser. But sure.

Then the reductive writing about the "evil" jealous ex-wife. I think that there was an attempt at the FMC liberating herself from her crap family and breaking abuse cycles, but then the ex-wife is a reductionist stereotype? Yuck.

And Anna’s best friend reads more like a frenemy than a bestie? Nope.

It felt like the hot, was an asshole boss turned lover is her savior and nothing else could possibly go right for poor Anna.

And a random, shell shocking terrorist attack?
This felt soapy to me in a really bad way.

Expected Publish Date: August 22, 2024

A big thank you to NetGalley and Joffe Books/Choc Lit for this eARC in exchange for my honest review. Reviews posted on NetGalley and Goodreads.

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I received an ARC from Joffe Books in exchange for my honest review (thank you, Joffe!).

I loved the idea of the premise! It was a cute set up.
It did leave me feeling a bit icky that her last relationship was with her boss as well. It was a bit unbalanced power dynamic wise.
There were so many antagonists, I was so confused what the ending was going to be! And it seemed random at times, them getting together came out of nowhere. I didn’t really feel like they had that romantic build up that I adore in books.
The words were a bit clunky and didn’t read easily, it was stilted and strange. I think if there were less antagonists with more focus on the romance between the two leads (they get together less fast), it may have been a better read. The random as things that the antagonists did were so out of the blue.
I also think the first line of a book sets the whole tone too, so it stuck out to me that it wasn’t attention grabbing.
It would have been cool to focus on Eva and Anna’s relationship more, and Anna’s best friend sort of just disappears near the end? Which was strange??
Anna’s home environment made me so annoyed for her. And it was so random what happened with it too!
There’s definitely promise in it, I would say it just needs some more loving with the dialogue rewritten!

Thanks again to Joffe Books for the ARC!!

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this arc!

What a great book. Such a quick and easy read. I enjoyed this book. All of the characters are great. Also great story and awesome writing style.

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This is a lighthearted read, however, I think it would be even better if there was less telling the reader every emotion and do a little more showing through nuance. It could also be a bit more concise in some section. It starts with Anna Wright interviews for a job as an assistant to the celebrated photographer Daniel Redfern. I really enjoyed the grumpy-sunshine trope, and the fast-paced start was a great way to introduce the characters. However, some of the side plots felt a bit messy and could have had a more well-paced conclusion.

Overall, this was an enjoyable and quick read. I would recommend it to anyone who loves romance and is in the mood for something light and cute!

Thank you netgalley for this eARC!

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Daniel is amazing. Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for this ARC. All opinions are my own.

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A snappy romance that throws together Anna Wright, a determined aspiring photographer, and Daniel Redfern, a famously demanding photography genius. When Anna shows up late and soaked to an interview, it seems like her dream job is slipping away, but Daniel ends up offering her a trial run. As they work together, their chemistry ignites, revealing that first impressions can be deceiving. But with their personal pasts threatening to get in the way, the real question is whether they can take a chance on love or if they'll let their differences keep them apart.

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"First Impressions" tells the story of Anna Wright, who interviews for a job as an assistant to the renowned photographer Daniel Redfern. For Anna, this job isn’t just a last chance to pursue her dream of becoming a photographer—it's also an escape from her toxic ex-boyfriend and unhealthy work environment.

It took me a little time to fully get into the story and the romance between Anna and Daniel, but once I did, it turned into a delightful and engaging read. The book's fast-paced nature kept the plot moving, though at times, it felt like some important details were missing. I would have loved to see a more detailed development of Anna and Daniel's relationship from the start. One moment that particularly stood out was when Daniel’s son, Ben, came down to Cheshire for a week. We only got a glimpse of their last night together, and I wish we had more insight into their time together to better understand their interactions and the bond that was forming.

The book explores some wonderful themes, particularly Anna’s journey of leaving her toxic workplace to chase her dreams. It was truly inspiring to see her succeed. However, the story also touches on some heavier topics, such as the grief of losing a family member, family drama, dealing with a toxic ex, and a significant accident.

Overall, "First Impressions" was a cute and enjoyable read that I would recommend to anyone looking for something light and quick. It’s a great pick for readers who enjoy romance with a mix of drama and uplifting themes. If you like stories about following your dreams and overcoming challenges, you’ll likely enjoy this one. Just be aware of the heavier themes that are addressed throughout the book.

