Member Reviews

I dived into this book, not knowing that this was part of a series so that explains why some of the stuff didn’t make that much sense. I still enjoyed it, though. I will obviously go back and read the other books that I’m missing to the story..

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We’ve finally reached the end. Ariella and Caleb are finally FREE. But most importantly, I’M finally free! Anyways, it was difficult at first to get into the book because it’s been a long time since I’ve read the first two books and reading my old reviews of those books reminded me the amount of characters in this series. It confused me at first but then like 30% into the book I finally remembered who all of these people are and what’s their story. This book was still insane. The plot was plotting and it was just a lot. I’m so relieved that Ariella and Caleb are finally living their happily ever after. They more than deserve it. After all they’ve been through?! After all I’VE been through?! Thank goodness. After reading the epilogue, I’m kinda sad it’s over. Bittersweet ending. I wouldn’t mind a bonus epilogue though 👀

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While I didn't read the first two books in the series, I certainly enjoyed this one. Through the messy ups and downs of their relationship, this book shows you the reality of hard work and commitment needed to make it work. I loved these characters and am looking forward to picking up the first two books in the series.

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A brilliant end to the series. A bit complex at times due to the number of involved characters, but well worth getting your head around them. I loved the dual settings. Plenty of twists to keep you going.

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OLA HAS DONE IT AGAIN! So so so beyond sad that this series that i loved is over, but so happy to have been able to go on this journey! I will prize my three copies of this series truly for the rest of forever!!!

Read this series if you have not already!

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Perfectly wraps up the series. I can’t wait to see what story the author comes up with next. I love her writing style.

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Endgame is a women's fiction novel by Ola Tundun.
This was an easy to follow read. I did find it a bit slow in places but other than that it was ok. There was also a mix of characters. An ok read that other readers might like.
❤️ Thank you to netgalley, the publisher and author for my arc ebook copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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I am so happy to finally get the conclusion to Aari and Caleb’s story.

First of all, I need to stress that you need to read the first two books of this series. I cannot believe the number of reviews that I am seeing for both this book and book 2 where people didn’t read the previous books in the series. These are not standalone books. All 3 books follow Aari and Caleb’s story. And y’all, their love story is winding and difficult and MESSY. I don’t know how it would be possible to connect to or root for them if you don’t have the foundation that is set in Roommates (which is still my favorite of the 3 books!) - the foundation that Aari and Caleb build in Roommates is what carries you through all the hard and messy parts of their relationship.

Aari and Caleb love each other, but neither of them knows how to be in a relationship. All 3 books follow them as they cling desperately to the love they have while also confronting the many areas that they need to address and grow in, both individually and together, in order to have a healthy relationship. So if you haven’t read the other books yet, don’t start here, go read Roommates!

Endgame is where we finally get the resolutions we’ve been waiting for. As we’ve come to expect with Aari and Caleb, it isn’t smooth sailing. They are still working through major issues through the majority of this book. Ola Tundun isn’t afraid to write flawed characters. Every single character in this book is spectacularly human. Sometimes you want to shake some sense into them. But one thing I love is that the characters aren’t afraid to call each other out. We all need friends that can tell us the truth, that can point out when we are being awful and can encourage us to make it right. And Aari and Caleb definitely have those types of friends.

Ngl, I NEEDED that epilogue. Haha. It was so nice to see a fast forward, where we got to see the reward for everything that the characters had fought so hard for.

This series is gritty and emotional and a bit of a roller coaster. It has some heavy themes. It’s the type of book that makes you question and feel things. It has realistic and flawed characters, and a messy beautiful love story.

Thank you to Ola Tundun for sending me an eARC of this book. My review is voluntary and my honest opinion

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This is the third book in the series and you need to read them in order to appreciate them. Don't let women's fiction in the title fool you. This is a romance but with a lot of drama and twists and turns that will keep you reading and guessing. But all along, even with all of their flaws and doubts, I rooted for Ariella and Caleb to find their way to each other and to get their HEA.

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A bit of an escape of countries and plane rides and tickets. Ariella is a bit stuck and the beginning of the book lays out the work buy out, the change of staff and entourage and the many family issues in her friends. The book throws a lot of names and places in the first few chapters and then starts to unpick all the relationships and how Ariella and Caleb have come to love each other but not be together. There is some espionage, some dodgy deals and some bad characters making bad decisions. The book is a little far fetched, and I found it a bit of a struggle to empathise with the characters and understand their world.

