Member Reviews

This book was full of different emotions. I throughly enjoyed the humor the Author added through out the story. This book had me Laughing out loud in the first chapter. There are other emotions that come to life in the book and I feel that is what made it such a great read. I loved the characters with their many different personalities that added so much to this story. The story plot was original and kept me flipping pages to the ending.
A new Amish neighbor moves next door the Yoder farm. It isn’t long before he lets the Yoders know that they have been using six acres that belong to the farm he just bought. He wants their fence moved and the acres returned to him. Ada Yoder and her Dad Mervin Yoder feel the acres belong to them because no one has lived on that farm or kept it up for twenty years. Ada will do what it takes to keep those six acres even if she has to fight her new neighbor to keep them. Handsome Enos Hoover refuses to let the matter drop and the fight begins. Enos not only has to fight Ada but also his disgruntled angry mother who isn’t the least bit happy to be living in Colorado . Tabitha Hoover wants nothing more than to see her son’s plans fail so he will move them both back to Lancaster. Ada just wants to see things go back to the way they were before sneaky Enos Yoder moved next door.
I recommend The Amish Quiltmaker’s Unattached Neighbor to readers of Amish Fiction and Christian Fiction. Fans of Jennifer Beckstrand will not want to miss reading this fun book. It is book six of the Amish Quiltmaker Series. It can be read as a standalone but most of the characters have been carried over to this book from the other five books. I’ve enjoyed getting to know the characters and their plain lifestyle. This book is scheduled for release on 11/26/24.
I voluntarily read an advanced readers copy of this book. All thought and opinions shared here in this review are solely my own.
#TheAmishQuiltmakersUnattachedNeighbor #NetGalley

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Ada is certainly not a happy woman in the Amish Quiltmaker's Attached Neighbor by Jennifer Beckstrand. Her two sisters, Mary and Joanna, are now married, and she has been left with her other sister, Beth who happens to be a lazy bone. Her dad is less concerned about what goes on in the farm leaving Ada with the obligation of running their household. She is miserably going on with her chores only to be interrupted by this irritating man claiming to own part of their land. But she cannot let that happen, and so both of them go to great lengths to prove their points. They find themselves spending more time together than they would like to admit, solving each other's problems, and now they are not sure where to put the line between love and hate. But Cathy their friend had warned Ada about this since they decided to make a birthday quilt for their grandmother Beulah for her hundredth birthday but Ada chose the wrong pattern according to Cathy. Will her predictions come true? Find out in this book The Amish Quiltmaker's Attached Neighbor by Jennifer Beckstrand.

I like the affection and solidarity of the Amish community as depicted by the author; they work together as one towards a common goal, making nothing impossible. Also, the determination to stand up for one another is outstanding. This gives the reader a thing or two to learn about life lessons. I additionally like the sense of humor in the book, and the story is also very solid, with no gaps in between, making the book quite fascinating.

There is nothing I don't like about the book.

I rate this book, The Amish Quiltmaker's Attached Neighbor by Jennifer Beckstrand, 5 out of 5 stars for the above reasons.

I recommend the book to readers who like romantic Christian books with a good sense of humor accompanied by lessons of good values and how to co-habit with fellow men. I also recommend it to those who have read the other series of Amish quiltmaker books by the same author; they will find the book more interesting, and it will be like a follow-up.

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Another book in the Quiltmaker series. I love that these books can be read together or stand alone. This book focuses on Ada, her new neighbor and his mom. Will Ada and Enos find love? With 6 acres of land in dispute and Tabitha’s grumpy personality it will take a divine intervention. I love the really message is that God loves us no matter what and He will see us through life trials.

