Member Reviews

“Courting the Country Preacher” is a lovely collection. Although they are all about country preachers, the stories are all completely different, which is what I loved about this collection. All different time periods and even some different continents made this book more fun than I originally thought it would be. Readers can glimpse what life would have been like for a country preacher in different cultures and different times, while also realizing that the Christian life is a lot the same still today - we still struggle with the same human issues of gossip, doubt, fear, prejudice, etc. But, as in each of these stories, God has a way of making it all come out right in the end when people trust Him. I thoroughly enjoyed each of these stories, and I highly recommend this book for a nice literary escape.

I requested a copy of this book for review. The thoughts expressed here are wholly my own.

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This collection of four historical stories involving preachers in small towns is a very sweet, entertaining book. I enjoyed each story an actually wished for more. Themes included in these stories include self-doubt/self-worth, redemption, forgiveness, effects of gossip, and learning to listen for God's will. In each story, misconceptions are brought to light. Through faith and prayer, the characters find their way through struggles and bad times to the love God had planned for them. I definitely recommend reading these stories if you like uplifting, inspirational stories set in the past.

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This collection of four stories was a blessing to read and is filled with hope and love. All four stories warmed my heart. I couldn't put it down. Highly recommended.

# 1-The Mounties Rival by Angela Couch
A lovely uplifting story of a country preacher who isn't as settled in his faith as he thought. Taking over the congregation in Rowley, he finds more trouble than he imagined. Can he settle his lack of faith and find happiness? An enjoyable and inspiring read filled with encouragement.

#2-Convincing the Circuit Preacher by Carolyn Miller
A minister with a wounded heart and set on never marrying again, finds that God has something else in mind when he meets Thea. An exciting read with suspense, mystery, and a second chance at love.

#3-The Angel & The Sky Pilot by Naomi Musch
The traveling preacher, Everett, stays at a logging camp in order to preach God's word to the loggers. One thing he didn't count on was Angeline, the store owner's daughter. Even with the transformation when he was saved, he will go through another miraculous change.

#4- Mail-Order Minister by Kari Trumbo
Reverand Presley accepts an invitation to be the minister at Bakers Nook, S.D. Trying to concentrate on his ministry, he puts a bad relationship behind him. That was until he meets Olive and his faith is shaken.

I received a complimentary copy from Net Galley; a positive review is not required. All opinions are my own.

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I have really enjoyed all 4 stories. I’m not sure which was my favorite!

These are a great read when you just need a relaxing story. All 4 authors did a fabulous job ans I want to read. Ore of their novels.

I highly recommend reading when life is crazy and you just want to unstress and relax.

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#CourtingtheCountryPreacher #NetGalley
An anthology by four different authors. Each story is about a preacher who finds a bride.

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Four stories from the 1800’s to the early 1900’s. Inspirational stories from great authors. I highly recommend reading this book.

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Courting the Country Preacher is a collection of novellas written by four authors, with settings in the late 1800s and early 1900s, each in a small town of a different country. With engaging storytelling each of the authors has given readers a delightful historical romance with characters who are realistic and relatable. Readers who love to read charming love stories of couples overcoming difficulties will not want to miss this collection. I thoroughly enjoyed the book. I was given a complimentary copy of the book through NetGalley and was not required to write a positive review. The opinions are my own.

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I enjoyed this collections of novellas. Each was very unique and entertaining. I received a complimentary copy from the publisher and these are my voluntary and honest opinions. I was not required to leave a positive review.

The Mountie’s Rival

In this endearing story, twin brothers, David and Jonathan, and a young woman, April, struggle with feeling “good enough” in life. They always compare themselves to each other or look at themselves through someone else’s eyes. But they learn they are enough because God values each one; we are all His “one lost sheep” that He is seeking to come home. This was a new author to me; her style is very easy to read and the plot flows very well. I enjoyed it very much.

Convincing the Circuit Preacher

Thea and Jonas both learn that God works all things for their good, even the bad and hard times. Anger and misunderstanding of others block their path to the future, but trusting God with their whole life will blast the way clear. This was a new author to me, but I found her writing was very interesting and engaging. I could feel the turmoil and the joy that her characters faced throughout the story.

The Angel and the Sky Pilot

Everett’s story vividly conveys how God can completely change a man’s life from darkness and wrong to truth and light. Everett’s understanding of the lumberjack lifestyle enabled him to reach the men and gain their respect. Angel’s searching for truth brought out more of his compassionate side. Their story was very gentle and tender as they learn to trust God. This was again a new author to me. She gave much scripture within the story, and I could feel Everett’s desire to reach the men and do what is right. It was a very well-written story.

Mail-order Minister

Finch and Olive both learn to have faith in God for their future and to let their feelings for the other be known. God changes hearts when the path is His will. Their journey is a little rocky in places, but things work out for their good. This was a sweet story, clean and wholesome.

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What an amazing set! If you like clean historical romances, this is the set for you. Four wonderful books that feature the preacher. In most books, the preacher is always a side character but in these books, he's front and center. The preacher may be a man of God but he's also just a man and is deserving of a good woman. Each book gives us a different view of how this comes about.

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Every preacher ought to be married. Four couples pair off in Canada, Australia, Minnesota, and South Dakota between 1863 and 1907. My favorite novella is The Mountie’s Rival by Angela K Couch. Anna’s father is a mean drunk. She’s relieved when he’s jailed. She quietly goes about working wherever she can to save enough to set out on life on her own where folks don’t expect her to be as no-good as her father.

