Member Reviews

The portrayal of neurodivergent characters is the highlight of this book for me. Tackling subjects like autism, ADHD, and other learning disabilities requires a delicate touch, and Christina has managed this with exceptional sensitivity. It was heartwarming to witness the growth of these characters as they learned to support one another. Additionally, the book's cover is absolutely stunning. Their journey was particularly moving; starting as adversaries, evolving into friends, and eventually becoming more. It was a beautifully crafted progression from beginning to end. I was so engrossed in the story that I didn't want it to conclude! Although I haven't read the first two installments of the series, I found the third book thoroughly enjoyable.

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Thank you so much for this arc!

Info: this book is part of the Love in LA series, but like me, you can read it as a standalone.

I'm going to start at the very beginning. The author's note was very cute and thoughtful – she gives content warnings and mentions the open-door spicy chapters in case you want to skip them. There's a playlist and hilarious chapter names, which shows how much effort the author put into this.

Out of Focus is a love story that highlights the experiences of neurodiverse characters – Charlie has ADHD and autism, and Rafael has ADHD and dyslexia. I was captivated by the authenticity of the characters and the sensitivity to the topic. This representation is not only refreshing but also crucial, as it creates a greater understanding and empathy for neurodivergent people.
The communication and openness between Charlie and Raf were truly amazing. It was beautiful that they treated each other with mutual respect and didn't shy away from asking questions to understand each other better.
I also loved the cultural representation in this book. The food, Portuguese nicknames and family bond added to the narrative, making it a heartwarming read. I still have butterflies in my stomach!

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I wanted to pick this book up for the neurodivergence representation and the gorgeous gorgeous cover and it seemed like a cozy romcom set in the city, but it felt a bit underwhelming and didn’t pack the kind of punch I was expecting. Not that it needs to be advertised or put in the blurb, but there are certain things I avoid in romance books because I know I won’t enjoy it. For example, Charlie being a romance author; I don’t like self inserts from the author, it never sits well with me, however I know other people do enjoy that so if that’s your thing go for it! The writing style was definitely engaging and the characters were heartfelt.

Thank you to Netgalley for the arc in exchange for an honest review!

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There’s a thin line between love and hate. When Charlie moves to LA to get away from her everyday life for a while she’s forced to coexist with Rafael. The pair couldn’t be any more different or so they think. As they grow closer they both open up and decide to help one another. Rafael will help Charlie with her intimacy issues and in return she’ll help him with a family project. As they work together their barriers begin to crumble. All the heartfelt conversations and intimacy deepens their connection makes Charlie reconsider her decisions.

I fell head over heels for these characters. Rafael is everything you could ever want in a partner. He’s so understanding, considerate and quite literally the perfect book boyfriend. Charlie is one lucky girl. I really appreciate how open they are with each other.

I’m obsessed with this idea for a trope. A romance author looking for some inspiration so she enters a fake relationship with her more experienced enemy turned friend. That sounds complicated but trust me it’s incredible. I thoroughly enjoyed the dual pov, spice level and representation (dyslexia, ADHD & autism).

Their communication is good for the most part except for when it comes to their romantic relationship. It was supposed to be a short time thing to inspire Charlies writing but their connection quickly grows. But they’re so the miscommunication was easy to look past.

This is one of my favorite reads of the year I’m so excited to have found another amazing author and can’t wait to read more of her books.

Read this if you like
📖Dyslexia, ADHD & Autism rep
💫Enemies to lovers
🐶Golden retriever mmc
🤍Fake relationship

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There’s a thin line between love and hate. When Charlie moves to LA to get away from her everyday life for a while she’s forced to coexist with Rafael. The pair couldn’t be any more different or so they think. As they grow closer they both open up and decide to help one another. Rafael will help Charlie with her intimacy issues and in return she’ll help him with a family project. As they work together their barriers begin to crumble. All the heartfelt conversations and intimacy deepens their connection makes Charlie reconsider her decisions.

I fell head over heels for these characters. Rafael is everything you could ever want in a partner. He’s so understanding, considerate and quite literally the perfect book boyfriend. Charlie is one lucky girl. I really appreciate how open they are with each other.

I’m obsessed with this idea for a trope. A romance author looking for some inspiration so she enters a fake relationship with her more experienced enemy turned friend. That sounds complicated but trust me it’s incredible. I thoroughly enjoyed the dual pov, spice level and representation (dyslexia, ADHD & autism).

Their communication is good for the most part except for when it comes to their romantic relationship. It was supposed to be a short time thing to inspire Charlies writing but their connection quickly grows. But they’re so the miscommunication was easy to look past.

This is one of my favorite reads of the year I’m so excited to have found another amazing author and can’t wait to read more of her books.

