Member Reviews

Um I loved this?? Perfect for spooky season! First from this author and I’ll definitely be picking up another!

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A delightful modern take on gothic. It was a pleasant surprise just how creepy and strange the inhabitants of Thorne Hall proved to be. Elegy has a beautiful arc throughout the book; the only fault imo is that the relationship between her and Atticus felt a bit rushed. Either way, a lovely, kinda creepy, kinda cozy, book.

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A modern gothic about a girl trapped by family tradition, who is forced to run a house that is filled with ghosts. But when a glimpse into the outside world gives her a taste of the sort of life she might lead, she has to make some decisions and face the consequences.

It's very clear that Thomas has done their research. Everything in the house is described in minut detail, from the historic gowns to the arcitecture to the ghosts themselves. It's great at giving that sense of history, but after a while, the story gets a little bogged down by all the details. Gothic lovers will probably enjoy this addition to the genre.

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Elegy Thorne is the 25-year-old mistress of Thorne Hall who is set to inherit not just a grand, spooky manor but also its fourteen resident ghosts—some of whom aren’t exactly thrilled about her takeover. Her lonely life, marked by an abusive father and a stifling engagement, makes her future reality even more challenging.

Atticus, a "tall and exquisitely made" distraction who is also kind, funny, and extremely caring, has Elegy wondering what life would be like without the manor.

This gothic-inspired YA fantasy novel blends romance, horror, and historical fiction into a story that will leave you on a rollercoaster of emotions. Elegy's story is heartbreaking most of the time, and it was easy to root for her happy ending. This was compounded by the book's visual descriptions: the atmospheric gloom of Thorne Hall, the wide array of characters, and the unique world they live in (with historical speech patterns, ballads, and fashion choices).

It took me a little to get into it (due to the extremely detailed, atmospheric prose) but once I did I absolutely could not put the book down, and I am so glad I kept with it. This novel was well worth it, and one of my favourite reads of the year.

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I just love a good gothic story. Bonus points if it has ghosts! Just the vibe I wanted for autumn. Thank you NetGalley for providing an eARC!

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this arc!

I really enjoyed this book! I loved the spooky gothic vibes. I loved the premise of this book and the writing style is great!

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"A pity that in a world in which ghosts might walk alongside the living one could not bottle sound".

It took me a while to finish this book. The beginning was slower than I expected, but after actually understanding the story and all the characters, everything flowed much more smoothly.
At first I wasn't really convinced about Atticus, but after he bought and left Elegy a book to read he completely won me over. 

Elegy's journey is captivating. Watching her realize she could step out from under her father’s shadow and take control of her life was incredibly empowering. While it wasn’t ideal that she only had this epiphany after someone else suggested it, it still worked.
I was really surprised by the plot twist, the signs were all there, but I didn't think they would bring to such an ending and I loved not being able to forsee the twist. 

Thank you so much to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

~ 4 ⭐️

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If you're looking for a book to read this Halloween, look no further than The Spirit Collection of Thorne Hall. Its gothic atmosphere, morbid spirits, and tender romance will both enchant and unsettle you. The rewards are well worth the wait if you can get past the slow beginning.

- Thanks to J. Ann Thomas, Netgalley, and Alcove Press for the free ARC in exchange for my honest review!

4.0 stars.

˚ · .˚ ༘🦋⋆。˚ review starts here.

✒️ the writing
⤷ The writing strikes a balance between old-fashioned and modern, featuring elaborate and vivid descriptions of architecture and fashion. Ann Thomas skillfully evokes the mansion's dark atmosphere, creating a sense that it is suspended in time and exists in a realm apart from the world outside its walls. Even Elegy feels like she hails from a different time period compared to her friends, who lead modern lives.

⤷ If there's one thing I feel this book could benefit from, it's a glossary. Please. I struggled to keep track of all the characters at the beginning (there are so many names!), and a glossary of the Collection, at the very least, would have greatly alleviated my confusion.

⤷ Instead of catering to readers' ever-shrinking attention spans, Thomas takes her time with the story, honoring it from beginning to end. Her passion for bringing the story to life truly came through the pages, which is refreshing in an era where many books seem driven solely by marketability, filled with the same tired tropes and clichés. While the pacing is very slow for the first 30%, I appreciate a carefully crafted book that builds its narrative meticulously over one that rushes and leaves plot holes and narrative gaps.

🎥 the plot
⤷ I fully anticipated that The Spirit Collection would feature traditional ghosts lurking in the shadows of Thorne Hall. I was surprised to find that the spirits were corporeal, resembling undead zombies more than ethereal entities. The vivid descriptions of their decaying flesh, tar-like blood, and exposed bones intensified the novel's gothic atmosphere, adding a distinct touch of macabre which I surprisingly enjoyed.

⤷ I loved the contrast between tender and morbid moments. The cold, oppressive atmosphere of the mansion was palpable, while the warm sense of safety in Atticus' apartment provided a striking contrast. Each time Elegy arrived at Atticus' apartment, I felt the same relief and security she did, as if I could finally breathe easier and relax. Conversely, whenever she returned home, I shared in her fear and tension, yearning to escape and return to the safety of Atticus' apartment.

