Member Reviews

AGENTS OF S.U.I.T.: WILD GHOST CHASE is the latest addition to the InvestiGators series spinoff. The ghost of General Inspector Tract has taken over Monocle and is wreaking havoc as he tries to solve some of the world’s most enduring unsolved mysteries. Agent in training Zeb suspects something is up but is having a hard time getting the others on board with his theory since he’s only a trainee. He travels the world to continue his investigation and eventually the S.U.I.T. team bands together to bring down G.I. Tract while saving Monocle. Filled with the same detailed, colorful illustrations and signature puns and humor as the rest of the InvestiGators/Agents of S.U.I.T family of books, this one continues to bring the fast-paced fun as the mystery unravels. Readers will enjoy reuniting with many familiar faces throughout the book as they root for Zeb to find a way to end the chaos.

Monocle is working at the farm base when she meets a very long-term resident, the ghost of General Inspector Tract who got stuck in a closet right after they packed up most of the base and he told his second in command he was going deep undercover. Now he’s free from the closet and has some unfinished business and a drive to solve mysteries. He’s a bit miffed someone else solved if aliens are real, so he steals Monocle’s body to see what other unsolved mysteries he can solve instead in hopes they will let him move on. Nobody is on to what is going on except agent-in-training Zeb. Can he convince others that Monocle isn’t herself and stop this ghostly rampage?
This isn’t my favorite Agents of S.U.I.T. mainly because many of the students at my school come from a Thai background and take ghosts very seriously and won’t treat this as a light-hearted imaginary story like it is meant to be. It may make them freaked out to go into closets. For readers who understand the imaginary setup, and enjoy the Agents of S.U.I.T.s normal antics and abundant puns, this should be fun. I did like that the Badgers, Cilantro, and Zeb all end up teamed up to bring a resolution to this story. I also liked the concept of a cryptids convention. Personally this was a 2.5 for me, so I'll round it up to 3 stars. For some readers this will be a fun read, but really know the kid you hand this to and whether they can handle it or not.
Notes on content [based on the ARC]:
Language: None
Sexual content: None
Violence: One person dies by getting stuck in a closet.
Ethnic diversity: People characters have a variety of skin tones.
LGBTQ+ content: None specified
Other: There is a ghost that inhabits someone else’s body without permission. The agents talk about doing an exorcism at one point (but end up not needing to) and the Badgers visit a medium again. Also, be warned, the pun level is high in this one. So high.
I received an ARC of this title from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

What a perfect way to tie together all the newer agents. This book is fun and quirky and allows all the agents’ personalities to shine. I love that they all have to use their unique skills to help bring down General Inspector. Having read all the agents of S.U.I.T. books I could not have asked for a better connecting book. As always, the humor is on point and readers of this series are going to fall in love with this next installment.
Thank you so much to First Second Books and Netgalley for allowing me to read an advance copy of this title.

This was another great addition to the Agents of SUIT series. My 9 year old really enjoyed the storyline and couldn’t put it down. There were funny parts spread throughout the story that both kids and parents would find comical. We liked how the Investigators Mango and Brash were there too spying on the pufferfish. This is the perfect book for fans of Agents of Suit and Investigators.

This was another fun read in the Agents of Suit Series this time featuring new recruit Zeb the sheep who is helping crack the greatest mystery of all. As always, the illustrations are great and the story is zany and fun to read. We get to follow along as General Inspectre possesses Monocle to try and solve the greatest mystery of them all to finally be able to move on and not be tethered to the earth. This was a super-fast read and I can’t wait to read what they get up to next.
Thanks to First Second and Netgalley for the complimentary copy of this book. All opinions in this review are my own.

My kids have devoured each and every book in this series! And Wild Ghost Chase was no different! Thank you for the opportunity for an ARC!

Unfortunately, this one fell short for me. I was not a fan of the added potty humor (I.P. (You Pee?), and G.I. tract character). I also felt like a lot of the humor was referenced for older kids and even adults. I'm not confident kids (ages 8-10) would fully understand most of the humor in it. The word humor was mostly good, and the badgers were honestly my favorite part. One Illustration did "enhance" Bigfoot's butt, which I was not a fan of! Also, the main bad guy was a ghost who possessed one of the other character, and later they talked about needing an exorcist. They made a joke out of it, but I really am not a fan of exposing younger kids to these kinds of topics as they are a bit much. Thank you Netgalley, and the publisher for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest opinion.

Another part of the agents of SUIT with crazy anagrams and puns throughout. We follow a junior agent who is running a wool dying business on the side as they work to convince the other agents that something is afoot.
The ghost of GI Tract is running around trying to solve the mystery while the agents of SUIT keep bumping into each other to figure out why Tract is a ghost.
Cute and worth the read

John Patrick Green knows his young audience! Full of the shenanigans we've come to rely on, this adventures brings in a new character, Zeb, to solve a new mystery - why is General Inspectre still on this earth? And how do they get his ghost to leave before more hijinks ensue?! This third in story in Agents of SUIT is sure to delight audiences!

My 9-year-old adores graphic novels. He's been enjoying the InvestiGators series for a while, so he was excited to get to read the latest installment early since we received a review copy through NetGalley. Here are his thoughts:
This story is as good as the other books in the series. I highly recommend that you read the first books of the series before this book in order to fully understand the plot. It's not scary, but it's hilarious and has very good illustrations. It's very silly but has a good plot. I will keep on reading this series as long as it keeps on coming out! I highly recommend this book to others.
Note: I received a review copy of this book via NetGalley.
Planning to review on Amazon after publication.

We return to the Agents of S.U.I.T and this time, we're following the story of Zeb, the sheep (periwinkle blue for this story). Something is not right with Monocle and Zeb is determined to find out, especially when everyone thinks he's behind the issue (or he's just wrong). What follows is a whirlwind chase to follow Cheif InSpectre to find all the unsolved mysteries and why the various Cryptids have disappeared. Preivous agents reappear in this books and all 4 come together to save the day (as they do, because you know those Badgers). Will this be the end of these side stories? I sure hope not! These have been a lot of fun as they solve the mystery of the missing General Cheif Inspector. Overall, another solid work and it even pokes a little fun at the famouse Dog-Man and the creators of the books while being a little bit meta. Kids will love these!

These books are always interesting. It’s like the best 80s camp movies that were incredibly stupid are turned into a similar style graphic novel. Throw in a little Captain Underpants humor and you get the agents of suits books. Kids love them and they should. Their wild mystery adventures that don’t always make sense Until everything is wrapped up in the end. But kids love them from beginning to end and this will be no different.

Thank you to Net Galley and First Second Books for the ARC of Agents of SUIT: Wild Ghost Chase. This is another great title from John Patrick Green! This story follows junior agent Zeb, with the help of the B/C teams, and even has a cameo of Mango and Brash! This was a very entertaining and enjoyable read. Lots of funny moments and just an all around good time. Definitely my favorite installment of Agents of SUIT so far.