Member Reviews

this was a cute book! I enjoyed the characters and the plot, but the writing style was probably the strongest for me. also the cover is super cute. def gonna add this to my collection

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This book is an absolute delight. I will say that it started a little slow for me in the beginning when they were "enemies" but when they communicated about both of their Neuro diversity that is really when the story starting to shine. The author did an excellent job with the autism and ADHD representation. We also got a little bit of dyslexia and allergy representation as well. Rafael is the absolute perfect book boyfriend. The FMC is a romance writer and they have a checklist of items they need to do so she can get inspiration for her books and he nails everyone. A definite must read!

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Thank you NetGalley, Victory Editing and the author Cristina Santos for the e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Though it can be read alone, this is the third book in the 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝐿𝐴 series. This series is amazing! Rafael has been a character I've enjoyed to see in this series, so I was excited to get his side of the story. Charlie is my favorite, and it warmed my heart to see her open up to Rafael to build a secure haven for herself.

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Out Of Focus

° Dual POV
° Enemies to Lovers
° He Falls First & Harder
° Found Family
° Neurodivergent Rep

"Out of Focus" is book 3 in the Love in L.A. series but can be read as a standalone.  It is a story about two neurodivergent characters: Charlie, a dynamic and layered female lead and Rafael, an empathetic and perceptive male lead.

This is my first Cristina Santos book. The book's cover art was what drew me in initially and as I read it, I became engrossed in the story.  The representation of neurodivergence stood out, as it was handled with care and respect, integrating into the romance without overshadowing the characters’ depth.

I loved how Charlie and Raf's relationship emphasized security and consent, their willingness to be vulnerable and their deep mutual respect were beautifully portrayed. Rafael’s thoughtful approach to understanding Charlie’s needs, including seeking permission before physical contact, and his supportive actions like deep breathing and giving space, was heartwarming. 

Raf’s relationship with his family, their cultural practices, and the depiction of Brazilian cuisine added another layer of richness to the narrative.

I also enjoyed the book’s inclusion of playlists with QR codes, visual references to shows like Friends and The Office, the nicknames Raf has for Charlie, and of course, mentions of anything book or book-related. 

TW: Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Adoption, Anaphylactic Shock

Favorite Quotes:
ᥫ᭡ Dedication:   "For all my fellow neurospicy pals.
You deserve to be known, understood and loved.
By others and yourself."

ᥫ᭡ A little note...: "My wish is that this story gives you hope.  That those of us who have experienced love and loss know that love is possible again.  That we never give up on ourselves."

ᥫ᭡ "..I wholeheartedly believe in fairy tales, in  love that last forever, and people choosing one another day after day.."

ᥫ᭡  "..Nothing but the knowledge in my mind and in my heart that I wasn't theirs, and yet, they chose me and continued to choose me."

ᥫ᭡  "I just had to embrace my strengths because my weaknesses were always pointed out."

ᥫ᭡ "Loving her isn't something I do; it's just part of who I am."

ᥫ᭡  "There isn't a right one, only a right one for you.  A right moment, a right action, a right person. You'll know.  Trust that.  Trust your heart."

ᥫ᭡  "I like all of my stuffies, but Pickle is special. I look at Pickle like she's the one I treasure the most.   Like I feel safe with her, and she makes everything good even better, and everything sad a little happier. I never ever want to be away from her. And when I am away from her, I feel sad and I cry,.."
"..I think Tio Rafa is your Pickle, and you are most definitely definitely his."
"..She's my best friend, too."
"..But with Pickle, it's just easy because I can tell her everything. I don't have to try to explain myself; she just knows me."

ᥫ᭡ "There is no one else to choose from, Rafael.  There never will be.  You are and will always be my only choice."

ᥫ᭡  "I love you the only way I know how.  I see you, and I choose you because you're the best person I know."
"..Because you've always seen me, and even in my hardest moments, you've always chosen me."
"..I love you because I don't know any other way to live now, and I never will. However long my life might be, I will spend the rest of it loving you and only you."

Thank you NetGalley, Victory Editing and the author Cristina Santos for the electronic advanced reader's copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This did take me a long time to read and get into but once I was into it, I was hooked!
Raf and Charlie have such strong and great chemistry and I love the way the author wrote their ADHD and autism almost like superpowers. The communication through the book was lovely and for me enjoying this as a slow read was worth it. I thought they said sorry too much but that slowed down as they got to know each other.