⤷ I hate books that rush to their conclusions, ending with a weak and disappointing finish. I greatly appreciate when the twists and resolutions are thoughtfully developed, and "The Spirit Collection of Thorne Hall" excels in this regard. I thoroughly enjoyed the final portion. Although the clues pointed to some suspicions, I didn’t fully anticipate the twist! The epilogue was also heartwarming and provided valuable insight into characters beyond Elegy and Atticus. That's how you do it!

💗 the romance
⤷I would have preferred a bit more tension and a slower build-up. While Elegy's immediate attraction to Atticus was understandable, given her limited interactions with men outside of workers and friends, I didn’t expect their relationship to progress so soon. I was hoping for more banter and pining, but that’s just my preference. Nonetheless, their love was sweet, and I appreciate how Atticus helped her envision a brighter future—one she hadn’t allowed herself to hope for before.

🧸 the characters
⤷ Elegy is an exceptionally well-developed character, and we really see her grow throughout the story. I loved seeing her transformation from a fearful girl to a woman who could stand her ground, face her fears, and go after what she wanted.

⤷ Unfortunately, some characters felt one-dimensional. While the others aren't a significant concern for me, I would have liked a deeper exploration of Atticus' character. Beyond general descriptions of his appearance and profession, we don’t get to know him on a deeper level. At times, he seemed more like a plot device to facilitate Elegy’s development rather than a fully fleshed-out individual.

⤷ I didn’t expect to like Fletcher as much as I did, but she turned out to be truly admirable. She is incredibly brave and determined. Even after being trapped in an attic for years among the undead, she made the best of her situation and ultimately pursued her dreams. I was happy for her!

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When i first read this title i thoughts that it was going to be a horror book, however, the premise is what sold me to wanting to read it. i still wish i read it during October as it does give off that spooky gotic feel that we all know and love about Halloween.

I love how all the characters even the ghost made the book feel more real and alive. It was a fun read, and now i kinda wish i live in a house filled with ghost as it sounds fun (ghost if you reading this please don't.)

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Thank you Netgalley for the arc!

This book was such a pleasant surprise! I will admit the beginning was slow and hard to capture my attention. I think there were too many ghosts and too many names to keep track of which did divert my attention at first. I was glad when the author really only focused on 6 or 7 of them rather than all 15. I would have liked to know more of ghosts deaths though. We only got told a few.

Lets get to the plot. The MC living in a haunted house and being in charge of managing the spirits was definitely unique to me! The message of you do things because it's a family legacy even though it hurts you was such a prominent theme. She grew up so sheltered but I loved that she still managed to make friends and have some relationships outside of the house ghosts. The friendly ghosts teaching her to cook and play piano and watching her grow up had some very tender moments. The more malicious ghosts did give the book the spooky edge I was hoping for. I wish she had realized on her own that she needed to banish the ghosts and not because a love interest came in and guided her towards that. That being said I loved Atticus at the end letting her make her own decisions and choices. Which kind of balanced out the push for her to end both the good and evil ghosts.

This was an awesome spooky read and very unexpected!

4.5 stars only because of the slow beginning and confusing too many characters.

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First off, this book starts glacial. After a tantalizing introduction the slow progress through a day in the life of Elegy feels like this book is going to go nowhere. Just when the readers feels like it is more rambling that gothic, the atmosphere changes just a bit. Suddenly, this book cannot be put down.

The blend of gothic ghost story with coming of age novel really worked here. The world building is so immersive that the major plot simply feels like a nice bonus. The romantic subplot, threads of family intrigue and a cast of dynamic supporting characters (both living and dead) make for great storytelling. The mythos of the ghosts and magic (for lack of a better word) is well developed and is sustained even during the great feats of the narrative's climax. Just a solidly written novel with many great traits to recommend it. I did feel a little like the "big reveals" were just a smidge obvious, but as the reader looking in, we do need to be patient with our protagonist, so it doesn't dampen the experience.

This book should definitely be on your TBR pile for the long dark month of winter. The perfect ambiance for a near perfect gothic tale.

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I only have one complaint, I wish I had not found this till closet to Halloween, because yall, this needs to go on the Halloween reads list.
I don't think much is scary, but this has a nice spooky factor that makes it perfect for October.

This is a slow burn, but one that I couldn't put down, I honestly sat and read it in one day.

Nice ghost story if you are looking for one, and this gives me big Darcy Coates vibes and I mean that as a compliment

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Thank you very much to the author and NetGalley for providing me with an arc of this book to write an unbiased review.

This is a gothic, lyrical story about a woman named Elegy who lives among a collection of spirits. This book navigates not only what it is like to live with ghosts with various personalities, but also discusses familial tensions. The author does a fantastic job writing a character you want to root for. I also loved the author’s take on gruesome ghosts. They aren’t frozen in time and beautiful, but rather haunting and grotesque. What makes this story stand out, is the attention to detail, especially when it comes to the music interwoven throughout the story. I highly recommend this book to fans of Gallant by V.E Schwab and The Witchwood Knot by Olivia Atwater. It's the perfect read for the spooky/ fall season.

