Member Reviews

This book was a laugh out loud journey of Alice who has been where we’ve all been at some point, left with doubts and questions when everything we’ve planned for ourselves goes wrong and we’re left wondering what happened and who we are. It had so many unforgettable moments and a reminder that we can learn things from everybody we meet.

I have no notes. This book truly was amazing.

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Thank you so much to Kat MacKenzie and Avon and Harper Voyager | Avon for the eARC of this novel. I absolutely loved it! it was such a quick and cute read for me. I definitely recommend it. It is a sweet banter filled romance while being abroad. Can't wait for Kats next book!

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Loved this! I don't think this romance has ever been done before. Quick and cute read. The cover is also very awesome!

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Disfrute del principio con Alice, viajando, autodescubriendose, sanando, haciendo amigas y aprendiendo de sus errores. El problema vino cuando se introdujo el romance.
Alice viene de una relación en donde su prometido le fue infiel, perdió su trabajo y su hogar; entonces decide hacer un viaje en donde el guía turístico es un hombre, Robbie, con quien se siente atraída. Hasta este punto todo estaba bien. El problema empezó cuando ella creyó que él tenía novia y en lugar de alejarse, siguió coqueteando e incluso se hizo su amiga con la excusa de que jamás cruzaría la línea, sin embargo, hubo muchos momentos en los que casi lo hizo. ¿Está bien cuando es ella la que se mente en una relación, pero esta mal cuando se lo hacen a ella?

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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*I received a copy of this book on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for this opportunity*

Alice has everything in her life planned out. Before her (dreaded) thirtieth birthday, she has ticked all her boxes: engaged to a perfectly respectable man, steady job at a non=profit (where, sure, maybe she's not doing her dream role, but it's good enough), and her feet planted firmly on the ground. However, when everything crashes around her in one fell swoop, Alice is suddenly facing a future full of unknowns.

On a (alcoholic beverage induced) whim, Alice decides to book an all-female tour around the UK she has hopes of building lasting friendships with other adventurous thirty-somethings and seeing great historic sights linked with literary wonders. However, when faced with the reality she booked a spot on a tour geared more towards the geriatric crowd, Alice has to make a decision-- continue to be swamped by her own bitterness, or take a chance on letting new people into her life. Oh, and the tour guide is a stubborn, obtuse, admittedly handsome scotsman who certainly does not make her blood boil with anything other than rage.

Look, I am always going to be a sucker for a self-discovery journey that takes place on a tour bus (there are more books out there with this premise than you may think). Add in a sexy Scottish man in a kilt, funny banter that encapsulates the classic enemies to lovers trope, and classic literature references-- and it's pretty much an automatic four stars. WORK IN PROGRESS was a delight from start to finish, and once I started I literally couldn't stop. I loved the vivid descriptions of the stops and tours, I adored the whole cast of characters (can I please just have one book for each of the women and their life stories? Thanks.), and most of all, I loved the character growth. Alice Cooper starts off in a really bad place with a really sour mood and reading about her journey, and the influence of each of her fellow tour mates/tour guide, was heartwarming and endearing.

Also, the cover? Have I seen anything more beautiful? (The answer is no.)

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I adored this! It is a fun, sweet, banter-filled romance.

Alice signs herself up for a three week bus tour in the UK as a way to make new friends and get over her heartbreak. Unfortunately, when she arrives, she finds out the rest of her companions are decades older and the annoying (or annoyingly handsome?!) driver is the man who antagonized her at the airport on the way over...

This was great - you feel like you are traveling around the UK with Alice, Robbie, and company. Enemies-to-lovers plots usually fall short though it's one of my favorite tropes. It's done right here and it was delightful to see Alice and Robbie interact and their changing relationship.

The writing is a bit clunky at times, especially in scenes where Alice is describing her emotions, but the plot and characters were so charming that it didn't detract from my overall enjoyment.

Recommended to anyone looking for a joyful romance and tale of friendship and self-discovery. 4.5 stars.

Thank you very much to Avon and NetGalley for the opportunity to read a copy.

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Super adorable, enjoyable, and easy to get into. A nice comfort read that made me want to book a trip to the UK ASAP

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At 30, Alice has recently lost her job and fiancée. In hopes of finding inspiration she books a trip of a lifetime. She gets more than she bargained for with a rude tour guide and bus full of elderly women. Alice assumes this tour will be the very last place she’d find friendship and adventure, but she couldn’t be more wrong. As the tour goes on Alice builds unexpected friendships and maybe a romantic relationship with her grumpy Scottish tour guide. I mean who can resist a man in a kilt?

This book is for anyone in their upper 20s feeling like life’s not going to plan. Alice’s fears of being 30 and where she’s at in life is so relatable. But I think the message was brilliant life is long and it’s never too late for adventure. Just all around a sweet story. I wasn’t the biggest fan of the meaness between the characters at the beginning, some of the comments just took it too far. But I think most enemies to lovers girles would like this one.

