Member Reviews

This was a good story about adventurous FBI K-9 handlers solving a crime involving a high jacking of a plane. The first half did move a little slow for me personally, but the suspense picked up during the second half and it got intense. I’d recommend this book to people who like to read FBI crime novels.

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This story was so intense it was stressful. I felt I was there with Meg, her k9 Hawk, Brian and his k9 Lacey as they teamed up with two field agents and two mountain rescuers to climb a steep and unknown trail in the dark looking for the plane crash. They have to navigate the treacherous mountain in the hope of finding potential survivors, the hijacker and the reason for the crash. It was fascinating to learn terminology that was highlighted at the start of each chapter that the rescuers and first responders used. The action and suspense started at the beginning and did not stop until the end so start the book when you have a lot of time to read without interruptions. A great story that shows the strength of character in doing hard things, the bonds of friendship and the absolute trust and caring in dogs.

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This is an amazing book!! Meg and Brian are deployed with their search and rescue dogs to Aspen, Colorado, to search for a plane believed to have crashed in the very high mountains and to help survivors. While dealing with some high altitude sickness they are forced to climb the straight-up sides of some mountains and rappel down others. The author has done a superb job of describing the conditions and the entire mountain traversing to such a degree that the reader feels the tension with each step. This is a book you should not miss if you like thrillers. It was hard to put this book down. Although it’s part of a series it’s easily read and followed as a stand-alone. I received an arc of this book from NetGalley and the publisher. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Meg and Hawk are on a crazy case and it had me reeling with all the emotions. Brian and Lacey were very present and I loved their friendship and how strong the trust between Meg and Brian js. The new techniques, location and danger was fascinating and vividly described. The ending was perfect and had me smiling and tearing up. A great series with action, family, friends and K9s!

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This story was so intense and written in a way that you felt like you were there with them! If you’re looking for a romance, this so not that. Our two main characters while very close as partners, are not romantically involved. I liked how their partners back at home were handling the deployment.y favorite aspect of this story was absolutely the K9 partners. If you like to solve a case in high stress mountain terrain.. this is for you!

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Summit's Edge, the 9th book in the wonderful FBI K-9 series by Sara Driscoll, continues the breathtaking tradition of this wonderful series. The amazing Sara Driscol once again brings us an exciting adventure as she draws us into the physical and emotional challenges the group faces. Meg is set to spend the next two-week preparing for her much-anticipated wedding to firefighter Ryan when she gets the call that she and Brian need to fly to Colorado. Meg's acrophobia is put to the test as she, Brian, and the dogs (love those babies!) head to a Colorado mountain plane crash site in response to an emergency call that a private jet has been highjacked. In addition to her fear of heights, the issue of altitude sickness is a major hurdle for the dogs as well as the people even though Meg's fiancé Ryan catches the issue and they start preparing as soon as possible, but as always, there is no time for the teams to get acclimated reasonably. The challenge of climbing the mountain is as terrifying and difficult as they expected. Fortunately, they are accompanied by two guides and a mountain rescue experienced FBI agent who really know what they are doing. I enjoy reading about groups like this that respect what each has to offer and who encourage each other as they face adversity. We become acquainted with some of the crash victims and get a real feeling for what they have gone through and what they continue to experience, and we feel what the rescuers face as they work with the survivors as well as those who didn't make it.
My thanks to NetGalley and Kensington Publishing for allowing me to read and review an ARC of Sara Driscoll's outstanding new FBI K-9 book, Summit's Edge.
#NetGalley #KensingtonPublishing #SaraDriscoll #FBIK-9 #Summit'sEdge

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Another captivating book from my favorite author. Meg hates heights, but she can't turn down the mission when lives are on the line. Even scaling the mountain puts the rescuers at risk of becoming victims themselves. The urgency is increased as Meg is twelve days away from her wedding, an event I'm sure readers have been looking forward to. Big news from another character is announced as well.
These books are always so well-researched and I like being able to learn something new, in this case climbing lingo and mountaintop search and rescue.
The plot is always good but it's the characters that really make the story, human and canine. The bond between them all is obvious, you want to see them interact and persevere and come out on top. Meg and Brian are pretty much on their own (along with the local officers) but although we're not hearing much from the other characters their presence is felt. The bad guy is another complex character with a believable motive. Keeps up the suspense and intensity even between the major action. Can't wait to see what happens next!