Actually one of the spiciest yet sweetest books I have read. Spicy because of the communication and the words out of rafs mouth, and sweet because of the connection.

A book about communication in relationships, who would have thought it would work! Thanks NetGalley for letting me read and review this book.

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Dual POV, Spicy, Enemies to Lovers, Autism + ADHD Rep, Care Taking, He Falls First & Harder, Found Family, Spicy Lessons

This is a love story full of emotional revelations and care taking. While Rafael and Charlie get off on the wrong foot soon they realize they actually need each other. Spicy lessons/Teach me are one of my favorite tropes and it is well written in this book, I especially loved the chapter where Charlie sends him the list of things she wants to learn/things she's curious about. Plenty of care taking, teaching, and a touch of jealously.

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Book Review
Out of Focus by Cristina Santos

Thanks to Megan for introducing me to Indie author Cristina Santos - I am completely addicted and obsessed

Autism, Dyslexia and ADHD rep
Brazilian MMC
Sexual inexperience
Pumpkin the cat
Frenemies to Lovers
Sugar and spice and everything nice
Cinnamon roll - the LEAN, the sweatpants, the glasses- SWOON

Raf- former Marine, who sometimes speaks without thinking, sweet, sexy cinnamon roll
Vo- grandma with attitude and masterful cook
Charlie- neurodivergent ginger who secretly writes spicy novels
Maeve/Elaina/Adam/Owen- previous books MC’s all make an appearance, found family
Robert- asshat ex

✅Gimme all the Friends references PIVOT! The reference to #7 Monica, the leather pants and chicklet teeth - le sigh, these visual references just invoke soo much laughter and memories
✅The nicknames- at first its antagonizing and then it becomes soo intimate, its Raf and Charlie’s thing
✅The cooking- I love the visual of the aprons, sharing family traditions and culture; how the kitchen is where you see Raf’s heart, him caring for his people
✅Raf and Charlie are so mindful of each-other’s emotional needs, their relationship is built on trust and mutual respect- loved reading their interactions on the page
✅Charlie’s need for the surety of safety and security in her life resonated with me- we are all looking for our PERSON- our home- where we can be LOVED for our authentic selves
✅I loved how Cristina wrote Raf- he owns his insecurities, he prioritizes his mental health, he loves his family, and he has the biggest heart- BOOK BOYFRIEND GOALS
✅ I havent read the previous 2 books in the Love in LA series but Out of Focus can be read as a standalone

You want this book. You need Raf. You are missing out if you havent discovered this author yet!!

Thanks to the author and @netgalley for my digital ARC in return for an honest review. Opinions expressed are my own.

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4 stars!

"Out of Focus" by Cristina Santos is an enemies-to-friends-to-lovers, he falls first romance with great banter, a slow-buring romance, and excellent spice. I thoroughly enjoyed following the main characters, Charlie and Raf, as they fall in love. Charlie is trying to find herself and figure out what she wants out of life. She is in the States visiting her sister, taking a break from her London home and a partner who doesn't treat her how she wants to. Charlie thinks Raf, her sister's bodyguard, is a playboy with a reputation that precedes him when really, that couldn't be further from the truth. Raf is a sweet, sensitive soul. The banter and angst and build-up between them is *chef's kiss.* When the dam finally bursts, it's brilliant and euphoric for them. I loved the honest, realistic conversations and explorations about being neurodivergent. This felt like an authentic representation of what it's like to be neurodivergent. I also love how consent is key in any and all things between these characters. They are constantly talking to each other to feel each other out. They are willing to be vulnerable with each other, unlocking levels of intimacy that neither of them has ever felt with anyone else. This book is so well done! I know it is part of a series, but the entries can be read as standalone novels. I will definitely go back and read the other two books in the series.

Thank you to NetGalley, Cristina Santos, and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for the complimentary ARC of this book. All opinions are my own. I was not compensated for this review.

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Rafael is a vibrant Brazilian CEO who wants to find love whilst Charlie is a British redhead who seems prepared to accept a monotonous relationship. Despite their initial meeting, their intertwined circles force them together, beginning a beautiful relationship. Charlie turns to Rafael with her struggles and he in turn, seeks Charlie’s assistance to complete a family project.
I loved how they accepted each other challenges. Raf, is such a sweet character who was easy to love. Their banter made this book what it is, revealing their feelings for each other. I also enjoyed many of the secondary characters who all added to the depth of this story.
This romance between two neurodivergent characters was well delivered and handled beautifully.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Thank you Cristina Santos and NetGalley for the ARC!

