Member Reviews

"A Worthington Wedding" by Ella Quinn is a captivating tale that beautifully portrays the intricacies of love. Set against a backdrop of elegance and tradition, the story draws you in from the first page and refuses to let go. The characters are so well-crafted that I found myself completely enamored with their journey. Quinn skillfully weaves together their emotions, struggles, and triumphs, creating a narrative that resonates deeply with the reader. This book is a testament to the many facets of love, making it a compelling and unforgettable read that you won't want to put down.

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I have read all of Ella Quinn's books but this was the story I have been waiting for. At 16, Charlie, Earl of Stanwood, was introduced in Three Weeks to Wed. He was in Eton and came home for his eldest sister's wedding to Worthington, who became guardian to all the Carpenter children, in addition to his four sisters. Since then, each of the girls has had their romance documented. This was the first time one of the boys had to find his match.

Charlie has been permitted a grand tour, while Worthington oversaw his holding, but now Charlie is home to serve his dependents. But first he needs to sign a deed over to a lady who's nefarious cousin gambled the deed away... Or did he?

Oriana is such a good match for Charlie. She has been thinking of everyone but herself and doubts the attention of the stranger. After all, her cousin is the worst of men in every way.

With visits from all the extended family to the besting of both the evil cousin and an unruly neighbor, this was a delightful read.

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I liked this. In this novel, Charlie Carpenter, the Earl of Stanwood, and Miss Oriana Ognon clash initially following a misunderstanding.

Charlie overhears some gentlemen placing a wager on a dependent's home. As he rarely gambles and always wins, he decides to step in, take the wager and win it back for the occupants of the home. Imagine his surprise when instead of the lady being happy and grateful, is decidedly unfriendly and thinks he is nothing, but another gambler come to take her home away from her!

What ensues is a love story of two people who are perfect for each other. Oriana just needs to lower her guard and realise that Charlie is not like all the other men who have gambled with her worthless cousin and tried to take her home away from her but a good man worth getting to know.

I thoroughly enjoyed this and look forward to the next one. I received an ARC from the publishers and NetGalley and submit my review voluntarily.

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Charlie is a cinnamon roll and I will not hear a word against him. I loved this charming romance and its understated commentary about the inequities of gender. Men gamble, women always pay the price.

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This was not a favorite for me. There was too much minutiae and the word, 'insipid' comes to mind. I've loved this author's work in the past, so let's just chalk this one up to not-so near miss.

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Oh how I love the Worthington family! It was great to see Charlie get his story. Oriana’s problems with the men in her life makes it difficult to see a good man when she meets him. I loved the first time they met and how Oriana is such a strong female. Charlie does his dead level best to show her not all men are the same and it was so touching watching him weave his love around her. The twists and turns of the story is not something you will see coming, so be prepared to be surprised! Hugh was adorable, and Oriana’s Aunt is a hoot! Seeing the whole family surround Oriana and Charlie is so precious and not having to wait for another story to find out what the outcome of Charlie and Oriana’s surprise was wonderful! Adored the wedding gift for Sally and Will - that was hilarious! Wonderful family-wonderful story!

I received the story for free and these are my own opinions.

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Charlie Carpenter, Earl of Stanwood, disapproves of any gentlemen willing to gamble away their dependents’ home. He enters a particular card game with plans of signing the property over to the man’s family. Charlie discovers the place does not really belong to the gentleman but to the man’s cousin. Miss Ognon is everything Charlie wants in a wife. First, he needs to win the wary lady’s trust before he can properly court her. What other trials stand in Charlie’s way?

Miss Oriana Ognon comes from a family of gamblers, a fact that she despises. She inherits property from her maternal grandmother that is not a part of her late father’s estate. That does not stop her cousin from attempting to gamble it away. When yet another gentleman comes to collect, Oriana promptly shows ownership and sends him on his way. Charlie proves to be different from the other men. Can Oriana trust Charlie with both her heart and her property?

Charlie came off as “too perfect”. I understand, being raised and surrounded by sisters, he would understand a woman’s likes, dislikes and worries. Sometimes what he did, like the hair and picking colors best suited for Oriana, felt too much. What I admire the most about Charlie is how he insisted Oriana maintain her belongings, even after marriage.

Oriana often got on my nerves. She played hot and cold. I get that she has trust issues with men. Who wouldn’t be in her situation, aka her gambling father and cousin. Oriana got hurt or angry at the smallest mishap or opposition. I would think she would give Charlie the benefit of the doubt, especially how she surmised “how different he was to other gentleman.” No, she instantly thought the worst.

A WORTHINGTON WEDDING is book one of Ella Quinn’s new historical romance series, HERE COMES THE GROOMS. It is a spinoff from her THE WORTHINGTONS and WORTHINGTON BRIDE series. This is my second jaunt into this author’s works. I only read the last book (THE GROOM LIST) from the latter series (WB). The story can standalone. It felt like all the couples from the prior books made an appearance. It bogged down the story’s pacing, especially when their titles are constantly mentioned.

I like to give new-to-me authors two or three chances. There is always one or two books in a series that just does not appeal. I understand that. However, I just could not get into Ella Quinn’s writing style. It did not click with me.

The first half of the book I moderately enjoyed, enough to continue reading. The second half, however, lost my interest completely. I had a lot of nitpicks that kept me from liking the story or the characters.

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