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I must admit to being thoroughly impressed with Ms. Driscoll's command of knowledge of high-altitude rescue. I was immediately swept up with the story, having read only one previous book in this series didn't stop me from diving headlong in to the characters and plotline. An adventure from start to finish, I would definitely recommend this book to anyone wanting a thrilling read. Now I have to go back and read her previous books, joy! I received an e-book from NetGalley in return for an unbiased review.

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Meg Jenning and Hawke, joined by fellow agent Brian and his K-9 Lucy are off to search for a hijacked plane
in the Colorado Rockies along with two local search and rescue volunteers. The mission is to discover the
plane's actual location, aid potential survivors and capture the hijacker. Attitude sickness, avalanche conditions,
drop-off cliffs, frail rocks and the temperature are matters of concern not only for the agents but also the dogs.
Non stop action and the vivid descriptions keep one turning the pages until the conclusion.
#SummitsEdge #Kensington #NetGalley

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Book 9 in series but totally can read in any order. I really enjoyed this story. FBI K-9 handler Meg Jennings along with her canine partner Hawk. Call comes in to locate and rescue in the Elk mountains of Colorado. 3 weeks before her wedding. Promising everyone she'll be fine and back in time. Joining search and rescue to find survivors from a hijacked corporate jet crashed in mountains. Fighting her fear of heights, she manages to search and track to find the passengers. Then, tracking the hijackers, too.
I enjoyed this story and would like to read others in series. Thank you , Net Galley, the publishers, and author Sara Driscoll for allowing me to read the advance copy of this book.

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FBI handler Meg Jennings and her K-9 partner, Hawk, vie to rescue plane crash survivors from a Colorado mountain and contend with a hijacker determined to stop them! Great book and series! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one! This book had great suspense, intriguing, action packed, murder, mystery, a good who done it and a few crazy twists and turns! The story was very interesting! I definitely recommend reading this book! Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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For those who love pages and pages of detail with far less action, this one’s for you. Happily there’s a lot about the 2 dogs that are interesting and appealing. I. Found myself skimming a lot of the minutiae: I.e. signs, symptoms and treatment of a compound fracture (femur). If you love mountaineering and need information on athe technical aspects, this one’s for you.

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I liked this book. Especially Hawk and Lacey. A plane wrecks in the Colorado mountains and it’s up to Meg and Brian to find it. The only thing I didn’t like. I felt like there was too much description of the Mountain and Mountain climbing. I found myself skimming a bit.

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Another 6/5 IMO. This episode in FBI K-9 series references back to previous aspects of search & rescue skills and experiences without detracting from this latest exciting murder investigation.

Meg Jennings and her K-9 partner, Hawk, fly to Aspen, Colorado with their team partners Brian Foster & Lacey to search for survivors of a private jet's crash landing after a hijacking with shots fired. It's May and winter is very much in evidence on the 14,000' tall mountains. Terrifying risks include: altitude sickness, avalanche conditions and drop-off cliffs with frail rocks. To add urgency, Meg's getting married in 12 days.

This author knows how to explain situations in great detail without any chance of boredom. I can smell the forest, feel the chills, & learn a climbing term that begins each chapter.

Reading this novel multiple times I still find new things about climbing, characters' personalities, and peoples' ability to handle life.

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Summit’s Edge is the ninth book in Sara Driscoll’s FBI K-9 series. Meg and Hawk, with Brian and Lacey, find themselves heading to the Colorado Rockies to assist in the search and rescue for any possible survivors from a plane brought down by a hijacker. They join two FBI agents from the Denver field office and two local Search and Rescue volunteers as they search in the mountains for the plane wreckage, potential survivors, and the hijacker. The details describing the rough terrain Meg and Brian and the dogs had to traverse and the hazards of the high altitude kept me engrossed from beginning to end. The books in this series can be read as standalones, but getting to know the characters and canines makes it that much more special! I love this series and highly recommend it!

