Member Reviews

Another case of being duped by the hype. Although there are times where I'm totally riding the hype train, it is not the case with this one. As far as the narration goes, they were perfection. But the book itself did not work for me at all.

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This book is so hyped and with beautiful sprayed edges for the first printing or something like that but unfortunately I just couldn’t get into this book. It just couldn’t keep me interested.
I was listening. To the audiobook and I did enjoy the narrators .

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2.5 stars - sadly this didn’t really work for me. There was never really a good explanation for what was going on. I spent most of my time trying to figure out what was happening. Also the relationships in this story were all very surface level and we are told instead of shown how close some of the characters were. I will likely not continue the series.

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I really enjoyed this audiobook. The narrators are fantastic. The storyline is engrossing and the world building enjoyable. I found myself quickly drawn in to the story.

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If you loved From Blood and Ash and The Serpent and the Wings of Night then you will most likely love this book! I, personally, did not care for The Serpent and the Wings of Night, but I absolutely DEVOURED The Stars are Dying and ENJOYED seeing similarities in this book. I feel like it's getting harder to find a Romantasy that is entirely original, borrowed ideas are bound to exist in many forms of art and literature. That is how the subject progresses! Perhaps I haven't read enough Romantasy to be bothered by this or maybe I just have a low threshold for caring. Either way, I loved this read and can't wait to pick up book 2!

The tension and banter written between Astraea and Nyte was gods-perfect! I went back and forth myself on whether or not Nyte could be trusted and loved the pull back from Astraea each time. I also loved that there were multiple male characters in the story, not necessarily romantically linked to the FMC, but then tension they added to Astraea and Nyte's relationship was perfect. I just LIVED for the spicy scenes between Astraea and Nyte and will be thinking of male narrator Corvin King's voice...A LOT. I haven't read too many star-crossed lovers books so this one really intrigued me! I also love that this is more of a celestial fantasy read. It brings together different elements of fae, vampires, humans, and celestial beings. There are meaningful side characters that add to the story and character development. Astraea undergoes a lot of growth from the beginning to the end and Nyte was the perfect embodiment of MORALLY DARK GREY. Did I mention that every time Corvin King spoke my panties wanted to slip off?? I highly recommend listening along to the audiobook 🫠

The reason this isn't a full blown 5/5 for me is because the pacing was a bit slow in the beginning. I felt like it took a while to get to the trials and once there, I was a little confused as to what the trials actually were. They didn't feel too descriptive or important for being a big part of the plot.

All in all this was a riveting read and man, the last 200 pages will absolutely GET YOU.

**Reader Disclaimer**
I was provided a free copy of the audiobook through Net Galley in exchange for an open and honest review. This has not affected my review in any way. Thank you, Net Galley and Macmillian Audio for the honor of reading this book!

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“The Stars are Dying,” by Chloe C. Peñaranda

I loved this book so much. This book reminded me of the Vincula series by Jamie Applegate Hunter, which I loved. One of the things I adored was the characters and the tension between them, the FMC really came into herself and developed perfectly from beginning to end. I absolutely loved the narration because I listened to the audiobook version, all the voices fit perfectly, and I felt like I really was there. I also liked the death trial that was the story plot, I’m not great with riddles but it was nice to hear her solve them. I cannot wait to read more of the series! 5 out of 5 stars, perfect.

-Shadow Daddy

Thank you for the ARC, Netgalley.

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My overall thought is… huh.

Many parts had me intrigued, even more had me confused though. The pacing is really really off on this one. I’m undecided if I’ll keep going with the series. The first 45% felt aimless, the next 25% picked up but was confusing, and the last 30% was chaos, interesting, but chaos. I definitely didn’t hate it but I didn’t love it either. Left me feeling unsteady, like “what just happened?” Audiobook is good, performance was great and love that there’s bonus material included in the audio

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I really struggled to get into this book, but at around 20% it really picked up. The FMC can be really frustrating at times, but I loved the MMC and had a lot of fun with the overall plot. It ends on a bit of a cliffhanger so I’m excited to read book 2!

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Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC of this audio book in exchange for my honest review.

Let me start by saying that “Stars are Dying” is a fine romantasy book. The vibes for this book are kind of similar to a misty fever dream, with extremely abrupt transitions. This all felt intentional but made it very difficult to get into, especially through audio which became very hard to follow with this style. I switched at about the 30% point to reading on KU, and think I would have likely DNF’d it had that not been an option.