Enemies to lovers
Transatlantic romance
Hot Scott 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
Forced proximity

Thanks NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I connected to the main character in this book so much. A few years ago I was lost just like she was and I wanted to hit the restart button in a new place. I didn't get to have an adventure in Scotland like Alice but after this I wish I had.

Lovers of the tropes enemies to lovers & forced proximity will devour this book. Alice and Robbie have a lot of chemistry which shows in their banter. Enemies forced on a tour bus together for weeks certainly made an entertaining read. I really liked how their relationship progressed. The shift in their dynamic felt natural. This is a closed door romance but I did not feel that too away any of the romance from the relationship. These two had plenty of swoon without the spice.

I liked Alice's character arc. Her journey to get out of her comfort zone felt realistic and I appreciated that. I thought her growth was genuine.

The author did a beautiful job with the descriptions of Scotland and the UK. Having been to Scotland only once, reading this was like being transported back.

Absolutely delightful read!

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Great story set on a bus trip through Scotland, England, and Wales. Lots of book references, great scenery, unexpected friendships, and an even more unexpected romance. Well, maybe not for the reader because… you know… it’s a romance novel. But it was unexpected for the characters! 😉

Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review. Watch for Work in Progress to come out January 14, 2025.

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I am very excited to be reading this book! My full review to follow.
Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for this ARC. All thoughts and comments are my own.

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4.25 stars - A cute and fun romcom, perfect for those, like me, who wish they could drop everything and take their own literary vacation. Alice Cooper's impulse purchase of a three-week tour around the UK seemed like a grand idea at the time, but as soon as she sets foot in Heathrow it's like the universe is conspiring against her. Specifically when she comes face-to-face with the infuriatingly rude tour guide, a man she is going to have to actively try not to strangle over the coming weeks.

Kat Mackenzie's debut novel is a wonderfully entertaining tale of friendship and finding yourself again when you've lost your way. I won't lie, the first couple chapters were rough and I was kind of hoping Alice would land a punch, but by the end I couldn't help but root for Robbie. The addition of the rest of the tour ladies made for such hilarious and sweet cast of side characters, and I loved seeing Alice embrace her new friends and all their quirks. Overall this was a lovely read and I can't wait to see what Mackenzie writes next.

P.S. The inclusion of a reading list as part of the story was perfection! I need all books to come with recommended reading from now on.

Thank you to Avon and Harper Voyager and NetGalley for the digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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A super cute and heartwarming romcom with lots of banter between the main characters. This story follows the FMC that goes on a self-exploration journey after her carefully crafted life plan falls apart. Filled with lots of female friendships and lessons learned that only comes with age, this book had me rooting for Alice every step of the way.
Rarely do books make me giggle at the banter/antics but this book delivered.

The one con? I’ve never been more jealous of a fictional character. This book tour sounds like a DREAM COME TRUE for book worms. 🥲🥲🥲 I spent too much time on my phone Googling all the destinations because they all sounded incredible.

Thank you to NetGalley for giving me an advanced copy for an honest review.

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What a fun trip around the UK. This was my first Kat Mackenzie book and I fell in love with Alice, Robbie and all the ladies. There were just a few too many disasters for Alice but still a good enjoyable book. Can't wait for Kat's next novel.

A warm, sexy, laugh-out-loud rom-com about a woman who, desperate for a fresh start, books a literary bus tour across the UK that consists of a lively group of elderly ladies plus one infuriatingly handsome Scottish driver.

UK Bus Trip Goals:

1. Crawl out of pajamas.
2. Get over cheating bastard and his stupid ironed jeans.
3. Have my first real adventure!
4. Achieve stability, strength, and growth.
5. Definitely do NOT kiss any British men.

Alice loves a good list. But careful planning didn’t stop her from losing her job and her fiance in one fell swoop. With her dreaded 30th birthday looming on the horizon, Alice makes the first impulsive decision of her life - booking a flight to the UK for a three-week, all-female, literary bus tour. What could possibly go wrong?

Turns out - everything.

Alice arrives to discover that this tour isn’t what she expected. At all. Instead of cool, globe-trotting thirtysomethings with meaningful tattoos, she finds a rickety, antique bus full of fluffy-haired octogenarians. And to make matters infinitely worse, the tour guide makes her blood boil! And that devilish grin of his tells her he’s dead set on making her trip a misery.

But as they travel from castle ruins to cozy pubs, Alice may just find that she’s got it all wrong. The ladies are vivacious. The book club chat is on fire. And damn if that mischievous smile doesn't threaten to turn her world upside down - and her beloved list right along with it!

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Huge Thanks to NetGalley and Avon & Harper Voyager for allowing me access to this book which has became one of my favourite reads of the year!
Work In Progress by Kat Mackenzie is going to be released on January 14 next year and I'm urging everyone to please add it to their TBR! Please give this debut author a chance and you won't be disappointed!
This book is an absolute delight from start to finish! Alice’s journey from heartbreak to self-discovery on a quirky, all-female literary bus tour is both hilarious and heartwarming. The author’s witty writing and smart use of lists and tallies throughout the book keep the pace lively and engaging. The octogenarian tour group is full of life and charm, turning what could have been a disaster into a fun and unexpected adventure. The slow-burn enemies-to-lovers dynamic between Alice and the cheeky tour guide (Robbie !!!!) is done perfectly, with banter and chemistry that’s undeniable. It was clever, heartwarming and just overall a delight!!!
PS: I'm in love with this cover I already preordered this!