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A frightening hijack/plane crash begins this book and captures the reader immediately, Meg Jennings and her dog,Hawk, and Brian and his canine, Lacey, are called out to help with a difficult search in the Maroon Bells near Aspen, Colorado. Just finding the missing plane and any survivors is immensely challenging . The terrain and the altitude provide unique and terrifying difficulties .
The plane is carrying drug company executives responsible for an opioid crisis. These executives could have been found in current headlines.. The search morphs into a hunt for the hijacker and a passenger who is after him, ending in a terrifying confrontation!
As usual Sara Driscoll has done her homework. I learned about altitude sickness and all types of climbing equipment, including for dogs. I could envision their struggles, especially with her fear of heights.
These books draw you in with characters, situations, and sensible people handling horrendous situations in intelligent ways.

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It's a good book. I just wish it didn't have the cuss words in it. Sorry, book would have been better to me if I didn't have to "bleep" out the cuss words. I just don't feel they are necessary in a book. But I do like how they detail the actual search and how they explain the different scenarios in a search.

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This is such an intense book. I often felt as though I was climbing the mountain with them. There are some incredibly suspenseful scenes. The description of the scenery made me feel as though I was looking at it too. The ending was touching and beautiful. I highly recommend this book! I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced free copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley.

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Summit’s Edge is the 9th book and an excellent addition to Sara Driscoll’s excellent FBI K-9 series. It can easily be read as a stand alone story, but for those of us familiar with the characters it is wonderful to revisit those relationships.
The story begins 2 weeks before FBI K-9 handler Meg Jennings is due to be married to her firefighter-paramedic fiancé. She and her K-9 partner Hawk, along with teammate Brian and his dog Lacey are sent to Colorado to help locate the crash site of a hijacked private airplane carrying the top executives of a pharmaceutical company. Unfortunately it is suspected the plane has crashed at high altitude in the Rocky Mountains, which poses serious health risks to the FBI teams who are not acclimated to high altitude search conditions, therefore risking high-altitude sickness and possibly even death. On top of that, Meg has a deathly fear of heights; something her boss doesn’t know.
Fortunately for the team, Meg’s fiancé realizes the potential dangers to both humans and dogs from high-altitude sickness and gets the ball rolling on medications and precautions they will need to take. The team heads to Colorado, meets up with the local FBI agents and Search & Rescue folks, and a massive effort is set in motion to try and locate the crash site of the hijacked aircraft. Time is critical both to help any survivors and if necessary to track down and capture the hijacker if he’s still alive.
Sara Driscoll’s vivid detail of the search conditions brings the hazards the teams face to life and keeps the reader on the edge of their seat throughout the search. Once the crash site and thankfully some survivors are located, the tension ratchets up when they discover the hijacker has survived, and one of the pharmaceutical company survivors has gone after him, bent on revenge.
This is the point where Hawk and Lacey shine as the team sets off tracking the two men. Hazards abound during the chase, including an avalanche that almost kills a team member. It’s a race against time as the team attempts to overtake the hijacker before he can make it out of the wilderness and disappear.
There isn’t a boring moment in this book. Not only is there constant external action, but throughout the chase Meg is dealing with her fear of heights in an ongoing internal battle. Woven throughout the story are a myriad of emotions; fear of failure, anxiety over the possibility of injury or illness, terror at almost losing a friend, and appreciation and love for the dogs, her friends, her fiancé, and her family. I was glad I started the book early in the day because I couldn’t put it down and read it all in one sitting.

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Sara Driscoll has done it yet again! A truly excellent writer who continues to excell and and reach new heights with each book. I enjoy all of Sara’s books and series but I must confess this one is my favorite. I love the relationships between the dogs and their humans, but I love the relationships between all of the humans. The suspense kept me reading until I finished, I read it in one gulp. I highly recommend this book and any from Sara Driscoll.

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