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I didn't want to start this book yet because I knew it would be cute and funny. And it was. No, I couldn't help myself. It kept calling to me so I finally picked it up last night.
Beckstrand always does a wonderful job with her character especially one particular one.
Ada. Stern, critical but yet in her own way loving the only way she knew how. I love her character.
Beth in my opinion is the wise one. I loved her goofy ways. In some ways she reminds me of me.
Here's a,word of advice from Beth.
"Ada, you think you have to be perfect. You think you have to earn people's love,as if love is a reward for gute behavior. Love isn't a reward. Love is Gotte's law. We've already got His love. He asks us to help Him spread it."
Here's one more;
"You don't have to be a martyr. Dat and I need you, but you wear yourself out doing things for us that we should be doing for ourselves. If all that time in that tent has taught me anything, it's that you have sacrificed a great deal to make my life comfortable and I have done almost nothing for you."
This will be my favorite one in the whole series.
Cathy still aggravates me but she does have a good heart. Just not always the right timing.
I just finished this wonderful novel. So good.
You will love in getting to know Ada and Enos. The cutest and my favorite couple ever.
Enos' mamm was her own worst enemy. Geeze! Poor guy! I felt her words coming off the pages at me too! Wow! I even backed up with Ada. Oh my
But anyways, still my favorite story and I highly recommend.
My thanks for a copy of this book. I absolutely loved and adored it. I was NOT required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine.
5 stars from me for keeping me entertained and laughing.
I was happy to see that this book came with a cover! Beautiful!

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A charming story set in an Amish community in Colorado. Squabbling neighbors start out on the wrong foot, but become allies over time. Their back and forth arguments turn into banter, with a spark of romance. Colorful characters come to their aid and some family relationships are ironed out. It had me wanting a happy ending for Enos especially after all he went through. Some faith elements added inspiration and hope.

Recommend for readers who enjoy a tender romance with some inspiration. 4 stars

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The Amish Quiltmakers series has quickly become a favourite of mine. In this latest instalment Jennifer Beckstrand has given us the Amish version of an enemies to lovers romance and it makes for a fantastic read. Ada and Enos are both very engaging characters. I found myself drawn to them and couldn’t choose a side. Both won over my heart and I couldn’t get enough of their witty banter because underneath it all was an underlying attraction that kept their arguments and discussions very interesting. I couldn’t wait for them to throw in the towel and get their happily ever after. I’m giving THE AMISH QUILTMAKER’S UNATTACHED NEIGHBOR the judy.ann.loves.books stamp of approval, TBR and Enjoy!

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The Amish Quiltmaker's Unattached Neighbor is an absolutely must read written by Jennifer Beckstrand. This story has the most amazing characters that really bring this story to life. I loved the story line and the many lessons I learned through reading this book. This story really inspires the reader to be kind to others and to be a good neighbor. I found myself laughing throughout this book. The cover really plays a role in this story as well. The author has definitely written a story for all readers enjoyment.

I did read an advanced copy of this story through Netgalley and was not approached to give a favorable review.

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Love, duty and stubbornness

I loved, loved Enos and Ada’s heartwarming and sweet Amish romance with a side of stubbornness. The story was well written and included engaging dialogue, three dimensional characters who grow, and a captivating storyline. This one had me feeling all the deep emotions - laughing, crying, swooning, cringing, teeth gritting, and cheering with its perfect balance of humor, heartwarming love, real life issues, trust, mistakes, past pain, duty, and faith. Ada lives with her youngest sister and her forgetful father on their Amish farm in Byler CO. She does most of the household work and takes care of the business of running the farm. At 32 she’s pretty sure she’ll never get married, but she’s content with her life. She is also stubborn and opinionated. Enos just moved with his mother to Byler and bought the farm next door to Ada. He’s 37 and missing a foot and has accepted his lot in life. His mother is a bit of a shrew but he moved her with him to take care of and honor her. Enos and Ada do not get off to an auspicious start as Ada’s family has been unknowingly farming 6 acres that belong to the land Enos just bought and he wants his 6 acres back. But Ada is stubborn enough not to give up those 6 acres too easily and thus begins their beautiful journey of love, faith, mistakes, and second chances. To get to their HEA they’ll have to lean into their faith and trust that God has a way for them to fulfill their responsibilities while also allowing them to fulfill their hearts desire. I love these stories set in the Amish community of Byler. They are such beautiful stories told through the eyes of real, relatable people who have flaws, but are really just trying to do their best as messy humans.

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Ada takes care of her family as the main woman in the house. Her father is grief stricken and does little, and her sisters help when they can but they have their own homes too. Meeting Enos, the new neighbor, the conflicts begin. He wants 6 acres of her farm, claiming they are his, plus water rights. Living with his angry and sad mother, he is under a lot of pressure to do well with his new farm. Good bantering, between Ada and Enos, and of course romance follows. Enjoyed this one, and would highly recommend it.

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