Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC.
This must be a new edition of this book because I know we have gotten this book from the library a few months ago. Needless to say, very cute read and adorable pictures. My kids enjoyed this one.

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This was a cute book. I loved the imagination that was used throughout the book that one could use a dinosaur from a kite to a can opener. I just loved the imaginative route this book took! Great for kids!
The illustrations were good. Not great in my honest opinion.

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Thank you NetGalley! This book was really cute! My son absolutely loved this story. He wish he too could have a dinosaur kite.

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If You Happen to Have a Dinosaur is a book that my toddler has read before at daycare, but now will be in paperback! I love when books offer a paperback version because the cost is typically more accessible to all families.

I love the way the author conveys all the different ways a dinosaur could and couldn't be useful. I think young kids (2-8) would find this book really funny and engaging. The dinosaurs are in all different shapes, sizes, and colors which can be fun teaching moments for kids.

I do wish there was a little more ethnic diversity in the human characters that were pictured although different body shapes and hairstyles were prominent and really nice to see! I also recognize the book focuses on one family so the characters mostly reflect one race.

Thank you to the author, NetGalley, and Penguin Random House Canada for the e-Arc for review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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A funny and absolutely adorable read with equally wonderful illustrations. My 3 and 6 year old girls were enamored with this book and request it over and over.

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If You Happen to Have a Dinosaur is a super fun and funny book about ways you could use a dinosaur to help you with your chores and other tasks. The illustrations, style, and humor remind me of "When Dinosaurs Came With Everything." Dinosaur and humor lovers will eat this one up. The illustrations build suspense and make the story even more fun and light-hearted. This would make a great read-aloud to any class and a great addition to any library. Grab this one for a classroom, school, or public library that serves Pre-k-3. Highly recommend!

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This is a fun picture book that children will love to read. My library will definitely be buying this book. I can't wait to see children love it as much as I did!

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Cute Dinos, adorable illustrations, playful scenes.

The organization seems a bit odd, however, and not consistent in the logic behind each playful thing a dino could or couldn’t do for you if you had one.

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A silly book about if you had a dinosaur. My kid giggled at how funny those thoughts were. Sometimes you need a carefree book to end the day.

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Adorable illustrations and creative solutions to having a dinosaur. This book shows both the positive and negative aspects of having a dinosaur, and how they can be useful in life. Kids will enjoy the wit in this book and ask if they can get a dinosaur!

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What a cute story, “If You Happen to Have a Dinosaur” by Linda Bailey is a fun and silly story about things that could wrong with dinosaurs in your home or the positive side of having a dinosaur live with you. Colin Jack did a beautiful job with the illustration. My kiddos loved every page of the book and understood what was being shared on each page.

Thank you NetGalley, Penguin Random House Tundra Books, and Linda Bailey for an eARC copy of If You Happen to Have a Dinosaur.

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The book, If You Happen To Have A Dinosaur, discusses all the things one could do with a dinosaur if one owned it. The dream of owning a dinosaur is one that every child has. Maybe after reading all of the wonderful things a dinosaur can do your child may convince you that having a dinosaur at home wouldn't be such a bad idea after all. Hey mom, a dinosaur would be quite handy in the kitchen. Dad, you may be able to save money on your monthly security system and lawn maintenance costs. You would have a built-in babysitter, mom. Yes, not everything is perfect! Even dinosaurs need to eat! Perhaps you don't have a dinosaur in the house. So what about...

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Thank you, Penguin Random House Canada and NetGalley, for this ARC of If You Happen to Have a Dinosaur, written by Linda Bailey and illustrated by Colin Jack!

What a funny and creative story about how Dinosaurs can be helpful in your home. While silly, my favorite part is the elements that make these creatures sweet and helpful in the story. While expressing Dinosaurs can be unhelpful in some ways, try to learn more about them, and if you are kind, they may stay around for a long time. It took a funny take on Dinosaurs but never switched to anything crazy/chaotic, which I enjoyed. I think the illustrations are perfect for this story and capture the expressions of the different kinds of dinosaurs and the emotions of the humans.

I think the ending was also perfect, and I thought how fun of a story this would be in a classroom or library space. It could be used to have students discuss ideas such as kindness, respect, historical creatures, being helpful, and so much more!

It is a fun spin on what we are used to in children's stories regarding dinosaurs, and it reminded me of stories like How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight?, which was a popular series for me growing up. Overall, I look forward to having this book in my library soon and am excited to hear what others think! Thank you again for this ARC!

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This children's book was full of beautiful illustrations, a super fun story line, and captivating details that dinosaur lovers everywhere will love. My kiddo is 6 years old, and on the spectrum - he could not get enough of this one! The fun details had him attempting to read aloud some words that are actually quite tough for him (speech in general is hard for my kiddo) - so as a parent I had a deep appreciation for this!

As a parent reviewing this one, I didn't personally see a focused "lesson to learn" in this storyline. It was fun, imaginative, and meant more so for entertainment. I enjoy providing a variety of reading material for my 6 year old, so I am was 100% ok with this - but I know there are parents out there whom prefer more educational reads for school age kids.

Thank you NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for this e-ARC copy of If You Happen to Have a Dinosaur - in exchange for my honest opinion and review.

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This story gives "If You Give a ---- a ----" vibes but with dinosaurs and all the ways they're useful to everyday living. Cute illustrations, was a bit too lengthy for my goldfish attention span toddler, but I enjoyed reading it in chunks with him.

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It’s a cute kids’ book that my kids like. The drawings were bright and fun and very eye catching. I felt the flow of the boom was a bit odd. Almost like a “If you give a mouse a cookie” type feel but it didn’t flow in a way that made sense like those books and I honestly think with a book like this that rhyming would have made it even more interesting or silly.

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Super cute book. Perfect for a read aloud and a great prompt for thought provoking questions. There’s a lot of children’s dinosaur books already out there in the world so it was very impressive to be introduced to new ideas on just what one would do with a pet dinosaur.

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A super cute, fun book of all the things you could do if you by chance had a Dinosaur. The illustrations were great and all the fun things you could do with your Dinosaur made us laugh. This is a great book especially if you have a dinosaur lover.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the arc.

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If You Happen To Have A Dinosaur by Linda Bailey was a wonderful read! I read this to my 4 year old and he immediately asked me to read it again. The illustrations were cute and story and sweet.

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I enjoyed this hilarious picture book for kids. I work at a small private school. I think my kids will enjoy this book. The pictures are fun and goofy. I am an adult, and I enjoyed it. I look forward to reading this to my students.

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