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The Formula 1 circuit is turned upside down after Diana Zahrani becomes the first woman in the modern era to race. Her path to becoming the next F1 star is muddled with sexism and prejudice, as she has to work harder than the men to prove she is worthy of her seat. As the racing seasons continue, Miguel de la Fuente, famous third generation racer, becomes an unsuspecting ally for Diana.

Goodreads shows the top genre for this book as romance and sports romance. I went into this book thinking that it would be romance with a sprinkle of F1, but immediately I realized this was an F1 book with a sprinkle of romance. There is a relationship that builds by the end of the story, and some would say this is a slow burn, but it wasn’t until around 77% into the book that anything truly romantic happened between the two main characters. This love story fell flat for me as it took a while to progress and I’m thinking other readers may be disappointed as well. I would argue that this book’s genre should be mainly labeled as Formula 1 or sports genre, as the racing element was incredibly well written and informative. I was shocked at how detailed the racing elements were as I was not anticipating how in depth this would be. I’ve watched a few F1 races (but I wouldn’t call myself a fan) and felt that someone who has not watched or followed could still enjoy this story.

As a female working in a male dominated industry myself, the challenges Diana faced resonated with me immensely. Diana’s strength, resilience, and perseverance was truly the most redeeming aspect of this story. Additionally, the love she has for her family and the way she cares for those in her life is beautifully written. There is no story without Diana, and it is clear that Patel made sure the reader knew this was the case.

I struggled with the pacing of this book. The story starts out strong and fast, but gradually levels off. I found myself skimming through some of the plot (I can’t stand when I do this) as I felt like some of the details weren’t necessary or did not add to the plot itself.

I think this book is perfect for someone who is looking for a Formula 1, racing, sports story that happens to have a trace of romance. Thank you to NetGalley and Harper 360 for giving me the chance to read this as an ARC for its upcoming print publishing!

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This book follows Diana Zahrani, who is the first female F1 racer. While other racers and teams treat Diana as the stereotypical woman that should just be the pretty face of F1, Miguel de la Fuente, takes her seriously. She becomes his ultimate competitor and as the races go along, sparks begin to fly between them, leaving them to make hard decisions between love and racing.

I was so excited to read this book and wanted to love it but it did fall a little short for me. The writing style might just not be for me because it just was not as captivating as I expected it to be. The characters lacked depth and I felt like I couldn’t really connect with them. I thought the overall storyline was good but just think this style of writing isn’t for me.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC of this book

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As a Formula One fan, I was so excited to read this, yet so disappointed. Conversations were hard to follow and the many different points of view at times confused me. I have to say I did end up skipping to the ending after a couple of chapters.

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It's the year for F1 romances and I am here for it. I have a very lengthy TBR and was eager to read Offtrack with it's driver/driver romance.

Overall, I thought this was a great start to this series. There's some plot points that needed to be strengthened as I couldn't quite see the reason behind the betrothal except that the family deemed it. Even when things were obvious, the family seemed to be team what makes you happy.

Another thing that I noticed was that they didn't really remember each other from their karting days especially since they had such strong reactions to one another during that time.

I thought the F1 aspect wasn't too bad, you see a lot of what happens today occur in this book. And now women F1 is very much a possibility and I'm here for it. It tackled a little bit in Offtrack, so I liked a reigning F1 woman driver. Diyanah, LOVED her character and she was here to prove everyone wrong. She does it over and over again.

I wish there was more on the romance as a romance lover, that's what I crave more than anything.

I did enjoy this one and am looking forward to the next book! Bravo and here's to more F1 romances.

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I enjoyed this book especially as I have been in my sports romance era! This book felt like being immersed fully in the F1 world, and I also really appreciated how it explored the gender dynamics present within the sport today. Some pieces were a bit unrealistic for me (e.g., some of the chemistry, Diana's immediate strength) but I did enjoy the read.

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Offtrack by Esha Patel is a romance based in the Formula 1 racing world. It is a story about Diana and Miguel. The focal point of the book is focused of F1 with a little bit of romance. I enjoyed the focus of Diana’s struggles as an F1 racer. Being a woman in a male dominated field is hard and it showcased how much harder she had to work in comparison to her male teammates. Overall I hard a hard time with the book because Miguel was engaged to someone else for over half of the book.

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I wanted to love this. I struggled to get into it. I ended up dnfing.
I will not be posting on goodreads since I dnf'd I don't want to deter anyone from trying it.

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This is such a cute read. Diana is a well rounded character and a breath of fresh air. Miguel feels a little flat to me unfortunately, like he needs more something. It’s clear the author knows a lot about racing so that’s really nice to see. Story feels a bit rushed but overall a decent read.

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Loved this book!! However, it did take me a while to get into. As someone who doesn't follow F1, I struggled to follow along with the pacing of the book at first and all the terminology. She did a great job of explaining everything! HOwever, it felt like too much terminology and after a while I did get overwhelmed. Aside from that, I loved the chemistry between the two characters, and I always love seeing a BADASS FMC!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Harper 360 for providing me with an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Esha Patel's Offtrack offers a thrilling dive into the world of Formula One, blending the high-octane thrills of racing with a steamy rivals-to-lovers romance. At the heart of the story is Diana Zahrani, the first female driver in F1 in decades, who struggles against the sport’s deeply ingrained sexism. Her rival, Miguel de la Fuente, is a championship favorite who initially dismisses her as just another distraction. As the season progresses, their constant encounters on and off the track spark a chemistry that neither can ignore.

