Member Reviews
Courting the Country Preacher is an engaging, inspiring collection of four sweet historical romance novellas steeped in faith penned by four very talented writers. The stories transport the reader back to four charming small towns in Canada (1907), Australia (1863), Minnesota (1905), and South Dakota (1889) with beautifully sketched settings. These well-written stories of love and hope feature captivating yet vulnerable heroines and dedicated minister heroes who were easy to connect with and root for. Each story is individually noteworthy making the collection more appealing. I enjoyed this collection and recommend it as a worthwhile read.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley with no obligation to write a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Courting the Country Preacher
By Angela K Couch; Carolyn Miller; Naomi Musch; Kari Turmbo
Publisher: Barbour Publishing
Series: None
Rated: 3
Obtain: Borrow
Back of the Book: “Every Preacher Needs a Wife, Right?
Being a preacher in the countryside is not for the faint of heart nor faith. Four inexperienced preachers face a myriad of challenges including those who figure a man of the cloth needs a wife. Can they meet the expectations of “helpful” congregants and be true to their hearts?
Convincing the Circuit Preacher by Carolyn Miller
Australia, 1863 — As soon as Dorothea Maclean saw the country preacher, she knew Mr. Hammill was the man of her dreams. Now she just needs to convince her wealthy parents—and Mr. Hammill.
Mail Order Minister by Kari Trumbo
South Dakota, 1889 — Olive’s parents mail-ordered a preacher and prayed he’d be a husband for their daughter. The rest of the town—and Olive—have other ideas.
The Mountie’s Rival by Angela K. Couch
Canada, 1907 — Tired of living in his twin’s shadow, Jonathan Burton is frustrated to find himself serving as a still wet-behind-the-ears preacher in the same community as his Mountie brother. How is he to find a wife when all the eligible women of the community seem enamored by his dashing brother in scarlet uniform?
The Angel and the Sky Pilot by Naomi Musch
Minnesota, 1910 — A preacher with a checkered past sets off to win souls in the lumber camps like the “sky pilots” before him. But can he earn the respect of hard-living men—and still respect himself—after a local trader’s daughter joins the congregation?”
The Mountie’s Rival- This story was so sweet and reminded me of Anne of Green Gables. The spunk but heart of April warmed my heart.
Convincing the Circuit Preacher by Carolyn Miller- This sweet romance was easy to read. Thea’s stubborn but righteous attitude led her to love.
The Angel and the Sky Pilot- The testimony shared by the Everett in this story was better than the romance. I liked this story the best because Everett showed grit and shined Jesus.
Mail Order Minister- I did not care for this story, although some of the characters were interesting. The churches divide and parent's manipulation threw the romance off for me.
Quotes: “I’m grateful that our relationship with God isn’t based on how good we are.”
“People judge others by what they see and what they want to see.”
“You’re nosy as a dog looking for a bone.”
“No, I didn’t find Him. I never even looked for Him. On the contrary. God found me. He wasn’t afraid to follow me into the dark and desperate places where I was abiding. He came into the black cave of my life carrying a torch. He picked me up in my worst state of misery and pulled me out into the light of day.”
“As the Word sank into my heart, however, I saw the darkness of my sin. Pretty soon I was begging God to take it. Turned out I didn’t need to beg. He’d been waiting for me to recognize I needed Him, just like H waits for every man and woman. From that day on, things began to change.”
Thank you NetGalley for an ARC to review. All opinions are my own.
A wonderful collection of stories that ask reach down into your heart. Knowing someone cares makes this book good. Such insight into the. Iife of a preacher and his wife.
I am a huge fan of anthologies and was very excited to read this one based on the title alone. I was not disappointed. I enjoyed each contribution and happily looked up other books by the Individual authors.. the best part about this collection was that I got to read each story between longer, heavier reads. Highly recommend. TBR & Enjoy.