Member Reviews

For majority of the story, I enjoyed reading this book! However, the ending fell a bit short for me. Sunny starts playing with all of the neighbor kids, then gets a ball to the face. She rushes back inside and...that's it? This leaves readers a bit confused and makes them wonder what happened to Sunny. Does she continue to play with the kids around her? Does she go back to being lonely? Since this is a kids' book, this is especially important to address. It's best to give young readers closure and let them in on what happens to the main character. Leaving it out can cause frustration, confusion, sadness, etc. Additionally, it would be easy to extend this book a little bit since it is short as it is right now.
However, that was the only thing I didn't like about this book. Everything else was actually really great! The illustrations were simple but still calming/fun, the book was written well and organized very nicely. Everything about this book makes sense and is on-point except for the ending. So, bravo for that!
Lastly, I want to express how important this book will be to only children. Sunny and her story are highly relatable for kids with no siblings, and it's very pleasing to see a book that is a perfect fit for kids without friends that are their own age.