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Modern/Victorian gothic ghost story with a twist I actually didn’t see coming for once! The first bit of the book felt a little slow, but was definitely good enough to keep me interested. I’m really glad I did because I really enjoyed the last half of the book. The pacing picked up and the twist was one I really didn’t expect. Which is so rare!

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Brief summary:

Elegy Thorne is trapped in her ancestral home by her ailing, controlling father, a collection of ghosts, and the expectations that have been passed down through generations.

My thoughts:

I was really excited to get this arc but it was just not for me. I'm normally a big fan of ghost stories, but this wasn't really much of a ghost story, it was more of a gothic tale of a woman fighting generational trauma. I'm not against those stories either, just wasn't quite what I was expecting.

It took until about 75% for me to actually be invested in this book. If it were not an arc I had promised to review, likely I would have given up around the 30-40% point. Now, I was reading this while dealing with some pretty stressful life situations, so we could blame it a bit on that, but reading is usually an escape for me, and the only escape I was getting here was me closing my iPad. There was a good ending, so I am glad I stuck it out, but it was quite a difficult journey in terms of readability.

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I really enjoyed this book! If you’re looking to settle into a good spooky novel with Halloween coming up, I would give this book a chance!

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super thrilling and downright addicting!! i loved this from start to finish. it was such a quick read because the content itself was so addicting you couldn't put the book down. i will definitely read more from this author.

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This is not at all what I expected, in all the best ways. I thought this would have been more Casper the Friendly Ghost than Bly Manor but I was thrown off by how creepy and lonely this story felt. Poor Elegy, a perfect name that fits our gothic and haunted FMC. She’s unapologetically weird and is comfortable being different, but those things were forced upon her being a Thorne and the next to inherited her extremely gothic and haunted house.

Even though she is surrounded by the undead and a few family members, she is extremely lonely. Forced to stay in her home and small town, she lives through her friends adventures while she longs for her own. She has excepted she can never want for anything because of the life she was born in to. She is bound to her house and inheritance, no matter how little the ghosts listens to her. All of that is okay until she meets Atticus and he makes her realize there could be more to her life.

I love the little transformation she has throughout this story. She grows more confident and into herself. She learns more about her life and family history and learns it’s okay to want. I adored the ending of this book and was satisfied with pretty much everything. My only qualm was how quick the relationship between Elegy and Atticus developed.

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If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to babysit a bunch of ghosts, then Thorne Hall by J. Ann Thomas is the book for you. Elegy Thorne lives in an eerie, atmospheric mansion where she’s surrounded by spirits and bound by the constraints of a bygone era, thanks to her father’s strict expectations. As the future heir to Thorne Hall, she’s set to inherit not just the house, but its ghostly inhabitants. To avoid being overpowered by them, she’ll need to learn how to navigate their haunting presence. This book is a prime example of horror done right. If you’re a fan of gothic chills!

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J. Ann Thomas's book, The Spirit Collection of Thorne Hall, is a gripping mix of gothic fantasy and romance. It pulls you into a world where time doesn’t matter and the past still haunts the present. The story follows a young woman who ends up living in a mansion full of ghosts, each with their own stories and secrets. This spooky setting highlights themes of love, freedom, and the messy emotions we all deal with.

The plot is about the main character, Elegy, who suddenly finds herself surrounded by spirits trapped in a mansion that seems frozen in time. She’s got to choose between a love that’s off-limits and her own freedom. This internal battle drives the story, taking readers on a journey through desire and sacrifice. The ghosts, representing different parts of the main character's struggles, add depth and make the book more than just a romance; it's also about self-discovery and the hunt for autonomy.

Thomas's writing is easy to get lost in, with detailed descriptions and a story that moves at a good pace. She creates an atmosphere that's both creepy and magical, bringing readers into the mansion's eerie vibes. The vivid setting, dim hallways, creaky floors, and whispers from the past, adds tension and mystery. This gothic setting pulls you in, making you feel like you're walking through the mansion's shadowy halls alongside the main character.

The characters are well-rounded, making the story even richer. The main character feels real as she deals with her emotions and decisions. The ghosts, even though they're not alive anymore, are complex, showing us bits of their past lives and why they're still hanging around. The way these characters interact deepens the story, with moments of tension and tenderness.

Some readers might say the plot relies too much on gothic clichés, which could make it predictable for hardcore gothic fans. But Thomas's unique voice and emotional characters give a fresh take, keeping the story engaging. The forbidden love angle, mixed with the main character's fight for independence, gives readers lots to think about when it comes to love and the things we give up for it.

The Spirit Collection of Thorne Hall combines love, freedom, and the supernatural awesomely. With its spooky setting, well-crafted characters, and engaging writing style, J. Ann Thomas's debut is perfect for readers who appreciate a thoughtful exploration of gothic romance.

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