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Loved reading the inspirational and awesome stories by four amazing authors.
Convincing the Circuit Preacher by Carolyn Miller
Mail Order Minister by Kari Trumbo
The Mountie’s Rival by Angela K. Couch
The Angel and the Sky Pilot by Naomi Musch
Read the highly recommended, wonderfully written, and must read riveting Christian stories.

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This is a collection of 4 Christian romance novels set at different times and in different countries. They're general sweet romances, where both preacher and future wife like and admire each other from the start, but something stands in their way that needs to be resolved before they can get together. One gal is the daughter of the town's main drunk and criminal and tries to counter being tarred with the same brush by being a quietly caring, hardworking Christian woman. Another gal is one of the few single women in the area and has several admirers, so the preacher has to figure out how to win the respect of the lumberjacks while handling her unwanted suitor's attempts to run him off.

The main characters were complex and likable, though some of the characters in Trumbo's story didn't quite come across as realistic. The romantic pair supported and built each other up. Three of the historical settings were based on real places or situations, giving a nice feel for the place and time. Each story had a Christian message about dealing with others. There was no sex or bad language. Overall, I'd recommend this romance collection.

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The four novellas that are a part of this book are each entertaining and removed from the standard romance formulas in that each couple faces a crisis of faith within their relationship. The authors do an admirable job of creating unique characters and some unexpected plot twists. All are enjoyable light reading that encourages the reader’s trust in God’s love and perfect will for each of us.

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Courting the Country Preacher is a very good collection of historical novellas. Each story is well written. If you are a fan of historical romance I recommend this book to you. I received an advance ebook from the publisher and Netgalley. This my unbiased review,

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Courting the Country Preacher is an engaging, inspiring collection of four sweet historical romance novellas steeped in faith penned by four very talented writers. The stories transport the reader back to four charming small towns in Canada (1907), Australia (1863), Minnesota (1905), and South Dakota (1889) with beautifully sketched settings. These well-written stories of love and hope feature captivating yet vulnerable heroines and dedicated minister heroes who were easy to connect with and root for. Each story is individually noteworthy making the collection more appealing. I enjoyed this collection and recommend it as a worthwhile read.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley with no obligation to write a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Courting the Country Preacher
By Angela K Couch; Carolyn Miller; Naomi Musch; Kari Turmbo
Publisher: Barbour Publishing
Series: None
Rated: 3
Obtain: Borrow
Back of the Book: “Every Preacher Needs a Wife, Right?
Being a preacher in the countryside is not for the faint of heart nor faith. Four inexperienced preachers face a myriad of challenges including those who figure a man of the cloth needs a wife. Can they meet the expectations of “helpful” congregants and be true to their hearts?
Convincing the Circuit Preacher by Carolyn Miller
Australia, 1863 — As soon as Dorothea Maclean saw the country preacher, she knew Mr. Hammill was the man of her dreams. Now she just needs to convince her wealthy parents—and Mr. Hammill.
Mail Order Minister by Kari Trumbo
South Dakota, 1889 — Olive’s parents mail-ordered a preacher and prayed he’d be a husband for their daughter. The rest of the town—and Olive—have other ideas.
The Mountie’s Rival by Angela K. Couch
Canada, 1907 — Tired of living in his twin’s shadow, Jonathan Burton is frustrated to find himself serving as a still wet-behind-the-ears preacher in the same community as his Mountie brother. How is he to find a wife when all the eligible women of the community seem enamored by his dashing brother in scarlet uniform?
The Angel and the Sky Pilot by Naomi Musch
Minnesota, 1910 — A preacher with a checkered past sets off to win souls in the lumber camps like the “sky pilots” before him. But can he earn the respect of hard-living men—and still respect himself—after a local trader’s daughter joins the congregation?”

The Mountie’s Rival- This story was so sweet and reminded me of Anne of Green Gables. The spunk but heart of April warmed my heart.

Convincing the Circuit Preacher by Carolyn Miller- This sweet romance was easy to read. Thea’s stubborn but righteous attitude led her to love.

The Angel and the Sky Pilot- The testimony shared by the Everett in this story was better than the romance. I liked this story the best because Everett showed grit and shined Jesus.

Mail Order Minister- I did not care for this story, although some of the characters were interesting. The churches divide and parent's manipulation threw the romance off for me.

Quotes: “I’m grateful that our relationship with God isn’t based on how good we are.”

“People judge others by what they see and what they want to see.”

“You’re nosy as a dog looking for a bone.”

“No, I didn’t find Him. I never even looked for Him. On the contrary. God found me. He wasn’t afraid to follow me into the dark and desperate places where I was abiding. He came into the black cave of my life carrying a torch. He picked me up in my worst state of misery and pulled me out into the light of day.”

“As the Word sank into my heart, however, I saw the darkness of my sin. Pretty soon I was begging God to take it. Turned out I didn’t need to beg. He’d been waiting for me to recognize I needed Him, just like H waits for every man and woman. From that day on, things began to change.”

Thank you NetGalley for an ARC to review. All opinions are my own.

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A wonderful collection of stories that ask reach down into your heart. Knowing someone cares makes this book good. Such insight into the. Iife of a preacher and his wife.

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I am a huge fan of anthologies and was very excited to read this one based on the title alone. I was not disappointed. I enjoyed each contribution and happily looked up other books by the Individual authors.. the best part about this collection was that I got to read each story between longer, heavier reads. Highly recommend. TBR & Enjoy.

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