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This was a cute story. I liked the premise. It wasn’t something I had seen or read before. I like the push and pull between the main characters and Alice was a hoot!

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC.

I love a good enemies to lovers story, and this one starts off with a bang.
This was such a cute story, and I enjoyed it so much.

Alice Cooper (yes that’s right) is desperate for a fresh start and an adventure after breaking up with her cheating ex and losing her job. She books a literary tour across the UK in the hopes of figuring out what she wants to do with her life. What she doesn’t expect is the flights from hell, destroyed luggage, a group of lively, elderly ladies, and the handsome tour guide who pushes her buttons.

I loved the first interaction between the two MMC’s. The author provides a legitimate reason for the two to initially dislike each other. The banter is hilarious. This story is told in first person POV from the FMC, and I loved seeing the world from her perspective. She’s witty and funny, and I found myself laughing out loud throughout the novel.

The author does a great job of describing the settings the characters find themselves in, and honestly this traveler’s soul was jealous. I want to go on this tour!

I really enjoyed reading how Alice’s relationships with each of the women developed as they continued on their journey across the UK. Ms. Mackenzie did a great job of showing us Alice’s character arc as you delve more and more into the story. Outside of her comfort zone, she grows and lets go of preconceived notions about what her life should look like.

The chemistry between Alice and Robbie is off the charts. I loved how the relationship changed organically. It didn’t instantly go from can’t stand each other to suddenly in love. The author does a great job of showing their dynamic change over the course of their journey. For those who enjoy their spice, this story contains closed door scenes.

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~Romance, Travel, Contemporary, and more!~

Work in Progress by Kat Mackenzie follows Alice, who used to be put together with a plan for everything. That was until six months ago when she went through a disastrous breakup and lost her job. So, still heartbroken and jobless, Alice decides for the first time to be spontaneous and book an all-women literary bus tour across the UK, which she has been yearning to visit since she was little. After a hectic experience at the airport and arriving late to the bus, Alice discovers that this trip is not what she expected. Instead of young and colorful busmates, she is met with people over three times her age. On top of that, the handsome bus driver is rude and seems out to get her. As the trip goes on, Alice realizes that maybe she was wrong about the woman on the bus. They aren't old and worn down like Alice once thought. Instead, they are full of life lessons and wisdom. And maybe the charming bus driver isn't so bad after all.

3.5| This book was an interesting read full of unique personalities and characters. The premise itself was entertaining, and I loved the descriptions of the scenery. Sadly, some parts fell a little short for me. While I did enjoy this book, I found the main character frustrating and overly judgemental at the beginning of the story. Especially since I didn't know her whole backstory until later in the book, Alice's character was hard to sympathize with and seemed very entitled. Her character does improve later on as she has some tremendous character growth, but it was difficult to read up until that point. One thing I did love was the other women on the bus. They had so much personality and each had interesting backstories. It was always fun to learn more about them. They also added much-needed comical relief at times. I especially enjoyed how different each one of them was and how they all had different stories and advice to give Alice. They all had unique perspectives and outlooks on life, and I was thrilled every time I got to learn more. The ladies were definitely my favorite part of the story, and I was happy to see Alice's relationship with them continue outside of the bus.

While I loved the descriptions of the scenery throughout the story, I did find that some of the historical aspects got a little too wordy for my taste. I do understand that the historical parts are a big part of the tour, but it felt like a lot of info dumping at once, which took me out of the story. I also don't know if I would describe this book as romance. It had romance in it, but I would say the majority of the story focused more on Alice's self-discovery and healing. I enjoyed this book's romance aspect and liked the banter between Alice and Robbie. I am not a big fan of the miscommunication trope, which was prominent here, so at times, I felt frustrated. Alice tends to do a lot of assuming and Robbie doesn't give the whole story or explanation. The whole Tristan part of the book felt unnecessary—especially the scenes toward the end of the book. Alice had been in passionless romances before; she already knew how it felt, so I didn't see a need to put her in another one. Besides the Tristan storyline, I did like how, at the end of the book, Alice figured herself and life out first before jumping into a decision. It made the ending even better because she knew what she wanted without any doubts.

Overall, this was an interesting read with some exciting moments. The concept of the book is unique, and although I didn't love everything in the book, it was still a pleasant read. I enjoyed the character growth and discovery, along with the life lessons that came with it. The side characters were endearing, and the romance was nicely done. I would definitely be interested in reading more by this author in the future!

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I honestly couldn't get through this book. I love the idea of the story and the setting. However, the main character is unlikeable from the start. This book seems to be going for a Bridget Jones esq style with the lists at the begining of each chapter, but doesn't pull it off.

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this arc!

What a good book! I enjoyed this more than I thought I would. This is a first by this author but will not be my last! I read this in one sitting because I just couldn’t put it down.

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