Member Reviews

This was a really fun little book! Biographies have never really my genre, unless they were for a school report. This book presents the facts of Schulz's life in a way the flows very naturally, almost like it's a fiction story, and it never felt dry to read. There are also a lot of fun little extras along with the main story: trivia, timelines, and a source list. I hope there are more in the pipeline, because I would have loved reading these as a kid, and was pleasantly surprised by it as an adult!

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This was a cute manga biography of Charles M Schultz. A great book for Peanuts lovers and people who want to learn more about Charles and his popular comic book. This one was perfect for younger readers, this version made it easier and more fun to read.

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This is a very cute, easy to understand biography for kids... in manga form! I had heard about this upcoming manga biography actually recently, so when it showed up on NetGalley I grabbed it right away! Charlie Brown and friends are such iconic legends that this little book with its timeline not only on Charles M. Schulz' life but the evolution of Peanuts itself is a good little primer for anyone interested in cartooning or just general pop culture/entertainment history.

Thank you to Udon Entertainment and NetGalley for the eARC for early revie!

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“I'm gonna be a cartoonist, and a great one at that!”

Charles M. Schulz the creator of Peanuts, is a wonderful example of how many great artists, authors, and storytellers start out as small underdogs that dream big and work hard to achieve their goals.

Charles, AKA Sparky, grew up as a shy but talented artist with the big dream of becoming a cartoonist and getting his art published in the newspapers.

Although denied many times, Sparky persisted, and eventually, backed by the support of family and friends, he was able to get his comic into the paper.

And the rest is history.

A manga biography about the creator of a comic strip. What a time to be alive.

This was such a beautiful and simple way to tell the story of the creation and journey of the most beloved comic strip ever crafted.

I honestly couldn't recommend this manga enough. It's fairly easy to read, tells a great story, and even has some bonus content at the end of the book.

This was an eARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

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Everybody loves Snoopy and the Peanuts gang! All over the world they are a household name. And you'll definitely love this manga biography of the creator! It's a celebration of the life of the Charles M. Schulz and his beloved comic strip. From his childhood to his death, you'll get to know "Sparky". Him creating Peanuts gets the cake here. I like the flow of the story. It's a brief book so scenes of his parents passing away are swift ones leaving just a sprinkle of emotion. His divorce, surgery and death are not highlighted enough. It's more focus of his joy and success is more on the spotlight. Still an enjoyable read.

I do related to Sparky because like him, I'm an introvert too. There are moments in the comics when those "introvertness" kicks in that (specially the ones with Donna and how he abhor the name "Peanuts") I can find myself in that.

The artwork really fits with the story. It a Josei style, nothing exaggerated or crowded. It's clean and minimal but eye catching. I would like to mentioned how cool they include some Peanuts strips in the later part of the story.

Stay for the extra features in this book because it's reeking with more trivia and photos that you might not read on the manga. If you're wondering about the hospital Schulz did the mural (which was in the manga), then it is featured in this bonus material and many more. You'll really enjoy this whether you're a fan of Peanuts or not. So I can say this is highly recommend!

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Manga is the perfect way to recount this artist’s life! Loved learning about how Charles Schulz became a famous cartoonist. His background story and art come together to tell the story of hard work and determination. An inspirational tale—well written and illustrated!

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A fantastic way to present biographies to readers of all ages. This book is wonderfully drawn and the pacing is fantastic. The book is very respectful of Mr. Schulz and seems to hit on all of the public moments of his life. A great read, highly recommend it to any fan of comics.

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Before reading this book, I knew nothing about manga and everything about Charles M. Schulz and "Peanuts". I have been a fan of his comic strip since I was a small child, and have read probably every biography on him. I must say this book did a most excellent job covering his entire life. It concentrated on both his many successes, as well as his failures. Manga obviously wants readers to not be defeated by any roadblocks they encounter in their lifetime. Manga is also supposed to be read from right to left, which I soon realized. The drawings are incredibly sweet, too. Charles Schulz probably would have loved this colorful biography of his life.

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This was such a cute biography for Charles Schulz, and I'm glad to see more manga for younger audiences! This was definitely written for a younger audience, but I learned a lot about the creation of Peanuts.

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i really enjoyed this manga! as a fan of snoopy and knott’s berry farm, it was so interesting to see the backstory of the peanuts characters and learn more about charles m. schulz. this was a quick read, and i loved the illustrations.

