Member Reviews

Delve deep into the fashion world of the 70’s with Lulu and Yves St Laurent.By delving deep I mean the fashions,the drugs,the parties,the people.Absolutely fascinating book with a lot of fashion history.very stylish.
Thankyou Netgalley for this ARC

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Readers who are interested in fashion history will be riveted by this look at the creative and decadent set who surrounded fashion super-star Yves St. Laurent.

The book was both fascinating and horrifying as we follow the back-biting design set and vicariously attend their parties and night’s out. Frankly, the copious drug use left me a bit shell-shocked, but I loved reading about Lulu de la Falaise and her experiences with St. Laurent. It will be up to the reader to discern if there are any “ happy ever after” stories in this novel. There are conclusions. And successes, for sure.

Netgalley provided me a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for a candid review.

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The Saint Laurent Muse is a great historical fiction book. Ig had historical fiction as well as fashion! A five star book!

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This book was pure entertainment! Well-written, and much more daring that I had initially anticipated, but I enjoyed that. These people were complex and all of their complexities coupled with the carte blanche access they had at their fingertips made for quite interesting (albeit, sad) lives.

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