Many of the high stakes situations in the book felt like a moot point one chapter later (goes back to the misty fever dream feel). That said I did enjoy the characters for the most part, but feel like there was a whole lot of “gotcha” moments in the last few chapters, and I'm honestly not sure I’m interested enough to follow for book 2.

Update: this one is getting bumped from 3 to 4 stars. I’ve been thinking about it a lot and realized I enjoyed it more than I thought I did, and am looking forward to continuing the story in book 2.

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I liked this book enough to want to read more but sometimes there was plot holes or too much going on

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Okay the tropes are KILLER, I’m a sucker for the villain getting the girl, it just has to be done right and this was! Overall this book was great, there was just a lot of fluff and this made the pacing a little slower than I would have hoped. I am definitely going to read book 2!

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Love the narrators. Excellent performance from both, Corvin King and Jacci Prior. Love the style of narration. I just heard it's called duet style narrating. Will be recommending this for all audio books with multiple narrators. It's much better than one narrator reading all the characters in a chapter.

For such a beautiful title, the cover art is too generic. There are dozens of covers with this same look. I wish authors/publishers would be more unique and even bold sometimes when it comes to cover art.

The story starts off intriguing. I didn't know this was part of a larger series, so I'm very happy that I was able to follow the story without reading the previous novels. That's a plus for new readers.

Unfortunately, once the story starts moving toward the main plot with the competition, the writing becomes a little dicey. There are areas where we get details on irrelevant stuff but no details on main concepts such as what is a Star Maiden and their purpose in the realm?

Parts of the story that were surely meant to be emotional pulls were hit and miss. For example, when the BFF, Cassia, shows up unexpectedly and gives away Astraea's plan, I felt the fear and devastation through the pages. However, two major deaths occurred just a chapter later, and they were done so quickly and anti-climatic that I almost didn't care.

Then, there is Astraea's lack of common sense. 😒
If you're talking to a man named Nyte and someone brings up a Prince with Nyte in his name... how do you not know who he is???  This chick has to be as sharp as a bowling ball

And then there is the ending. The last 2 hours were so utterly boring. After the big confrontation with the king, the rest is just a bunch of talking. I would have suggested keeping some form of pending doom, anxiety, or conflict to be resolved. Maybe the vampires or Hectors guild attempts to attack while these conversations are happening. Many authors put more emphasis on their secondary characters so that when the main character is decompressing from a climax, the story can follow another character to keep the emotional attachment to the story. Unfortunately, I couldn't care less for anyone other than Nyte or Astraea. 

Overall, this had a good start but didn't pull out a strong finish.

Thanks to NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for an advanced copy.

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I was given an advanced audio book copy by netgalley in exchange for an honest review. The audiobook performance itself was great and there are a male and female reader.

I think a lot of people will love this book for the same reason I struggled with it. To me, it feels like someone read every popular romantasy and made a list of all the parts they loved, and frankenstined it into one book. And I think a lot of people will find comfort and joy in that. Unfortunately, it means there isn't a ton of room for character building.

Astera has lived the past few years under an abusive partner with no memories of who she is or anything. Through a series of mishaps, she's forced to compete in a tournament against other people from other sections in the world. Luckily, she has a voice in her head that tells her what to do, and she blindly listens. He might be bad though, but he might be good, but he could be bad, but what if he's good, but... he could be bad?

The author was trying to fit too much into this book and the amount of "BIG REVEALS" is excessive and becomes boring. Toward the end of the book, around 75% it is just like a very long conversation for most of the rest of the book... a lot of info dumps and "surprises"...And Astera makes no difference. All of her actions are guided by men, which she's fine with. Every success is owed to a man. The book felt a bit too chaotic and the back and forth of the goodness vs badness of the love interest was too much.

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I am a big fan of Chloe Penaranda, and I first read her from The Heir Comes to Rise and the rest of its series. I was thrilled to see a new book from her and am obsessed not only with the hardcover's gorgeous sprayed edges, but also this audiobook! This romantasy is inspired by Greek mythology and is a fantastic standalone. Highly recommend.