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Book 3 of this collection and I was here for it. I had to read the end of book 2 as a refresher.
Ariella is still running the show in Singapore and still loves Caleb, Caleb is still in love and working with Ariella and Dominic who is too good to be true is still sniffing round Ariella.

I loved this book and was a little sad when I had finished it.

Thank you Ola, Storm Publishing and Netgalley for the advanced copy.

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I was invited by the publisher to review this book. I did not know that this was part of a trilogy and a continuation of a previous storyline; despite that, one does not really need to read the earlier books to understand the characters and storyline. The story follows the history between Ariella and Caleb, two opposites who re-connect when Ariella's company is in trouble and Caleb appears to be the only one able to help. Ariella develops an issue that is hard for her: who can she really trust and what path must she take? Does she want to move forward with Caleb, or maintain her current path? Does she return to the past? Can she bring her past into her present and move forward from there? I think I would like to read the first two books, so I have a broader sense of this couple.

Thank you to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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⭐️ 5/5. I loved these books, when I decided to dive into romance genre for summer 24 I never knew I will land these gems as read.
I loved the fact that the books has 2 point of view: Ariella and Caleb’s this gave me a sense of belonging while reading, it was like I had a front seat row as each chapter unveils (magical powers).
The story started with two people that live on opposite ends of London, England have to share an apartment. She’s quiet and shy, but he’s a playboy. It’s starts the way you think but you’re gonna have to strap in for the journey and it was a wonderful journey from the first book to the third.
After reading book 2 and I discovered I had to wait till 20th of September for book 3, I almost fainted that a long waited but thanks to the publishers @storm for sending me an ARC and within a day I finished the book and hoping it didn’t have to end because how am I going to cope without my favorite fictional besties.
These books covers a lot of modern hot button topics in such a cool way, the characters, the real relationships, the tension, drama and authentic people made it worthwhile.
This is not your average rom-com fiction book.
@olatundunx take all your flowers and I can’t wait for your next fictional exploits till then remember you just got a new fan.

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This was the perfect end to the series. Our favourite characters from the two previous books got to have their well-deserved happily ever afters.

I tried to savour each page but it was too addicting to put down.

The gripping love story between Ariella and Caleb is heartbreaking yet realistic. After every chapter I was never certain if they would find their way back to one another.

The book poses the questions ‘Is love truly enough?’ And ‘Is there always a pathway to forgiveness?’ I’m glad with the resolutions the author chose and adored the humorous epilogue.

As a greedy reader, I would love to get bonus content of the wedding, any bonus content at all really. I just can’t let them go just yet.

Those who anxiously awaited this instalment like I did will be overjoyed, relieved and a bit sad to say goodbye. However, I cannot wait to read whatever Ola Tundun has in store for us because I know it will be painstakingly brilliant.

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I’ve found your next romcom book! Endgame is a heartwarming story about an unlikely couple. Find out how it ends!

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This book was a dud for me.

It didn't grip me, keep me riding, and even though this is book 3 in this series, I have no desire to pick up the others. This didn't need to be dragged out so long and could've easily been 2 books, maybe even one. This seemed very dragged out. I wish the best for the author but this book wasn't for me.

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This should not be read as a standalone because you will be missing some pieces to the puzzle if you try to read this alone. After what I’ve read of this story, I’m truly not compelled to read the first two books at all. The only thing that drove me to finish this book was so I could be done with it & get it out of my library. There’s too much drama, not enough romance for me to want to root for these characters.

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Sinopsis en español:

Ariella y Caleb nunca estaban destinados a durar...

Ella es la ambiciosa adicta al trabajo que constantemente trata de probarse a sí misma. Es el chico malo encantador con un pasado problemático. Su historia de amor solo podría haber sido temporal.

Pero cuando la empresa de Ariella se enfrenta a una crisis, Caleb es el único que puede salvarla. Ahora se ven obligados a trabajar juntos, luchando contra su atracción y el dolor de sus viejas heridas.

Con su corazón desgarrado y su carrera en juego, Ariella debe decidir en quién confiar y en qué es lo que realmente quiere. ¿Puede perdonar los errores de Caleb y reconstruir su relación? ¿O es hora de arriesgarse a un nuevo comienzo?

Honestamente fue demasiado drama para mi gusto y eso que lo disfruto, pero todo tiene un límite.

Estuvo entretenido, pero no me gustó.


Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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