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Thank you to Joffe Books and Netgalley for providing me with this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

Where to start? Anna has a lot going on in her life with her family taking her for granted and her ex as her boss. She dreams of doing something around photography, which she has loved since she was younger but never been able to capitalise on.

Enter Daniel Redfern, renowned photographer looking for a new assistant. However, let's not forget he's also as grumpy as they come, particularly towards a particularly bedraggled and late Anna.

A reasonable read for those who love the grumpy to lover trope. I found the whole thing with Daniel's ex really quite petty and at times it felt a little slow but generally an enjoyable read.

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First Impressions" by Linda Middleton tells the story of Anna and Daniel. Anna Wright, eager to escape her toxic ex-boyfriend and job, seizes the chance to interview for an assistant position with renowned photographer Daniel Redfern. This opportunity is not only her last shot at pursuing her dream of becoming a photographer but also a way to start fresh.

Initially, I found it a bit challenging to fully engage with the book and the romance, but once I did, it turned into a delightful and enjoyable read. The story moves at a brisk pace, which keeps things lively, though it sometimes felt like certain details were glossed over. I wished the book had delved deeper into the early stages of Anna and Daniel’s relationship. For example, when Daniel’s son, Ben, visits Cheshire for a week, we only glimpse their final evening together. I would have liked to see more of their interactions to better understand their growing bond.

The book does a great job of exploring themes like pursuing one's dreams, as seen through Anna’s journey to leave her toxic job behind and achieve her goals. It was inspiring to watch her succeed. However, the story also touches on some heavier subjects, including grief, family conflict, a toxic relationship, and a significant accident.

Overall, "First Impressions" is a charming and enjoyable read that I would recommend to those looking for something light and quick. It’s a good fit for readers who enjoy romance with a hint of drama and an uplifting message. If you like stories about chasing dreams and overcoming challenges, you’ll likely find this book appealing. Just be aware that it does address some weightier topics along the way.

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It took me a while to get into the book and the romance, but once I did, it turned into a delightful and engaging read. The pace picked up quickly and kept me hooked, but at times it felt like we missed out on crucial details. Some of the side plots seemed a bit disjointed. The characters were likable, and there were intriguing developments, but I felt like some significant parts of their relationship growth and challenges happened off-page, leaving me feeling like I missed out on key moments. Adding the miscommunication trope wasn’t my favorite aspect.

I wish there had been a more in-depth exploration of Anna and Daniel’s relationship from the beginning. We only got brief glimpses of Daniel’s son, Ben, particularly during his week-long visit, and I would have loved more insight into their interactions and the bond they formed. However, I did appreciate how the book balanced heavier themes with lighter ones.

Overall, this was an enjoyable and quick read.

ARC courtesy of Joffe Books | Choc Lit and NetGalley, thank you. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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3.5 Stars!

I received this ARC, and here is my honest review.

Book Summary:
When Anna Wright interviews for a job as an assistant to the celebrated photographer Daniel Redfern, it’s not just her last chance to pursue her dream of becoming a photographer—it's also an opportunity to escape her toxic ex-boyfriend.

This book is a light and enjoyable read! While it touches on heavier topics such as grief, toxic relationships, and a tragic accident, it does so in a way that adds depth without overshadowing the romantic focus.

I really enjoyed the grumpy-sunshine trope, and the fast-paced start was a great way to introduce the characters. However, some of the side plots felt a bit messy and could have had a more well-paced conclusion.

The characters were likable, and there were some interesting developments, but I felt like some important parts of their relationship growth and challenges were happening off-page, leaving me feeling like I missed out on important moments. Personally, I prefer my FMCs to be a bit more confident, and although Anna’s lack of confidence was an important part of her journey and kick-starting the plot, I would have loved to see more growth in that aspect. I also struggled a bit with some of their lack of communication skills, especially considering that Daniel is a father, I expected better communication from him, which fell a bit short for me.

Overall, this was an enjoyable and quick read. I would recommend it to anyone who loves romance and is in the mood for something light and cute!

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This was a 3.75 rounded up to 4 for me! This was a super cute book with an interesting plot and great characters! I enjoyed the dual perspectives and the setting of the story. I enjoyed reading about two photographers falling in love.