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I admit to watching Marry Christmas Charlie Brown and It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown almost yearly but knowing very little about the man who created them. This Manga has gone a long way to fixing that. This Manga was packed with information the end also had several pages of photos and fun facts. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this Manga and if you have ever gotten joy from Charlie Brown, Snoopy, and friends I highly recommend checking this out.

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I highly recommend this enjoyable, quick book. I grew up looking forward to Peanuts in the newspapers each week, and it was fun to learn more about Charles Schulz the man and his life story.
As a manga, this was a very easy read, very well done. I had no trouble following it, as I have read manga before. I do wish there had been a reminder at the beginning that manga is read right to left for those who are unfamiliar with this format. I settled right in to reading though and finished in about 24 hours.
You will not regret grabbing a copy of this unique biography for an entertaining insight into an American legend. I look forward to reading more in this upcoming series.
*I received a complimentary copy of this e-book from Udon Entertainment through NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Thanks to Udon Entertainment and NetGalley for the digital copy of this book; I am leaving this review voluntarily.

What a lovely, lovely book. For generations of young people who may have never seen Charlie Brown and the gang, or maybe those who have, this Manga biography of Peanuts creator Charles M. Schulz is a don’t miss. From the illustrations to the story itself, it was a hit!

You may know the story of Charles M. Schulz: a boy who loved drawing, served in WWII, went to art school, had an unrequited love, and slowly but surely, built up his skills as an artist to get his own daily comic named Peanuts. The book lovingly shows the sadness, shyness and anxiety that Schulz felt all his life in a relatable way and shows that it is possible to have a good and successful life despite those issues.

I thought the personal matters regarding Schulz’s first marriage and divorce were handled well, as were many important events in the Peanuts timeline, showing how Snoopy originally walked on four legs. This is a respectful and wonderful tribute to a true artist, whose works live on today.

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By one of the cutest books I have ever read. I’m familiar with mangas so reading it in a different format than the one I’m used to was not that big of a hassle. But it was nice reading about Schulz’s life and seeing how the famous animations of Peanuts came about. It’s still a popular cartoon and it all started because a boy had a dream of becoming a famous cartoonist. This is just a reminder to keep shooting for the stars.

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A cute and charming dramatized biography (what is that called in comic terms? Or does 'biopic" still apply) of the creator of Peanuts. Like many, I grew up with Peanuts as part of my life, spending hours reading the Golden Celebration book my parents kept on the coffee table. I think this manga manages to capture a similar bittersweet adolescence feeling that the strips have, of innocence that complements a sense of maturity rather than working against it.

Plus it was cool to learn tidbits about how Peanuts surprisingly ties into the moon landing, and to learn that Snoopy has his own day recognized in Japan. Even the Peanut cookies I picked up at my local Asian store couldn't have prepared me for that tidbit, to learn that something I grew up with has touched people worldwide. But I digress. I would recommend this readily to anyone who's a fan of Peanuts! It definitely helped me deepen the already fathoms deep respect I had for Charles Schulz.

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I have been a Charles Schulz fan since I was a little kid. This was a fun read. When I was a small child I lived in Santa Rosa and went to his ice rink often. I even had a birthday there.

The manga images were great. Something i would recommend.

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I know about as much about Peanuts and Charles Schulz as probably the average person, and never have really gone out of my way to learn more about him. This manga did a really great job of making me interested in him for really the first time.

I did feel like there was more detail in here than maybe there needed to be, but also people who are more invested in Charles Schulz would probably appreciate that.

I liked the illustration style and really liked the pages that were full colour. The mangaka did a great job blending their own style with Charles Schulz cartoons.

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It was really fun to read this story about the creator of the peanuts and his story in a Manga version. I really like how it was just a good story and not like a documentary. It made you really enjoy reading about his life and the journey that he took before and after the peanuts became what we still love and enjoy today!

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This is such a beautiful story. Great for adults and children. Wonderful way to learn about history and a kind man who is a big part of our pop culture. I absolutely adore the art style. The pacing is perfect to keep me enthralled every step of the way.
I'm convinced that graphic novels and manga are the best format to read nonfiction as it gives so much life and depth to the stories.
I especially love the timeliness at the beginning and end of the story, that was very helpful. And the real pictures at the end.

This is the first biography that will stick with me for a long time. I even got teary eyed a few times. I will be adding this to my shopping list. And recommending it to moms as a nonfiction read to add to their children's learning curriculum.

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This was charming. I have read a couple of other graphic novel biographies semi recently, and this was by far the best. Focusing equally on the artist's life and his work, with lovely illustrations and anecdotes. The supplemental timelines and photographs at the end were a nice touch as well.

A fitting tribute.

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