Member Reviews

Publishing date: 14.08.2024
Thank you to Netgalley and for the ARC. My opinions are my own.

The book as a meal: Cookie dough ice cream and salty tears
The book left me: Reflecting on my first breakup

Felt a little bland

Could be emotional and useful for those going through a breakup

Book is divided into parts and steps of a breakup, a few illustrations, differently formatted poems

Why did I choose this one?
I thought the cover was cute, and I am still in my poem era.

Pick-up-able? Put-down-able?
In-between. I was not properly "caught" by this collection. The subject matter wasn't relatable, and the poems themselves were similar to those I have read before. This is not the fault of the author. I also believe that the author has not found their voice yet, but lays down a good base for the future.

What was the vibe and mood?
Have you been on tumblr and read breakup posts? This is very similar to those.

Final ranking and star rating?
C tier, 3 stars. This collection is okay. I am also not the target audience as I am in a stable relationship. I have been through a breakup, but that was years ago ... I think the main issue here is that the author is still finding their voice. It felt a little bland and "unpolished".

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The poems themselves were mediocre but I enjoyed the attention to layout and the dividers. I loved the illustrations, super cute. It just felt a bit meh, that's a poor word to use but it just was a bit bland.

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It feels like the author is only beginning to find their voice. A lot of these poems feel terribly similar to rupi kaur and other poets. To many of the poems fell flat for me

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The cover and the poems are beautiful. A real eye opener about heartbreak and the healing journey.

Thank you for this arc.

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ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review

Gosh this is excruciating to read. It is so boring and unemotional.

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This was recommended to me but I'm sorry I just don't like this very short Rupi Kaur-esque style of poetry.

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I would like to said thank you to Netgalley for allowing me to read this POV - A breakup by Littlemissoverthinker (Echo). This was a beautiful poem heartfelt that speak from the author's experience of breakup relationship and discovery things.

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pov - a breakup: for the little miss overthinkers is a comforting and relatable poetry collection that speaks directly to anyone navigating the tricky waters of a breakup. The book offers a series of witty and heartfelt poems that capture the range of emotions experienced after a relationship ends, from heartache to self-discovery. I appreciated how the collection made the process of healing feel less isolating and more manageable, providing both solace and encouragement through each verse. It’s a perfect companion for anyone looking to find a bit of light and understanding during tough times.

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Lovely fine line drawings amongst some accessible and easy reading poetry. Not many of the poems resonated with me but in fairness I’ve not had a break up in a long time so it may be that!

My favourite poem was heart anatomy I just loved the imagery.

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A poetry collection leading through a journey of breakup and heartbreak, this book is an emotional read for everyone who experienced heartbreak in their lives, especially in very young years as a teenager.
The author conveys a vulnerability and profound interpretation of the pain and realizations during the time of breakup that are authentic and beautifully written. It brought tears to my eyes as it was a very touching healing journey to observe.
The verses are simple and the book was a fast read.
Thank you for the ARC!

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πŸ’”βœ¨ Feeling heartache and overthinking everything? pov - a breakup is your new best friend! This poetry collection is wonderful for anyone stuck in the breakup blues. With witty and comforting verses, it turns your breakup drama into a journey of self-discovery and laughs. I loved how each poem felt like it was speaking right to me, making the healing process a bit easier and a lot more fun. Grab this book and let the poetry help you bounce back better than ever! 🌟

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This was a great book of poetry for anyone who experienced teenage love. It is written beautifully and I feel a lot of people could relate to it.

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I'd like to start by saying that this style of poetry maybe isn't for me. Some of the poems felt simple and fell rather flat for me, unfortunately. However, I do think it's a very impressive debut poetry collection. It definitly felt like a book by a young teenager, for young teenagers, and perhaps that's why I (someone who turns 20 next year) maybe didn't resonate with it as much.

I did really enjoy the poems "weeping red", "murder mystery", "poem one: the urge to be loved", and "poem two: to be loved"!!:D

Thank you so much to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with this arc!

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"pov - a breakup" is a collection of poems revolving about as the title says - breakup. From the day of the breakup to the accepting stage.

Honestly, I think this was written in a POV of a teenager (no offense meant) though I love some poems like glass slipper, give and take, drowning in you, love metaphor, drowning in air (2), snip and lastly midnight dreams. There were a lot of spaces and margins that sometimes I'm confused where am I supposed to read next. Some lines of the poems were also so familiar that I think I heard/read it already somewhere.

Anyways, I'm hoping this book will serve as a stepping stone for the author. I checked her socials and saw that she's really excited about this one.

PS. Thank you NetGalley and for this ARC.

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Thank you, NetGalley for an advanced ARC of this poetry book

The poems where simple but also very nice to read and was also a fast read

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Beautiful and allows the reader to dance through the heartbreak and healing journey with the author. I loved the subtle illustrations and the last page was so powerful. Well done.

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This is a truly beautiful collection of poetry, with each poem capturing the raw and emotional moments we can all relate to regarding break-ups, the author has expressed these feelings so eloquently.

I want to thank NetGalley, The Author & Publisher for the opportunity to review this book.

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