Member Reviews

Domestic thriller that was lacking depth. It was a very quick read and seemed to have missed the mark.This is an honest review after reading ARC provided by NetGalley. Publish date is Dec 24, 2024.

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This book was decent, but it didn't quite match up to her other works I've read. At times, it was captivating and engaging, but there were also moments when it became bogged down by excessive details and repetitive visits to the same group of suspects, which detracted from the enjoyment. The ending had some twists, but it felt unrealistic, as if it aimed to connect too many plot points when just a couple would have sufficed, which didn’t sit well with me.

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I really enjoyed this book and highly recommend all of the authors previous books. A brilliant, well written thriller about a seemingly perfect family being stalked and tormented. Who's behind it? Every character becomes a suspect in your head. Fabulous story, five big stars.

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Thank you, Kensington Books for the copy of Watch Your Back by Terri Palato. Maybe I should have been warned by the backwards R on the cover, but I don’t think this book was for me. The prologue was interesting, but after that, the story didn’t grab me. I never connected with the characters, and there were a LOT of characters! The end was a good surprise. And if you don’t mind a book that meanders through the story you might love this one.

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This book was pretty good, not as good as others I read by her. There were times it was interesting and engrossing and then other times when there were too many details, too many visits to the same group of suspects without anything new happening. The ending was pretty twisty but also not believable, like it was intended to tie up all these things together when one or two ties would have been plenty, so that didn't work for me. Why over complicate things just to make more twists than are necessary. The main characters marriage was interesting, the detective family story seemed like it had no place in the story.

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Eve and Nathan are parents to nine months old Roselyn. They’ve lost their spark which leads to Nathan having an affair with Nicole. Their baby goes missing from the babysitter’s house and everyone becomes a suspect. This is a predictable slow burn mystery. Thank you to NetGalley and publisher for a copy.

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Watch your back by Teri parlato

I have enjoyed this author and how engulfed I get in each story. The beginning completely wraps you up and keeps you intrigued throughout.

The middle started to get slow and mundane but then got pretty intense again toward the end. Overall I enjoyed the premise and the characters! What an enjoyable story!

Thank you NetGalley and Kensington publishing for this arc!

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Five stars! This is only the second book by Terri Parloto that I have read, but she is quickly becoming a must-read. I really enjoyed Watch Your Back with Detective Rita Myers. This book had me engaged the whole time and was easily one that I did not want to put down.

Thanks to Netgalley and Kensington for the advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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I just finished a great thriller. Watch Your Back by Terri Parlato was an engaging book that kept me guessing until the end.

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Nathan and Eve's marriage is a bit rocky - work commitments, a new baby and an affair.... then the baby goes missing....

It was a bit of a slow start, but ramped up quickly. I did not trust a single person and kept changing my mind about who I thought was responsible. There was a lot going on, and there was constantly a new problem popping up which added to the twists, and kept things interesting. Once it got into it, it was nicely paced and the right amount of over the top without being dramatically unbelievable.

I liked the differing POV's but there was some things in Rita's chapters that felt a bit disjointed - I couldn't work out the relevance, but maybe this will be explored further in subsequent books. I hadn't read any of the author's previous books so I may have also missed some Rita aspects from them, although this does work well as a standalone.

An enjoyable read and the ending was wrapped up well. 4 stars

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Watch Your Back 🔧

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Genre: Thriller
Pub Date: December 24, 2024

Nathan and Eve are in a bit of a rut in their marriage. Between a baby and Eve’s busy job as a doctor in a new clinic, their marriage has taken a hit. Bad things begin to happen in their neighborhood, and trouble seems to be following Eve from home all the way to her work as a psychiatrist. Nathan and Eve’s marriage isn’t the only thing at risk, will they survive everything happening to them?

I really enjoyed going into this ARC without seeing any reviews so I could have a clear mind. I really enjoyed this one! It took a little bit for things to really get going, but I did not want to put this one down. I thought the author did a good job and making several characters seem suspicious and truly had me going back and forth of who was the bad guy.

I thought the amount of drama and problems going on for Eve and Nathan was great, always something new to add to the list of things going wrong. In the end some things were sort of easy to put together, but I didn’t mind being right. There were a few things that all came together that was a little too ‘what are the chances’ sort of situation. Despite that this was a fun and fast paced thriller for me. If you have read Parloto’s previous books, you’ll be pleased to see Detective Rita Myers makes another appearance. However you don’t need to read her previous books to pick this one up!

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This book is an engaging and fast-paced read, featuring short chapters and multiple POV that keep the story intriguing. I thoroughly enjoyed the plot and how smoothly the narrative flowed. The detective work element was captivating, making me feel like I was solving the case. However, the reason I’m not giving it a full 5 stars is that I found the ending to be somewhat over-the-top for my taste.

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This story follows Eve and her husband Nathan whose daughter Rosewyn goes missing from the babysitter. The book follows multiple characters as the investigation goes underway to find the missing baby. I loved this story. There were so many people with a motive involved. It was so hard to guess who had committed the crime. Definitely a parents worst nightmare!!!

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Watch your back was such a good book. I was so invested the entire time. Could not put it down. So crazy all the twist and turns and connections.

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Watch Your Back by Terri Parlato

My rating:

A missing baby, an affair, and a detective trying to put it all together.

After reading the author’s book “All The Dark Places,” I was super excited to read her next book. Sadly, this one just didn’t hook me quite like that book.

This story had multiple POVS and short chapters, which was enjoyable!

I think the main reason why I didn’t love this one was because there were too many side characters, especially being from the lead detective. It got a little confusing to try to remember them all and to follow the story.

With that, I thought I had the twist figured out by 30% but I was wrong, so that was a nice surprise.

Overall while this was not my favorite from the author, it was a fast paced thriller that you may love!

Thank you netgalley and Kensington Publishing for the ARC! This will be released on December 24, so add it to your TBR now!

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The prologue of this book was great and sucked me right in, but it was slow after that. It wasn't until the last page of part one that I started to actually care about the story.

I liked some of the ending, but not all of it. It came together nicely, but some of it was a little too much. I also didn't understand why Rita had random chapters about her family? They had absolutely nothing to do with the main story and were a total waste of my time.

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• This book seesaws between three character perspectives: Rita, the main character, Eve and husband Nathan.
• Long drawn out plot with repetition throughout
• Flawed, but likable characters
• Contains all the usual hallmarks of this genre complete with a list of suspects whittled down over time, a self doubting protagonist who is also a victim, and a gruff detective desperate to solve the case
• Although the author has hit all the usual beats of the thriller/suspense genre, this makes the book feel overly familiar like a repetitive feeling of Déjà vu
• Long drawn out conclusion
• Ending could not have come soon enough <yawn>
• Arc provided by NetGalley

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This was a fantastic book. I really enjoyed every second I spent reading it. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this ARC!

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Another fabulous instalment with Detective Rita Myers back again.
Eve Thayer is a psychiatrist and we know that she has a devoted husband and young child. She is overworked and there is strain on her marriage but overall they are managing. Then comes a break in close in their neighbourhood. They have found the perfect babysitter for their child while they both return to work but something isn't quite right. And then the real action begins. 
This one was so unexpected, with lots of twists and turns I could not have predicted. It was so good to see Detective Myers back and I look forward to more by this author.

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Big thanks to the author and NetGalley for the ARC. I love me a twitter thriller and that’s exactly what this was. I’ve read previous books from this author and they do not disappoint. I definitely recommend this book is you love a good mystery/thriller.

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