The book's slow-burn romance is interlaced with vivid details of the racing world, making it particularly engaging for fans of the sport. However, while the racing elements are well-researched and add authenticity, some readers might find the romance underdeveloped compared to the book’s focus on the challenges Diana faces in a male-dominated arena. The chemistry between Diana and Miguel builds gradually, but the payoff might not fully satisfy those craving a more intense or immediate connection.

Despite some pacing issues and a somewhat conventional plot, Offtrack shines in its portrayal of Diana's resilience and the dynamic between the leads. Patel's affection for F1 is evident, and the book successfully highlights both the excitement of racing and the personal struggles of breaking barriers. For readers who enjoy sports romances with a strong female protagonist, this book offers a compelling, if somewhat predictable, ride.

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"Was this what we did to our women? Crippled them with so many expectations that they crumbled at their own hand?"

Thank you to Netgalley and Harper 360 for this eARC.

This book follows Diana Zahrani who is Formula 1's first female racing driver this century. The others are told to be careful around her and let her just be a pretty face for good advertising, but she's there to win. Miguel de la Fuente is a World Championship favorite, and he's not taking any rookie seriously. Motorsports is a small world, and Diana and Miguel are forced together racing their way to the top. For the sake of their teams, Diana and Miguel have to decide where their priorities lay, on the track, or off with each other.

"Cariño, you're that top step of the podium for me. You're my championship. Screw the trophies."

I really ended up enjoying this book. I don't understand much about F1 to be honest, and this is my first F1 romance book. However, despite this book having a large amount of racing involved, it really added to the story. The romance ended up being so so cute too. I loved the conversations surrounding women in racing too.

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Okay as a F1 girl I am so excited to see more books based on the sport! I love the idea of a female driver, and personally loved all of the information and detail about the sport. The romance was definitely a SLOW burn which I didn't mind I just wanted a little more out of it. Overall, it was a fun quick read.

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For starters this needs to be separated from the original version of this book. It's bringing down the average rating and that's not fair since this is an entirely new iteration of the book.

I really enjoyed the fact that this was a slow burn. They really took the time to get to know each other and become best friends. The fact that they raced together when they were younger is adorable. Diyana had to go through so much as a woman in f1 and I loved seeing her journey. She put up with so much and all she wanted to do was race. Miguel was there supporting her every step of the way.

I received an arc through netgalley.

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Thank you NetGalley & Harper 360/Avon for allowing me access to this book! Offtrack was previously released but is now being rereleased on September 24 with some changes! I did not read the first version so I can't speak about that but I truly enjoyed my time reading this book! I have not read lots of romance yet around Formula 1 but I'm a fan of sports romances and this was very good!
Diana Zahrani, the sport's first female driver in decades, is determined to prove she's more than just a pretty face, while Miguel de la Fuente, the reigning champion, refuses to take her seriously. Their chemistry crackles as they clash on and off the track, creating a dynamic I loved to read! I would recommend this book to anyone who love Formula 1 and fierce FMC!

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Diana is a female driver entering F1, a world of motorsports that look down upon women racing. Miguel is a world champion, and racing is engrained into his bloodstream. Will both their stories clash? There is definitely character development. Both of their characters change throughout the book, and they realize what is truly important to them. Friendship or the world championship title? You have to admire and be inspired by Diana. She had to endure all of the sexism to get where she is today, and even at the top, she has to constantly prove that she belongs there. Miguel’s story was quite emotional as well. Coming from a family of racing, he needs to win. His sights are set on winning until he meets Diana. I was quite a fan of their love story, a hotshot player, and an F1 rookie. Another added bonus was as an avid romance reader, I’m not very keen on watching sports, but the book gives us a glimpse into F1 racing and all the nitty gritty details some books overlook. However, this book was marketed as a romance, but the romance of the book was very little. Although sweet, the characters had no chemistry at all. I would’ve liked to have flashbacks to when Diana was being looked down upon for being a female driver. I love seeing women win, but I felt no connection with the fmc. Thank you to HarperCollins and NetGalley for a free advanced copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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I have super conflicting thoughts about this read. I went into it with super high hopes but finished just feeling meh. I wanted to love it but everything just felt predictable and basic. I felt like something was missing but I'm not really sure what. It was still enjoyable but I just wanted more. The pacing also felt all over the place. Sometimes I felt like it was moving impossibly slow and then the next it would fly through the plot. I wish there had been a happy medium.

I feel like this read is dependent on readers having a connection to F1 which isn't necessarily a bad thing. I love the sport so I'm always looking for F1 romances to read but I have friends that probably wouldn't have enjoyed this because some of the racing details might come across as boring. The characters racing was a big portion of the plot so it made sense for all of those moments to be there but I can see where it would narrow the audience for this book a little.

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Such a great non traditional story. The whole racing aspect of it was new and exciting, it's not a subject or background that is written about often.

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As a huge F1 fan, I wanted to love this so much. There’s a lot to look forward too here with our FMC racing and there’s a ton of information about f1 which is so nice, but the romance was lacking more than I hoped for.

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This book was so adorable! ❤️ Offtrack is the sports romance that plucks at the heart and makes you laugh in the process.... I'm grateful for the opportunity to read this story!

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3.5 stars rounded down. really love reading F1 romance books and this book really appealed to me because the female main character is a driver which I haven’t seen in other books revolving around F1, so that aspect of the book was great for me to read and I really enjoyed it! The romance aspect was okay, definitely a slow burn but the storyline could use a little work, overall I did enjoy Diana and Miguel’s story and the plot of this book.

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