Read this if you like
📖Dyslexia, ADHD & Autism rep
💫Enemies to lovers
🐶Golden retriever mmc
🤍Fake relationship

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Okay I don't know to much about this author but I need to know more. I first picked up this book because of the cover and I was not disappointment. This book was so good and I need so much more. This book had me in all of my feelings and the love story chefs kiss. I have placed this at the top of all of my friends TBR list.

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Thank you Netgalley and of course the author for this ARC 💐

I need to mention the fact that I read this book the moment it was approved but I did not have the time to give feedback ✨

This book was just PERFECTION 🥹 I loved absolutely everything, the plot, the characters, the softness, the tenderness, absolutely BEAUTIFUL♥️

It’s been so long since I have read such a beautiful book, a book that touched my heart and made me tear up 🥹

Meeting your soulmate in this life, that person that completes you it is such a beautiful thing, it is really a blessing and nowadays it is not very easy to meet that person that it is for you, for your soul. In this book, Rafael and Charlie were soulmates, I felt their love through every word, every action, God their vulnerabilities, such a beautiful sight to see. Rafael is literally my dream man, such a beautiful and vulnerable and brave character, the way he acted with Charlie with patience and love, he is perfect 🥹
They both had a softness to them and a tenderness that I felt throughout the whole book.

It is my first time reading a book written by Cristina Santos, I was pleasantly surprised, she is such a wonderful author. I am excited to check future books from her, she is definitely now in my list of authors to check out after this book. ✨💐

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Finally the Raf and Charlie story we've been waiting for ❤️

The representation with neurodivergent characters is my favorite thing about this book. Writing about autism and adhd along with other learning disabilities can be tricky and Christina handled these topics with so much care. I loved seeing how these characters grew together as they learned to help eachother.

The friendship and eventual more was beautifully and realistically written. The little flashbacks showed how much these two didn't really tolerate eachother which makes the transition to friendship so much more meaningful.

I'm so glad we got to see more of the previous characters and get an introduction to the Machada Brothers. I can't wait to see what's next from Christina Santos

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This was amazing and my absolute favorite of the series. I loved every single thing about it! First of all, the cover is simply gorgeous. I have read the first two books in the series and loved them, and I was so excited to read about Rafael and Charlie. I think one of my favorite things about this book is the representation. Both Rafael and Charlie have ADHD, Rafael is dyslexic, and Charlie is autistic. I love when books fetaure neurodivergent characters and the author handled this so well. I feel like Charlie was quite accurately portrayed, and her strengths and weaknesses with autism were handled with the utmost care. Rafael and Charlie know each other because of their mutual friends, but they have always shared a dislike for each other. However, Charlie enlists Rafael's help with her romance novel writing, and Rafael in exchange asks for Charlie's help with a family project. What began as a reluctant deal to help each other, becomes an actual attraction and eventually love. Rafael was such a sweetheart and literally the perfect man, despite Charlie thinking differently of him from the beginning. To be considered is to be loved, and Rafael embodies this statement. At first glance, it seems like these two would not get along at all and couldn't be any different but it turns out they have more in common than they think. I loved their journey, because they began as enemies, then friends, then more, and it was just so beautiful from start to finish. I seriously did not want it to end! Cristina Santos is such a wonderful writer, and I really felt so connected to the characters and so immersed in the story. I loved getting to see and hear about the characters from the previous books; it was like coming home to family. This book is just so special to me and I know I will be thinking about it forever,

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What a great cover! I knew I wanted to explore this story. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. I have not read the first two books in this series but still enjoyed book three. I plan to get back to one and two because I liked the way Santos writes!

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Rafael e la sua Carrot cake, pumpkin(Charlotte/Charlie) si incontrano e si scontrano a causa di eventi fortuiti. Lui lavora per la sorella di lei, lei si è trasferita a Los Angeles per fuggire a una relazione tossica con il suo fidanzato.
L'autrice adotta l'enemies to lover troope con dolcezza e delicatezza. Rafael e Charlie sono due personaggi neurodivergenti. Accolgo sempre con gioia quando gli autori sanno raccontare con onestà cosa vuol dire esser divergenti (senza alcuna pretesa di patologizzare nulla). Rafael ha un disturbo specifico dell'apprendimento (è dislessico) ed ama ascoltare racconti erotici mentre svolge il suo allenamento (Rafe è assolutamente un golden retriever boy con un'aria da cattivo ragazzo, tutto muscoli, tatoo e pelle dorata grazie alle sue origini brasiliane). Charlie/Charlotte ha una doppia diagnosi di autismo e Adhd che le impedisce di leggere le emozioni altrui, di intrattenere relazioni intime. Ed è proprio per questo che Charlie chiede aiuto a Rafe. Tutto ha inizio da un libro da scrivere. Come può Charlie scrivere una storia d'amore se non l'hai mai vissuta? Rafe sarà il suo coach. Ma può l'amore essere solo un esercizio da imparare?

Il romanzo è scorrevole.
Ho dato 4 stelle.
La scrittura della Santos è una coccola.
Ringrazio #NetGalley per l'anteprima

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