I haven't read much of Cristina Santos previously, but the cover art and description of this book really drew me in. I enjoyed it as I read but I was pretty thrown off at the meeting of the main characters, I think I didn't get over that initial meeting until later in the book which is why I think I gave it 3 stars. I just didn't love how crass the MMC was to the FMC at first, but it was a cute read nonetheless!

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I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is my first Christina Santos book and I want to apologize for not reading her work sooner. I was not familiar with her game lol and I will spend the rest of my life ensuring that I read and recommend her books.

Rafael is one of the best book boyfriends that I've read this year. He was absolutely perfect and the perfect match for Charlie. He provided her the assurance that she needed in him and his love for her. He was so thoughtful, always putting her needs first, making sure that she was taken care of, and making his actions and love for her clear. I mean their first date showed just the extreme level of care this man has for her. MAJOR SWOON

Although it did take Charlie a while to adjust to him and be more comfortable with him, when they both fell in love it was *chef's kiss*. I loved them together and want to read more stories like this.

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I received an ebook ARC of Out of Focus by Cristina Santos from NetGalley, and I’m so glad I picked this one up! What initially drew me to this book was its representation of Autism, ADHD, and Dyslexia, which I don’t often see in romance novels. I wasn’t disappointed!

This is the third book in the Love in LA series, but it works perfectly as a standalone. I hadn’t read the other two books and never felt lost or out of place in the story. The FMC, Charlie, travels from the UK to Los Angeles to visit her twin sister. She’s brilliant in the finance world, on the path to becoming CFO for a major UK corporation, while her “boyfriend” is lined up for the CEO role. But something feels off, and Charlie's trip to LA becomes a necessary journey of self-discovery.

Enter Rafael, the charming Brazilian CEO of a security company in LA and Charlie’s long-time frenemy. They share the same social circles, but there’s been tension between them since the day they met. Charlie is also secretly a romance author, but she’s been struggling with her latest project, especially with writing romance and intimacy. Reluctantly, she turns to Rafael for help, and in exchange, she helps him with a project he's working on for his family. As they spend more time together, the walls between them start to crumble, leading to undeniable chemistry.

I was pleasantly surprised by how much I loved this book. The romance was engaging, the banter fun, and the dynamic between Charlie and Rafael was well-executed. What really stood out to me, though, was the disability representation. Having friends and family with ADHD and on the autism spectrum, I appreciated seeing these experiences normalized in a romantic context. The story beautifully weaves in these elements without making them the focal point, allowing the characters to shine as fully realized people beyond their diagnoses.

For spice, I’d rate this book a 3-4 out of 5. It strikes a great balance between character development and steamy scenes. I’m giving it a solid 5 stars, and I’ll definitely be keeping an eye on Cristina Santos’ upcoming books!

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Representation in a Sweet as Sugar Story

| contemporary romance | dual POV | representation | autism | ADHD | dyslexia | golden retriever MMC | enemies to friends to lovers | new author | LA | book boyfriend | diverse characters | ongoing series | found family | he falls first | nicknames |

Thank you to Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for the opportunity to read this book as an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I would like to start with transparent honesty and say that around 27% into the book, I wanted to tap out. I have not read the other books in the series so that may have been part of the reason I was having trouble staying engaged up until that point. However, I was genuinely interested in the plot and Momma didn't raise a quitter.

The FMC has exceptionalities that are represented and expressed from the beginning. As someone who thoroughly enjoyed the stories of Helen Hoang and who works with children with exceptionalities for a living, I have a soft heart for stories that cast these kinds of characters and give them a full life on-page.

This story was full of mutual pining that looked a lot like hate at first. I don't think I've met an MMC quite as dedicated or as careful as Rafael Machado. Considering our FMC had exceptionalities, she could be quite particular with her comforts. Rafael went above and beyond not only to befriend the FMC Charlie but also to be a comfortable person for her.

I ended up completely and hopelessly loving Charlie and Rafael. This story was vibrant, unique, and full of culture. There was something really beautiful about the way Rafael loves Charlie, and it's the kind of love we should all aspire to achieve in this life.