Thank you to NetGalley for this eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I thought it was great. Though they were used tastefully, there are undoubtedly some overdone clichés—more so if you read a lot of Romantasy. It was annoying that Astraea took so long to begin making sense of things. However, a shadow father always finds a way to make us forget things, and this was no different. All in all, I'll be prepared for book two!

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The narrators did an excellent job, especially the female one. She’s very good at doing the multiple character’s inner voice in a way that is distinctive and unique to each one. The male narrator has an amazing groveling voice that I enjoyed a lot. The fact that it was dual narration made it quite unique and engaging.

The book however is outright copy paste of Sarah J Mass and other popular romantasy authors. I mean… word for word in some instances. I can’t believe this got published lol

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This is a 5-star!!!

Thank you Netgalley for the ALC of this book!

This book seems to be one that you either love or hate. For me? From the very start this story kept me engaged and eager to uncover the secrets and mysteries of Astraea’s past. I COULD not put it down.

The story is from the POV of our FMC, Astraea. Astraea has no memories from before the last few years and has been kept safe but ultimately prisoned by her rescureer this entire time. When she finds out he means to sell her she escapes to join her best friend on their journey to go compete in the royal trials. Unfortunately, due to a twist of fate, Astraea must join the trials instead. All of this is happening with the mysterious help of our MMC, Nyte.

”Hello Starlight”

Let me tell you, who doesn’t love a tall, dark, and dangerous man? I was so intrigued by Nyte. He is so supportive but what is his motivate?

“Was it possible to belong not to any space? But with a person? To find home not on land but in another soul?”
The ending of this book definitely gave me some emotional whiplash. Who is friend? Who is foe? Do we trust anyone?

Hold onto your readers friends - its a wild ride!

Troupes: “who did this to you” vibes, morally grey MMC, hidden identity/amnesia, magical trials, shadow daddy, shadow mommy maybe
Spice 2/5
Plot 5/5
Pace 5/5
Character Personality 5/5
Character Growth 4.5/5
Writing Style 5/5
World Building 5/5

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This book had the perfect romantasy plot for me. The drama, the mystery, the romance had me gasping. I can not wait for more from this world!!

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I want to start out by saying I have been absolutely dying to get my hands on this audiobook after all of my friends hyping this book so I went into it with very high hopes and I have to say right out of the gate, it wholeheartedly exceeded my expectations. I was hooked in FAST, and absolutely invested in our FMC faster than I think ever before. She’s immediately root-for-able (I mean it’s impossible not to!) The world building was beautiful, thorough while not being heavy handed, It was beautifully written, and well timed with the bread crumbs of information. The shifts in timeline were so much fun and really added to so much of the mystery and intrigue. There were so many moments I didn’t see coming which is really exciting for someone who reads as much as I do because all to often I can decipher the plot, but not here! It was unique, and I really connected with all of the nods to astronomy as an Astronomer myself, the connection to stars felt like I’d found the story I’d always been looking for! (I want a million more stories in this world please!) I truly can’t think of anything I didn’t enjoy here and can say there’s just something about the way this author writes that pulls you in and never lets go and I can’t wait to read more from her after this.

As for the narration hands down I also absolutely loved our MMC ans a whole, and let me tell you the narration stood strong with this incredible character. Both narrators were incredibly talented especially for this setting and the characters themselves, but they really added to the ease of immersion into this world. My only complaint would be that at times I wished that the male narrator would have had more distinct side character voices but trust me his main voice was one that will have readers coming back time and time again, and looking up his catalog of narrations. I think this audiobook is a must listen, and it truly adds so much more immersion into an already full and heart stealing tale.

What can I say, this was everything I could have hoped for and then some. It stole my heart and my sleep and I am so grateful for it! This will definitely be a reread again and again for me.

Thank you so much to Macmillan Audio and Chloe C Penaranda for this ALC

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I hate to say it, but I did not enjoy the of this audiobook that I listened to. The narrators did a great job. However, I think listening to this book as an audiobook made it harder to ignore the things I did not like. For instance, two of the first characters you are introduced to are named Zathrian and Astraea… A little out there for me, but sure. But then one is named HECTOR?

Overall, I felt a lot of the characters were very cliche. Astraeda was ~not like the other girls~. This is due to the writing style, and it just did not work for me.

Because of these reasons and reading the reviews of my fellow netgalley reviewers, I will not be continuing this book, at least for now.

I think I would maybe enjoy it not in an audiobook format.

Thank you for the ARC!

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