Member Reviews

Another fabulous instalment with Detective Rita Myers back again.
Eve Thayer is a psychiatrist and we know that she has a devoted husband and young child. She is overworked and there is strain on her marriage but overall they are managing. Then comes a break in close in their neighbourhood. They have found the perfect babysitter for their child while they both return to work but something isn't quite right. And then the real action begins. 
This one was so unexpected, with lots of twists and turns I could not have predicted. It was so good to see Detective Myers back and I look forward to more by this author.

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Big thanks to the author and NetGalley for the ARC. I love me a twitter thriller and that’s exactly what this was. I’ve read previous books from this author and they do not disappoint. I definitely recommend this book is you love a good mystery/thriller.

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I hadn’t read anything by this author previously, the concept and setting in the Boston area appealed to me. Nathan and Eve seem to have a wonderful life. She’s a very busy Psychiatrist, he manages an auto repair shop and takes much of the responsibility of caring for their young baby. Their daughter is gone, just vanished from the nanny’s. The absolute terror, worry and fear engulfed me, the panic was palpable. There are many red herrings - the nanny, a spurned lover, a fixated patient, all viable suspects with motives. There’s a good balance of believable characters. I naturally sympathized with the overworked mom and thought the dad was a cad. The plot was a very entertaining who dun it, needless to say my guesses missed the mark. It was easy to follow and I read it quickly.
Thanks to Kensington Publishing Corp. (via NetGalley) for providing an Advance Reader Copy of “Watch Your Back” by Terri Parlato, publication expected 12/24/2024. These honest thoughts and opinions are my personal feeling given freely without compensation.

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The third book in this amazing detective series was so good! It was a fast paced read with a lot of twists. I didn't care for the ending much but that was just my opinion on what happened, not against the writing or the author.

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I loved Rita and didn’t know this was book 3 have already brought 1&2 !!
I enjoyed this detective books are my all time favourite and this didn’t disappoint.
It was fasted pace and kept me hooked I couldn’t and didn’t want to put it down
Spent the book trying to figure out who did it was o was right so I felt as if I was Rita’s partner which was different.
Over all I enjoyed it and would definitely be recommending

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Watch Your Back

My first book by Terri Parlato did not disappoint!

To begin with, I am a super sucker for short chapters; combine that with a solid character build, weave key characters together in a way I didn’t see coming, and I found myself invested in a page-turner!

Life is all about choices and the choices we make may or may not come back to haunt us; something to keep in mind as we navigate the day to day.

Live life and watch your back!


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Terri Parlato loves to have you guessing the minute the book starts.
Nathan and Eve have a good marriage, a baby and in their career area's they are doing ok. A bit overworked but OK!
However, Nathan does make a big mistake. Him and Eve end up paying for that. Little do they know that Eve actually knew who was trying to ruin them from when she was in college.
You do see Detective Rita Meyers, and her on again off again boyfriend?? The case seemed to be all over the place. A lot of players and it took a nice hot minute to shrink it down to about 3 or 4 people. Then when Rita was going back through her notes and re-interviewing people. It clicked.
I love a good book that has you on the edge of your seat, a page turner. Plus I love drama, because it isn't my own. I can say that I had chosen 2 people who I thought did it. Then I narrowed it down to 1 and my guess was correct. Yet, it blew me out the water as to why this person would do what they did!!
Great book, you can read as a stand alone.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read this in advance! This is the third in the Rita Myers series and I’ve come to love the fictional detective more each book! The plot of this story was great and it was a really fast paced, quick read!

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What a page turner! This was one of those books I could not put down and had to finish in one reading. I was constantly trying to figure things out and the twists and turns were great. This is the first book I’ve read by Terri Parlato and I’m excited to read her other books.

Eve and Nathan are married and have a nine month old baby, Rosewyn. Things have shifted between them as Eve is focused heavily on her career while Nathan has a less demanding job leaving him with most of the parenting duties. One day, while at the babysitter’s house, Rosewyn is kidnapped. This event turns their lives upside down and even after she is found, trouble continues coming their way. While Detective Rita Meyer’s searches for the kidnapper nothing is making sense until she finds the one break she needs.

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This was a solid and thrilling ride. It had many twists and turns and it definitely took me on a ride. The final twist was a bit of a let down though and that is what brought my rating down.

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A great twisty turny read. This only lost a star for me because I didn’t really connect with the characters and didn’t find them overly likeable. But the story line was fast paced and suspenseful. It kept me guessing. Overall I would recommend this one

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this is a seriouse page turner i could not put this down. love a good detective thriller. first terri partato book really enjoyed it

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This was a great book with intricate characters which at times all had something to hide. It makes you think of so many possible scenarios but the culprit is not who you expect it to be. A lot of drama ensues throughout but at the end justice is served. It was extremely well written and I would enjoy reading another novel by this author.

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Watch Your Back by Terri Parlato The narrative weaves together the flawed viewpoints from multiple POVs to create a gripping, action-packed domestic thriller that emphasizes the difficulties of marriage and the fallout from poor communication. The identity of the kidnapper and assailant was a complete surprise.
Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to preview the book.

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Another book with Detective Rita Meyers on the case; which I didn’t realize and had some crazy deja vu at first!
It only took me two days to read this; I was hooked… right up until the end. The big reveal felt like a letdown after how intriguing the story had been up to that point. It was a solid 4 stars until the ending, when it finished at a 3.

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Eve Thayer and her husband Nathan seem to have drifted apart. Their baby is kidnapped and during the investigation, the fact that Nathan had an affair that recently ended is revealed. The rift between the couple is even wider. The baby is returned, but the investigation hasn't uncovered the kidnapper. Bad things are happening around them, have they been targeted?

I enjoyed this thriller, told in multiple POV's. All the characters are flawed in some way. I would never have guessed the identity of the kidnapper/assailant.

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I absolutely loved this book! The way all of the characters are connected left me guessing until the very end.
I really felt for the main character and felt like the author did an awesome job articulating the difficulties in the marriage and what happens when there is a lack of communication.
I would definitely recommend this book and can’t wait to read more by Terri Parlato.

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Amid the depths of a bleak Boston winter, a recently married couple find their lives and their relationship unraveling after a series of deadly accidents!! Wow!! Great read!! Some crazy characters in this one and I loved it!! This book had suspense, intriguing, action, murder, mystery, secrets, a fantastic who done it and some crazy twists and turns! The story was very interesting and kept me glued to my kindle! I highly recommend reading this one! Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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Dive into the gripping tale of Eve and Nathan, a couple whose marriage is tested by the all-too-common challenges of work-life balance. Their story takes a harrowing turn when their baby daughter disappears, forcing them to unite in a desperate search. Parallel to their narrative is the story of Rita, the detective on their case. Rita grapples with her personal demons, including a fear of commitment that threatens to impede her investigation. Told through alternating perspectives, this story unfolds into a thrilling, fast-paced journey through the complexities of domestic life and the justice system.

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A big fan of Terri Parlato's other books, I was excited to dive into this new one. It was even better than I could have imagined. From the storyline, to the characters, to the setting, (Boston), everything was scripted with much attention to detail. The story is told in multiple POV'S and also has multiple storylines which adds depth to the story.

This is a story about Eve and Nathan and their baby daughter. As is the case with many couples, work and life get in the way of a relationship and the marriage suffers repercussions from this. When their daughter goes missing they must pull together to find her.
It is also a story about Rita, the detective assigned to this case. Rita has her own issues she needs to face including her fear of commitment in a relationship.
Alternating views from these characters weaves a fast paced, suspenseful domestic thriller.

Thanks to Netgalley and Kensington for the advanced copy of this book

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