Happy Reading, Friends xx

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Out of Focus is book three in the Love in LA Series by Cristina Santos.
Cristina’s novel is absolutely delightful! Her story telling and ability to pull you in was so well done!
A well written, heartwarming, beautiful and sweet love story!

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“Can two people, brought together by chance and mutual need, overcome their differences and find a love that defies the odds?”

Out of Focus follows Charlie and Rafael, two people destined to continually meet as they are to become frenemies. Charlie has uprooted her life in London to take a break and really try to follow her soon as she figures out what her heart wants. Rafael, a friend of Charlie’s twin, has a penchant for nicknames and looking for love in the wrong places. When they (literally) run into each other, it seems that fate has found another way to bring them together.

The way I absolutely devoured this book was unreal. This was my first Cristina Santos book but it will definitely not be my last. It was absolutely perfect. One of the things I loved the most was the mental health/neuro-spicy rep which was interwoven throughout the entire story. Charlie is an AuDHDer with a wonderful twin and a not so wonderful mother. Rafael is an ADHDer who was adopted and has always felt completely loved by his family.

There was so much going on in the story, but it was never too much. Everything was in perfect balance. I felt all the emotions with this one. I laughed (repeatedly, especially at Rafael’s nicknames). I cried (repeatedly) at the many, MANY, vulnerable moments these two had together.
While this is the third book in an interconnected series, I read it as a standalone and could follow along just fine. If anything it made me want to go back and read the other two! It was that good.

If you are a lover of frenemies to lovers, fake dating, neuro-diverse characters, with the perfect balance of sweet and spice (and sass), you should definitely add this to your TBR. I could go on about this book and how wonderful it was for a long time. But, quite simply, read this book. It’s amazing. Ten out of ten would recommend. No notes whatsoever.

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Ahhhh! I loved this book! Definitely plenty of spice in this book & such a lovely story. Charlie & Rafael are to die for!!

I haven’t read any other books by this author but wow I definitely will do now! I love that he falls harder & first and I especially love that it was dual POV!

This was such an easy read that I would recommend to anyone!!

Thankyou NetGalley for the ARC

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Sweet and spicy male female contemporary romance. I love a main male lead that is a big ol' golden retriever but has a dirty mouth. The premise was fun, the writing engaging, and I really enjoyed watching the characters' relationship develop. This is my first book from this author and I'm so glad I found her. I wish I had read the other 2 books first, but will be remedying that now.

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What a beautiful cover! I have not read the other books in this series and while I had to make closed door modifications, I did like this romance. It was great to see familiar tropes with issues that are relevant to lots of people.

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Cristina’s best work yet!

OOF solidifies Cristina as the Slow Burn master. Never have I enjoyed every second and yearned for more at the same time. I fear that all other slow burns will be unsatisfactory.

Raf is the biggest golden retriever. Every girl deserves a man like him. The one who will switch sandwiches with you even if he’s allergic to yours. Raf is the epitome of devotion.

Charlie is a girlie pop just trying to figure life out. She dreams of life with the utmost romance and desire, but is unsure if she will ever find it. On the brink of settling and questioning all of her life’s choices, she is an incredibly relatable and lovable FMC. I could go on about her for hours!

I miss this book already. As I told Cristina, I would read encyclopedias on their relationship. I miss them already and want to re-read asap!

- Frenemies to Lovers
- Intimacy Lessons
- Idiots in Love (let’s bring this back!)
- Slow Burn
- He falls first & harder
- Foreign Nicknames
- Autism & ADHD Rep

Thank you to Cristina Santos and NetGalley for supplying me with an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Out of Focus is a frenemies to lovers, he falls first (and harder), slow burn romance.
I loved reading this book. Rafael is the sweetest man. He reads, he cooks, he cleans and loves his Charlie. All the nicknames he gave her throughout the movie, they need to get them framed to hang in their house 🥹
Charlie is such a complex but loveable character and it was really awesome to read about how her ADHD/austism was represented throughout this book…AND THE WAY SHE CALLS HIM A GOOD BOY 🥵🥵🥵Also I know I shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but Raf and Charlie and so cute and I can’t stop looking at them 🥺 and the way she
I cannot wait to dive into the rest of the Machado family 🥳

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