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Anna Wright’s life is going down the drain she’s in a job where her ex boyfriend has coupled up with the bosses daughter her home life is her being the unpaid skivvy and to top it all off she’s of for an interview late because she got lost and soaked by a heavy rainstorm.
Daniel Redfern is a perfectionist so when a bedraggled Anna turns up for an interview he’s far from impressed, but his friend persuades him to give her a chance. Anna proves she’s more than just a helper when Daniel sees her own photography.
They begin a whirlwind journey with many ups and downs.
Great read highly recommended

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Thank you to Joffe Books and Linda Middleton for gifting me a digital copy of First Impressions to review. The book starts quick with a great meet cute between Daniel and Anna, but afterwards the story gets a little slow and takes a little getting into while the background to Daniel's life catch-up with the story and Anna home life distracts from settle in the romance as there are a lot of side plots all over the place. Settles down to be a cute romantic reading with a nice happy ending -plot is a little predictable but steady. Characters are likable and well-developed though struggle with communication - the miscommunication element wasn't for me but I weathered it as I loved Daniel's son, Ben who was the best character for me.

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Oh my goodness. This book pulled every heart string and was just adorable!! I was so excited to start this book and couldn't put it down. Such a great book. Fell in love with the characters.

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This delightful, well-written British romance has interesting and in-depth characters, and just enough obstacles to lend enough angst to keep the reader interested. Anna Wright is in a toxic job with her toxic workplace boyfriend. As with most romances, we know this scenario is an explosion waiting to happen, so the heroine can go on to bigger and better things in both her career as well as her love life. Although the plot is predictable, Middleton manages to keep her story credible in this enjoyable, page-turner workplace romance that is a welcome addition to the “choc lit” genre.

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Overall 2.5 stars for this ARC. Thank you to NetGalley, Joffe Books, Choc Lit, and the author Linda Middleton for an ebook copy of this book!

Overall, a cute story and I would recommend reading this if you like a cheesy , sweet , romance!

My biggest issue with this story was that the side plots were all over the place (to me personally), but I still found the romance the center of the story. It also took me awhile to get into the story, but I would not say that it was as slow start by any means. There was just a lot of extra things going on that threw me off a few times while reading. There are also heavy topics discussed in this book like grief, loss of parent, divorced / coparent dynamic, and family drama. Other than that, this was a super easy read.

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Thank you, Joffe Books, for providing this book for an honest review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

→ Single dad
→ Second chance
→ Work-based romance
→ Grumpy x Sunshine

"First Impressions" by Linda Middleton follows the story of Anna and Daniel. When Anna Wright interviews for a job as an assistant to the famous photographer Daniel Redfern, it’s not only her last chance to follow her dream of becoming a photographer but also an opportunity to escape her toxic ex-boyfriend and workplace.

It took me a little while to get into the book and the romance, but once I did, it became a cute and fun read. The book is fast-paced, which kept things moving, but at times it felt like we were missing important information. I would have appreciated a more in-depth look at how Anna and Daniel’s relationship developed in the beginning. One instance that stood out to me was when Ben, Daniel’s son, came down to Cheshire for a week. We only got to see their last night together, and I would have loved more insight into their time together to see their interactions and bond forming.

I loved the themes explored in the book, especially Anna leaving her toxic workplace to chase her dreams. It was inspiring to see her achieve her goals. However, the book does touch on some heavy topics, including grief of a family member, family drama, a toxic ex, and a significant accident.

Overall, I thought "First Impressions" was a cute and fun read, and I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for an easy and quick read. This book is well-suited for readers who enjoy romance with a touch of drama and inspirational themes. If you appreciate stories about following your dreams and overcoming obstacles, you might find this book enjoyable. However, be mindful of the heavier topics mentioned.

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thank you NetGalley for the arc.

Book takes a little to get into but once you do it's a very cute easy read

Anna and Daniel didn't see eye to eye until they did. Anna showed up late to her interview and didn't have a great first impression. Anna was Daniel's assistant until Daniel helped Anna get her career off by being a mentor for him. Anna eventually fell in love with Daniel and his son Ben.

Side plots were all over the place

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Received an ARC of this book, and this review is voluntary. Once I was able to sit down and give it my full attention, well, I couldn't put it down.

Some side plots were a little clunky, and as an avid romance reader, patterns were easy to recognize, but it didn't take away from the heart of the story. The MML started out as oblivious but quickly became one of my favorites. Highly recommend to my romance reader friends come publish day

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